Gail Wilcox lands a new job

April 12, 2010

David Edge & Gail Wilcox

Former Assistant County Administrator Gail Wilcox, who was fired last year by the county board of supervisors, has landed a new position. [Tribune].

Wilcox is being retained by the San Luis Obispo County Employees Association (SLOCEA) on a contract basis to conduct a job classification and compensation survey.

Wilcox will not be involved directly in contract negotiations for the 1,400 member association. The county supervisors fired both Wilcox and County Administrator David Hedge last spring following allegations of sexual harassment.

Kimm Daniels of the County Employees Association said the SLOCEA board of directors hired Wilcox because of her experience. Her job will be to study county job classifications issues.

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Great, just great. Gail has been hired to tell SLOCEA how many times she slept with each of the supervisors and provide the videos she has. SLOCEA will take that information to the bargaining table and the taxpayers will get it again. And once again unlike our immoral and corrupt politicians we won’t get kissed first. One of these days we should get kissed first. I mean after this many times we deserve a little foreplay…..But no all we get is sand in the vaseline thanks to Gibson and Katcho and the crew.

Brilliant. SLOCEA is upset with the favoritism of public safety personnel during the budget discussions because SLOCEA represented staff were taking a bigger hit than say, the sheriffs department. The negotiations with the safety ie sheriffs department are handled by Gail and now she is working for SLOCEA. Kimm’s being smart – maybe- if you want your bargaining units to get the best bargaining, maybe Gail can help identify and maybe not. Might as well get someone who knows how to do the job. Come on people, enjoy the irony and let’s move onto the next slice of delicious non-gossip.

Enjoy the irony???

Your reasoning boils down to a simple competition between SLOCEA staff and the sheriff’s department. As much as I hate to think about it, it might be just that simple.

Once again, the taxpayer takes it in the shorts without even the courtesy of a reach around.

Hubris trumps all!

wilcox received hundreds of thousands of dollars from salary and settlements for very inappropriate

actions . herself with questionable quialification , she is hired to study county job classifications issues .


I was fully prepared to open this article and read that she landed the Deep Throat movie sequel.

“Water-gail”sounds better, but “Wilcox-gate” makes more sense.

I can’t put my finger on the hoopla surrounding Kimm Daniels last year — wasn’t there an ouster of some sort at the CEA?

Do Wilcox and Daniels have a history of shade?

Perhaps I am misremembering.

Must be that time of year where city, county, and elected officials come out of the wood work to either mess up, screwup or worst yet be a pervert. Interesting this is all happening today.

Her past history isn’t just tainted because of David Edge, she’s done a number of shady things. What a stupid move by the CEA. I can’t believe that they couldn’t find anyone else that is just as much if not more qualified than Wilcox. They are asking for trouble.

Considering how Gail Wilcox’s past behavior has poorly reflected upon county employees I am dismayed that SLOCEA board of directors hired her for this contracted position. I hope the SLOCEA board hears from their members and that they are voted out at the first opportunity.

Collective Information

I do not know either one of them, but I do have a friends (Retired PGE) whose spouses worked for the county and have to interact with David Edge. In short: He is a sick no good SOB or sicko.

It does not surprise me that Gale Wilcox is saved by rehire to some position. Her experience is not the sole justification for a rehire, it is because others know what kind of person Edge was! Normally a person involved in such an incident would never be rehired to any position. Kudos to Kimm Daniels for her poetic courage.

Willie, Gail Wilcox got herself terminated all on her own. She didn’t need any help from David Edge. They were both guilty of improper conduct. Gail definitely “personally” engaged in activities that are always considered a conflict of interest and she did so on more than one occasion. You obviously didn’t follow the CCN investigative reports surrounding her affair with Perry (a married man) who was representing the county Sheriffs Association while they were negotiating a contract renewal together.

You missed all her childish e-mails written during work hours and on county computers about all her sexual exploits and man chasing.

You missed the story about how she purchased her home with the help of the county attorney who had a perpetual “no bid” contract to provide services.

The SLOCEA has some explaining to do, their decision was a slap in the face to the citizens they serve. I have no doubt that Gail will come up with whatever it is that they are looking to justify.


Thank you

I really did not know all of that.

Your the first to explain it and I appreciated it very much.


I spend most of my media time on the stock market.

I am updated to local news by what I see reported.

I am fortunated to get extra insight, even at the cost of getting bashed.

I know you didn’t know and I figured you were wondering why you were getting slammed with so much red. It would be nice if people took the time to explain why they don’t agree with a post. Sometimes it’s obvious to the person who wrote it, in this case I know you were in the dark.