CalCoastNews Contributor


Setting the record straight on AG fire issues

OPINION by JIM HILL and LEANN AKINS Many voters in the City of Arroyo Grande have received a slick mailer from Richard Waller that says, “Our fire department still has no funding to replace 20 year old trucks and outdated equipment. Mayor Hill voted against the Five Cities Fire Authority budget leaving the fire department […]... (Continue Reading)

Why AG residents should vote for Mack and Akins

OPINION by LEANN AKINS There have been several short opinion pieces in the Tribune supporting our opponents for Arroyo Grande City Council. I am writing to share with you why you should support John Mack and I. We have the skills needed to help build a strong council who will vote based on all evidence […]... (Continue Reading)

Setting the record straight in Arroyo Grande

OPINION by LEANN AKINS I am writing to help set the record straight about “the lack of civility” in the Arroyo Grande political landscape. Mayor Jim Hill and various citizens have been accused of being uncivil to staff and members of the council during meetings and during public comment. These accusations have a shaky foundation […]... (Continue Reading)

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Opportunities in voting for Arroyo Grande’s City Council candidates

OPINION by LEANN AKINS Voting is an economic decision because the act of voting can be directly tied to the idea of opportunity costs. Every choice we make involves the idea of “opportunity cost.” Whether we choose one ice cream flavor over another, to spend time watching a movie or reading a book, or choose […]... (Continue Reading)

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Arroyo Grande deserves a responsive and engaged council

OPINION by LEANN AKINS My name is LeAnn Akins and I am running for a seat on the Arroyo Grande City Council. Over the last two years I have closely watched and participated in the local political landscape. I have come to have an understanding of the issues facing our community and want to work […]... (Continue Reading)

Leftover shoe goo, yes, but who’s goo is it?

OPINION BY LEANN AKINS This letter is in response to Bob Cuddy’s March 24 opinion piece entitled “Leftover shoo goo.” While Mr. Cuddy has correctly identified there are issues presenting themselves within the City of Arroyo Grande and its city council, he has misidentified the reasons behind the issues. Cuddy points only to two people, […]... (Continue Reading)

Should Arroyo Grande judge on appearances?

OPINION by BEATRICE SPENCER, LEANN AKINS and OTIS PAGE Following is an open letter to the Arroyo Grande City Council: Appearances: The way somebody or something looks or seems to other people. What is the city’s policy on judging appearances of conduct, if any? There is a certain political issue here — particularly regarding the […]... (Continue Reading)

Are Arroyo Grande Council members good stewards?

OPINION by LEANN AKINS What does it mean to be a steward in terms of a leadership position? The definition of stewardship is the management or care of something. Let’s zero in on the ideas of careful and responsible management of something entrusted to an individual or a group. As citizens of Arroyo Grande, we […]... (Continue Reading)

Robert Cuddy does not speak in facts

OPINION By LEANN AKINS Perspective is a difficult thing to argue against, and that is precisely what Robert Cuddy’s opinion piece “January 1 didn’t erase 2014’s wounds in Arroyo Grande” attempts to do. Perspective depends on a person’s opinion, which is also difficult to refute. Words used by Cuddy like disgraceful, engineered, burst into City […]... (Continue Reading)

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The fight to clean up Arroyo Grande

OPINION By LEANN AKINS I attended the special meeting in Arroyo Grande on the evening of Nov. 19 to learn the much awaited and anticipated fate of City Manager Steve Adams. While the council has placed him on paid administrative leave until a new manager is hired, there are so many things left undone with […]... (Continue Reading)