Looks like California is going to pot

March 23, 2010

It looks like enough signatures have been gathered to place a voter initiative on the November ballot that would legalize marijuana in California. [Los Angeles Times]

Supporters credit Los Angeles County with putting the signature drive over the top. Election officials must report their results on Wednesday, but it appears that marijuana has earned a spot on the ballot.

These same supporters point to the easy access to marijuana now enjoyed by many Californians since the Obama administration ordered drug agents to lay off dispensaries–hundreds have recently opened across the state.

Advocates also believes that taxing marijuana sales would help solve the budget crisis in Sacramento. Nevada and Washington are also considering marijuana reform laws.

The 18-page marijuana initiative would allow anyone, 21 years of age or older, to possess, share, and transport up to one ounce for personal use and up to 25 square feet per residence or parcel.

The measure needs 433, 971 valid signatures to qualify.

All major candidates running for governor, including Jerry Brown, have come out against the measure.

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So, if this proposition passes, any bets about how long the newest elected Sheriff of San Luis Obispo County (who ever that is going to be) would wait to get into bed with the DEA to have a showcase arrest (or many arrests) so the whole issue would go before a Federal Court in an attempt to have the law declared unconstitutional?