January, 2010

Governor to call emergency session

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to call the state Legislature into emergency session to deal with a nearly $6.3 billion budget gap in the current fiscal year. The emergency declaration, authorized by the voters under Prop 58, requires lawmakers to act... (Continue reading)

Computer snafu temporarily halts birth control prescriptions program

A computer glitch with California Department of Health Services Computers prohibited low income patients from filling birth control prescriptions during that past few days. Pharmacists throughout the state, who attempted to fill certain birth control prescriptions for patients covered by the... (Continue reading)

County agency accused of misuse of state funds

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has accused San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) of the inappropriate expenditure of more than $1 million in taxpayer funds, claiming the county agency transferred funds slated for road maintenance to purchase new... (Continue reading)

Wife details allegations against Arroyo Grande councilman

Court documents reveal serious allegations against Arroyo Grande city councilman Ed Arnold by his wife, Kathryn, and a 28-year-old mutual friend of the couple. [KSBY] Kathryn Arnold filed a request for a permanent restraining order against her husband on Dec.... (Continue reading)

Was Sarah Christie right?

County planning commissioner Sarah Christie was forced to step down last December, primarily because the supervisor who originally appointed her–5th District representative Jim Patterson–felt that he and Christie had a basic philosophical disagreement on key policy issues. According to one local... (Continue reading)

Cities crack down on disabled parking abuse

A new state law that took effect Jan. 1 allows cities to crack down on California drivers claiming to be disabled by displaying a fake, borrowed, or stolen blue parking tag. [San Francisco Chronicle] Cities can now charge anywhere between... (Continue reading)

The CCN Interview: Dave Congalton

BY KAREN VELIE This week, Dave Congalton marks his 18th anniversary on KVEC 920 AM radio, as the host of “Hometown Radio.” Since moving to the Central Coast in 1987, Congalton has worn a number of hats in the community:... (Continue reading)

Los Abogados de James McKiernan

Spanish Commercial 2009 Birthday Edition The above is not legal advice. That can only come from a qualified attorney who is familiar with all the facts and circumstances of a particular, specific case and the relevant law. From the staff... (Continue reading)

Fire Safety for the Holidays

Christmas Tree Fire – Multi Camera Angles [youtube cZK_GKLG5Z4 425 344] In this video a NIST test room is set up to simulate a dry Christmas tree fire and how a such fire would behave and spread to the rest... (Continue reading)

Afghanistan 2010

BY DAWN ORTIZ-LEGG It has been a month since our new President made his expected announcement of troop increases for Afghanistan, yet it seems our country (and world) is farther from security and stability than when you-know-who was in office!... (Continue reading)