March, 2010

Theatre Review: Looking for “Love” at the Melodrama

By C.L. ALEXANDER So . . . the time is ‘nigh on one hundred years ago, the setting is a lumber camp deep in the woods of the upper Midwest, and four lonely lumberjacks seeking solace in music are tossing... (Continue reading)

Mothers for Peace officially challenge license renewal

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace officially filed papers Monday with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in Washington, D.C., opposing the license renewal of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Mothers for Peace spokesperson Jane Swanson said attorney Diane Curran... (Continue reading)

Looks like California is going to pot

It looks like enough signatures have been gathered to place a voter initiative on the November ballot that would legalize marijuana in California. [Los Angeles Times] Supporters credit Los Angeles County with putting the signature drive over the top. Election... (Continue reading)

Smoking ban at beaches and parks approved

California lawmakers voted Monday to ban smoking at 278 beaches and state parks in one of the nation’s far-reaching regulation of tobacco. [Los Angeles Times] The new legislation calls for fines up to $100 for those caught smoking at a... (Continue reading)

Karl Rove coming to town

It must be a Republican dream come true — Karl Rove, popularly referred to as “Bush’s Brain,” is coming to town Saturday, March 27. The political consultant, strategist, pundit, and author–the man credited with getting George W. Bush into the... (Continue reading)

County tax assessor’s actions under scrutiny

San Luis Obispo County Assessor Tom Bordonaro is arguably the most politically connected officeholder on the Central Coast -- and its most controversial. Bordonaro, 50, of Paso Robles, is a former two-term state assemblyman, failed Congressional candidate, and the current chairman... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly Pomona Jazz Band, The Blues Walk

[youtube _5xmvgEx52k 425 344] The Cal Poly Pomona Jazz Band showcases Jeanette Lawler in The Blues Walk (Clifford Brown 1954) In Recognition of Black History Month and the Significance of Blues Music to American Culture, the Winter show featured Blues... (Continue reading)

Searching for the Lost City in Guadalupe

For nearly 30 years, Peter Brosnan has been trying to uncover and preserve the famous “Lost City” buried underneath the drifting sand of the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes. [Los Angeles Times] The city itself existed only briefly back in 1923, when legendary... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles ready to fill in hole created by 2003 earthquake

After nearly seven years, the city of Paso Robles is finally ready to begin work on filling in its so-called “hole from hell,” the last grim souvenir from the earthquake of 2003. [Los Angeles Times] The hole, 20 feet deep... (Continue reading)

Dunes air pollution debate continues this week

The recent study by the Air Pollution Control District (APCD), linking poor air quality on the Nipomo Mesa to offroad vehicles in the Oceano Dunes, is on the agenda at several public meetings this week. The South County Advisory Council... (Continue reading)