November, 2009

What price glory?

BY ALEXI JENKINS In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln argued that the family members of those who died fighting for the Union should “highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain” and that they should “be dedicated... (Continue reading)

Twilight sucks — let me count the ways

BY ADI JONES The Twilight phenomenon is widely accepted but not necessarily understood.  The popular books, written By Stephanie Meyer, have very quickly built up a cult-like fan base. Complete with swooning teens (and even some swooning mothers of teens),... (Continue reading)

Two Buck Chuck by Craig Nuttycombe & Piper Heisig

[youtube JE8cVV6NGxM 480 335] Trader Joe’s Two Buck Chuck by Craig Nuttycombe & Piper Heisig... (Continue reading)

Bay area talk show host blasts SLO County

Dan De Vaul was the #1 topic of conversation Tuesday night on the ever-popular Gene Burns talk show on KGO radio in San Francisco. Burns spent the entire 7 o’clock hour slamming San Luis Obispo county officials for throwing De... (Continue reading)

Juror bails out De Vaul

After voting Dan De Vaul guilty of safety and building code violations, juror number five posted bail for the rancher who chose to go to jail rather than evict the homeless from his property. “My son may not have the best... (Continue reading)

Maldonado for Lt. Governor?

Central Coast state senator Abel Maldonado, R- Santa Maria, will be nominated by Gov. Schwarzenegger to be California’s next lieutenant governor. The governor made the announcement Monday evening during a TV taping of “The Jay Leno Show.” The vacancy in... (Continue reading)

How to lose $200 million in 10 years

How do you go broke, in style? [New York Times] First, you sell the family billboard sign business for millions of dollars.  Next, you funnel the funds into real estate, wineries, jet airplanes and a newspaper chain. When things start to look... (Continue reading)

Union attempts to strong arm Meathead Movers

Since a local general contractor refused to hire a union company to install drywall at the future San Luis Obispo home of Meathead Movers, the tactics and aggressive antics of the rejected bidder’s union have reached a level that caused... (Continue reading)

Rancher chooses jail over displacing homeless

Rancher Dan De Vaul was led away in handcuffs this morning after electing to go to jail, rather than accept Judge John Trice's offer of five years of probation. De Vaul, who instead will serve up to 90 days in... (Continue reading)

No rest for the weary

Caltrans officials remind drivers that a year-long renovation of the Hwy. 46 Shandon Roadside Rest Area is scheduled to begin Dec. 1. The rest stop will be completely closed for the duration of the project. According to Caltrans spokesperson Jim... (Continue reading)