The California Dream Act, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Saturday, could cost the state $14.5 million a year in state grants to illegal immigrants. [LATimes] The California Department of Finance estimates 2,500 additional universities and community colleges students... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIAN CROCKER Where is the story? The article that appeared in the Cal Coast News this week, entitled “No Such Thing As A Free Lunch”, gave the impression that either the Coast Unified School District was somehow “inflating”... (Continue reading)
A Massachusetts school board member resigned following a much-publicized magic trick at a meeting where he appeared to remove the bra of a fellow board member. [The Enterprise] The meeting was being aired live on cable television at the time.... (Continue reading)
Children of a San Luis Obispo County school district superintendent were signed up for a federal free lunch program, causing some to wonder if school officials increase federal funding by routinely inflating estimates of poverty-level student numbers on program applications. Chris... (Continue reading)
Leaders at the state’s public four-year universities need to proceed carefully when it comes to using private dollars to supplement compensation packages for executives as is the practice at Cal Poly, lawmakers told California State University and University of California... (Continue reading)
Arguments by some state school leaders that $2 billion in current budget cuts to public schools are unconstitutional will be decided in court. [SanJoseMercuryNews] Lawyers for school districts and education groups filed a lawsuit this week in which they ask... (Continue reading)
A task force on California’s community colleges – formed in part to study alternative funding options – appears highly unlikely to recommend drastic changes in the way the state funds its community colleges. [CaliforniaWatch] Instead, the group’s draft recommendations focus... (Continue reading)
University of California regents are expected to consider a proposal Thursday that would raise student tuition by at least 8 percent—and as much as 16 percent. [San Francisco Chronicle] Basic tuition could top $22,000 in just four years, not including... (Continue reading)
A controversial state measure to provide publicly-funded financial aid to undocumented immigrant college students has ignited a widespread political firefight, and Gov. Jerry Brown has indicated he is likely to sign the bill into law. [Reuters] The Assembly passed AB... (Continue reading)
Under pressure from the American Chemistry Council, a lobbying group for the plastics industry, schools officials in California edited a new environmental curriculum to include positive messages about plastic shopping bags, interviews and documents show. [CaliforniaWatch] The rewritten textbooks and... (Continue reading)