It’s time to talk about Tri-W

May 6, 2010


“Tri-W,” “Mid-Town,” “Sewer Park”, whatever you call it, currently belongs to the wastewater Prohibition Zone of Los Osos, paid for by the 2001 $24 million sewer assessment.  The $3,010,025 purchase was made by the 2003 Los Osos Community Services District Board (LOCSD) from Tri-W Enterprise, Inc., the three Williams brothers of local supermarket chain fame. The Williams Brothers purchased the property from Morro Shores, attempting to monopolize the grocery industry in Los Osos.

Centrally located downtown, the 11-acre former sewer site has become the most notorious property in the community. Complicated by 365 acres of watershed runoff that enters the site, percolates underground, and filters through the soil before entering the bay through seeps, any development of the site will be challenged by the drainage patterns that crisscross the property.

Originally zoned for shops and offices, the site, proposed for a sewer plant disguised as a park, received a zoning overlay of Public Facilities in 2002 to allow the LOCSD to build a sewer park in the center of the community. In the fall of 2005, the LOCSD fenced the property and proceeded with mass excavation of the site on September 15th in spite of the recall election that would unseat the majority board just days later on September 27th. Some would suggest the commencement of construction sealed the fate of that Board. One long time resident said, “If they had just waited for the election they might have kept their seats.”

Fast forward to today. With plenty of blame to go around, the site is unstable, the fence has fallen over, drainage fishers have eroded the sandy soils, invasive plants have taken root and Morro shoulderband snails have re-inhabited the site.  Regulatory agencies, including the California Coastal Commission, are looking for a “global solution” and resolution to the mess left by the defunct sewer project.

County Park’s attempt at $5 million of Proposition 84 grant monies to purchase the site for desperately needed parkland was called off soon after the Coastal Commission found Substantial Issue with the wastewater project in January.  County Public Works has offered in a recent proposal to the Coastal Commission to “stabilize” by re-grading the site into the series of retention basins approved in the defunct sewer project and “revegetate” the site with native plant material.

The 2007 special legislation (AB2701), handing over the wastewater project responsibility from the LOCSD to the County, has provisions for all wastewater assets needed for the project to be transferred to the County. If Tri-W is no longer needed for the wastewater project (two small pieces are going to be carved off for pump station purposes), it is understood that the property would be sold off as surplus and proceeds from a sale would be divided among the multiple creditors lined up in the LOCSD’s bankruptcy.

The under-the-radar efforts to acquire and/or repair the Tri-W site are admirable, but they raise questions as to what really should happen with the property and how the public can participate.  As the wastewater project nears its permit approval and the County positions itself to officially take the project, it would be prudent to have a community conversation about the property.

Recognizing that the Public Facility zoning disappears when the property changes hands and the site no longer has the value it once had due to the decline in real estate values.  Moreover, like all other vacant lots within the prohibition zone, it is stripped of its ability to be developed in the near term due to the 20+ year sewer moratorium and defacto moratoriums on water and habitat issues.

It’s time to call for the question.  It would be prudent to have the LOCSD and their attorneys, Los Osos Community Advisory Council (LOCAC) County Public Works, County Parks, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Fish & Game and the California Coastal Commission at the table to discuss options and complexities of the property.

While the community may want a park in that location, where is the evidence to that effect?  What kind of park?  Passive, active or something in between?  Are we ready to tax ourselves to purchase, permit, mitigate, build and maintain a park that has no water, sewer, or habitat mitigation (resulting in millions of dollars to an already economically challenged community)? What is the highest and best use for the property?  What alternatives are available?

Ask your public officials to set a townhall meeting; Invite the community to attend and hash out the details before the LOCSD bankruptcy makes the decision for us.

Julie Tacker is a 29-year resident of Los Osos and a former member of the Los Osos Community Services District.

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Turn the whole property into a replica Chumash villiage. Aren’t we just arguing over how the property should be destroyed? A sewer or a shopping center? I’m ready for a loin cloth and a peyote pipe anyway.

Julie, even with those epic doe eyes of yours, you have the Mother of all image problems, he’s called Jeff. When you bring up the subject of land use I only hear him talking. As the Beatle song says, “Get back to where you once belonged.”

Thanks for the insight “justme”, but I will not be sheding Jeff any time soon. For better or worse, I love him and we have chosen to be a family, that’s our business, not yours.

Many people do not know that without Jeff’s support in 2003-04, I wouldn’t have had the backbone needed to push back the establishment. He taught me about process and what was coming next through the permitting phases. While we don’t agree on all things sewer, we do agree that the sewer should NEVER have been proposed for Tri-W. Jeff has specific ideas for what should go on that land, I do not.

What I have learned from Jeff are land use policies and regulations governing land use in Los Osos. This is a very narrow field, he is one of a very few who have been able to get permits for his clients during the building moratorium. His expertise is why I approached him in late 2006 when I was looking for work, I told him to hire me.

The public doesn’t know how truely complicated the Tri-W parcel is, unfortunately, whoever buys it probably won’t know either. Worse than that the appraiser will not know the depths of the complications. Drainage, habitat, water, sewer, zoning, the General Plan, all come into play. These reasons are why the sewer project became so expensive on that site. Remember how the plant was to have been “buried” well, it wasn’t until the LOCSD had apredy purchased it did they find out the groundwater was only 15 feet below the place they were to put the plant, ha they buried it, they would have been sitting it in water. As it turned out, they still had to engineer as thought it was siting in water, due to the high liquifaction potential. They designed a “Floating Foundation” for the plant, it was designed to hold 5 million gallons of water and float should the soil become saturated beneath it and the earth move. A tremendous addition to the cost of the project. Then of course, the decorationg and “park-like” features; play structures and a $7,000 drinking fountain were on the purchase order. I could go on and on.

I just want the public to have a chance to say their piece.

Sometimes I tell myself, “I’m just going to post one more comment and be done with it,” but I see so much Julie bashing and not enough constructive feedback about Tri W, it paints a very disturbing picture of some people’s priorities and it shows to me — and everyone else reading this article — why their immaturity and — in Ann Calhoun’s words — “ankle-chewing” — is so toxic to this debate and why Los Osos is such a mess. People just don’t want to comment because they fear they’re going to get their heads chewed off. I don’t blame them.

Some of these folks need to check into the Bates Motel and take a long, hot shower.

What would constructive comment consist of, considering it ISN’T up to Los Osians as to what will become of that property?

Why doesn’t the question itself seem a non-starter to you considering it’s outta our hands?

“Some of these folks need to check into the Bates Motel and take a long, hot shower.” This is YOUR constructive feedback?

To answer your question, yes. Compared to some of the “constructive feedback” I’ve seen you come up with, I have to say that my suggestion is sound.

With enough demand and public input, anything is possible, but we need to get through several hurdles before we can have any sort of discussion about Tri W sans the gratuitous mud-slinging and ego-driven popularity contests.

“With enough demand and public input, anything is possible…”

Ummm…like STEP/STEG?

The difference between STEP/STEG and what happens with Tri-W is what people know. Most people don’t have a clue nor do they care what STEP/STEG is while they absolutely can wrap their arms around what they want in the center of their town. Viola! The easy sell of “Move the Sewer”, even Joyce Albright would say “I don’t want it right there, I just want it.” Gordon Hensley would say, “I’ll do what the public wants.”

The LOCSD could hold a Special Election to pose the question or the people can pass a referendum forcing them to hold it. The problem is timing, this subject has been ignored for too long. But, hey if you trust government, any government, to do what the people want…well, trust them. I chose to push them. If I’m boring them, well that’s my First Amendment Right, just as it is to express my opinion through this orignal opinion piece published here on Cal Coast News.

Thanks again Dave and Karen.

And thanks Aaron for covering my back. I have pretty thick skin and can take the bashing. Most of it comes from people who haven’t a fraction of the knowledge I have about the project, I don’t blame them for not fully comprehending it all (I’m not claiming to know it all, but I unfortunately have more information than I ever wanted about the sewer/water woes of LO) it’s a lot to digest over the years.

Where we are today is looking straight into the face of imported water. The recommendations by Cleath/Harris in the latest studies are all uncertain remedies and will cost millions of dollars to implement, perhaps only to find out they may not work (like the upper aquifer blending station at South Bay Blvd.) Stay tuned. Marshall has promised a public meeting to discuss the studies, but right now the outlook is very grim.

Julie, what makes you think people want a park – your Pozo pal Ron Crawford says we don’t.

Given the fact that the land’s use depends on money – or the lack thereof, that the CSD is beholden to the bankruptcy court, that people won’t tax themselves to buy it, the state and the County are broke, just what is the point of challenging people to gin up enthusiasm for property they have no control over, nor will have control over? Your Board gave away that possibility when you sent it into bankruptcy.

Goodness, how YOU, a fervent supporter of STEP/STEG (one among MANY vocal supporters), can now say, after ALL THAT WORK, HOURS AND HOURS OF WORK, that no one has a clue what STEP/STEG is!! Well, you all sure wasted a lot of the public’s time and the County’s time on a bunch of NOTHING.

Don’t be as stupid about this and make assumptions that people are going to wrap their arms around any ideas that you push for. As or putting words into the mouths of Joyce Albright and Gordon Hensley – BIZARRO!

Good luck with your referendum. Just be sure when you are attempting to get signatures that you explain to people that their’ wishes won’t mean squat.

“A fervent supporter of STEP/STEG” ???? While I do support STEP/STEG (Jeff supports gravity, we debate the topic often), I would never characterize myself as a “fervent supporter” nor would I fit in with fervent STEP/STEG supporters on the whole. Just ask Linde Owen, a true “fervent supporter” what she thinks of my stance on collection. She will tell you I am too weak on the topic.

I chose to focus on the end result of the wastewater and where it goes. A topic too few have chosen to discuss and until recently didn’t get the attention it deserved.

Funny how in February Marshall Ochylski was trying to say the LOCSD was not involved in the LOWWP and now he can’t wait to get the CCC staff report on an LOCSD agenda….hmmmm!

I am not supporting any idea for Tri-W. Nor will I be circulating any kind of referendum. I merely want the community to have a chance at discussing their ideas for the land before it is sold off.

The record is clear on Albright and Hensley’s “bizarro” statements, you probably didn’t live here when they were said (actually, Joyce said that in October 2005, you were here then). Indeed they were bizarro statements, but hey they said it, not me. You’ll have to ask them what they meant.

WHY do you think citizens should discuss what they want for the property? Getting involved means making an emotional investment. When the property is sold, those who made that investment will be disappointed. How is that constructive for people already upset with what has happened in this community?

As to STEP/STEG, fine, you are not “strong” enough. That is not the impression you have made, despite what Linde says. But you do realize that in stating, “Most people don’t have a clue nor do they care what STEP/STEG is” you have dismissed the work of many, like Linde and others, who have been working endlessly — even now when that decision is over — to educate the public on the benefits of STEP/STEG. You are basically saying that their work did nothing. (I think a lot of people DID get educated – but of course some got educated as to what a BAD idea STEP was.)

STEP/STEG is a collection system that people have heard about. We’ve heard about it’s successes. We often hear about its problems as they’re often overhyped, unproven and unchecked. Some people say that STEP/STEG is the ultimate solution to our wastewater problems. Some people say that STEP/STEG is a product of the Devil and it should be exorcised. We already see how it’s possessed Lynette. It sucked the color out of her face.

The property stopped belonging to the community when the district went bankrupt. The community has paid for it once, is still paying for it and why would they pay for it again when it could be used to decrease their debt to the bankruptcy? Ok Ms.Tacker, ask the community to pay for it again and then pay for the bankruptcy on top of that and their 2 sewer assessments and the O&M on the plant in the next decade. The property owners of Los Osos don’t have the luxury anymore of deciding what is going to happen to that property – the court, the county and the state do. Those are the only stakeholders left.

How about suggesting to the community that they start holding bakesales to pay off their assessments? Go ahead, start baking and let’s see how many cookies it will take to pay for this catastrophe. Cookies @ .50. Debt including bond assessment approx. $17,000,000.00, current bankruptcy debt estimated 18,000,000.00, current assessment approx. $25,000 per property owner, 125,000.000.00= $170,000,000.00. The community needs to bake and sell 34 million cookies. Now, knowing that obesity could be a problem, the community shouldn’t consume these all alone. The cookie sale should be county wide. With a county population of approximately 267,000, each county resident needs to buy 127.34 cookies for a grand total of $63.67. Voila! Problem solved, NOT-no one in the rest of the county wants to eat your stinking cookies!!

So Julie – I hope you are reading the above. Sums it up PERFECTLY.

In getting people riled up and involved in something for which their participation is rather meaningless, you are risking adding even more discontent to this beaten down community. Leave us alone, please, you have done quite enough.

It’s a sad state to see someone like Lynette Tornatzky (Mythbuster) — coming onto an article that talks about the importance of having a community-wide conversation about Tri-W — constantly talking about the “No-Sewer” people. That’s not only a false perception. It’s a dirty epithet that should be removed from the vocabulary of those who utter it and the rhetoric should be removed by blog administrators and moderators for being incendiary. Then there’s this “misinformation” she keeps talking about, which she’s never bothered to counter with factual information and sources.

I’m with Dave. If you have a viewpoint that needs to be published, write one. There’s nothing stopping you from doing that. In all local publications and newspapers, not one viewpoint was published by Taxpayers Watch and their supporters to refute the viewpoints expressed by their adversaries. Counting what she’s written on my blog and other sites for this year alone, Tornatzky has written a total of 72,346 words, citing unsubstantiated “misinformation” from the “No-Sewer” people without objectively posting facts. Tornatzky could have written 361 letters to the editor at The Tribune (200 words or less), 90 viewpoints (Trib. criteria has viewpoints at 800 words or less) explaining why she feels the opposing views are false or misleading — but she never has because it’s easier to complain than to be right. it’s easier to obsess over Julie Tacker than to observe and suggest.

The conversation about Tri-W does not and should not include the likes of Lynette Tornatzky because we cannot afford to dwell in troll-like discrimination and relentless rancor.

You sound like some kind of obsessive stalker – if you are counting numbers of words, what other information are you collecting on this Tornatzky person? Creepy.

i posted earlier ” what i’m saying is julie is very artful in adding one or two little bits of truth to a argument then take the knife and turn it in your back . for example los osos is a wonderful community and the people there love America and puppy dogs are so cute so los osos you deserve to give the tri-w site to jeff and you don’t have to worry about money jeff and i will make lots of it for ourselves . you don’t have to worry about a community plan or talking to other developers …. i know i do not trust a word that comes out of her mouth ” .

notice how in her last post , among other things , she talks about step collection and sucks mythbuster into posting to her comments because he (?) actually gives a dam about it . julie does not care about the

nuts-n-bolts of the tri-w site , her real motive is her and jeff’s conniving plan to develop the site for themselves and/or their partners . now it’s getting fun , it seems that the verbal wrestling is getting civil and the common denominator is what’s really best for the people of los osos i’m looking forward to what they have to say and their arguments .

i wrote earlier ” this is not an editorial this is a infomercial for an other of julie and jeff conniving plans . for me it is ruining the credibility of CCN to give julie such a platform ”.

asthecrowphlies, you have got the drift down perfectly on Julie and Jeff.

CCN gave the same platform to another LO citizen who railed against MWH, a construction company chosen as one of 3 possibles to build in Los Osos, and another article by this same person on how we don’t have much pollution and we must go step/steg. I think they know articles like these will generate a lot of comments, thereby increasing viewing of their sponsor’s ads.

I think we now have the reason for Julie’s interest in the subject of what goes on Tri-W – what will frame Jeff”s building on some land adjacent to Tri-W (not called Morro Shores, which is the mobile home park, I forgot the name of the property west of Tri-W). Hey, if he could pick up the remainder of Tri-W for a mixed-use shopping center for a song – who needs a park anyway?

This article was just to start the discussion so they could guide us into seeing it their way.

Thank you Dave. I appreciate your response.

I think a lot of us just want to County process to move along. We do not want to make a statement which will only cause the No-Sewer people to rally their defenses and use it as a platform and megaphone to further direct attention toward their position. We will however, take a stand against misinformation published here, because to not stand up then is to tacitly agree with erroneous statements, which as we have seen will only further damage and diminish our dwindling water resources, and compromise the health of Morro Bay and its estuary.

The proerties to the west and north of Tri-W are all Morro Shores, seperate parcels all owned by one company, John Curci is the name of the man who owns it all after the passing of Al Switzer.

Thanks Dave for posting my opinon piece, let the comments fly! I wish the posters would keep off the personal attacks, espeically when they are made up lies. They take away for the important discussion. I wish others would just post their ideas for the property. That is/was the point of writing the piece in the first place. That and to let people know time is running out, I am of the opinion the Bankruptcy court will order it sold.

I DO have an idea for the property – let our elected officials deal with it in the bankruptcy. Unfortunately, paying for THAT wretched fact is still something that we have to do.

Wasn’t Jeff wanting to develop the property next to Tri-W at one point?

Your idea is exactly why the public should take it up. To let government do with it as they will means it will be sold for development without a choice for the public. The public should make their wishes known. As you know, the LOCSD will have to offer the property to other governmental agencies (my Board did it twice) prior to an open market sale, if the County doesn’t know the community wants it for a park or something else, it will be sold without your input.

A for Jeff; his dealings are public record. Here’s a thumbnail sketch for you. Jeff had an option on the 8+ acre Corr property and was sued by the LOCSD for rights of way in eminent domain proceedings that were undone by the recall. The triangular parcel in question is south of Ramona, adjacent to and east of the 50+ acres of Morro Shores holdings and west of the homes on 5th St. This property was once part of the entire Corr holdings, divided illegally by the Corr family into two parcels, because of the division caused by Ramoa Ave. The norther section was deeded to Kathryn Corr Donovan who sold it to Morro Coast Audubon in 2007. The sothern parcel remains in the Corr family belonging to Kathryn’ sister Janice Corr.

As for the Morro Shores properties, the southern parcel bordered by LOVR, Ravena and Broderson has it’s 90 home tract map in the que. The other parcels, north of Tri-W are zoned for Residential Multi-Family, their plan it is to add on to the trailer park on the west and build apartments/duplex’s/triplex’s to the east. As recognized in the General Plan.

Since you bring it up – your Board tried to sell Tri-W twice – where was your suggestion to solicit public input as to what should be done with the property then? I don’t recall any mention of that – ever.

If you were selling it for money then — what is difference now? We need money even worse since the bankruptcy.

Well, actually, Tacker has suggested public input on that issue the two times it was on the agenda and there was also public comment, but don’t let facts get in the way of bored housewife propaganda, right?

I remember asking that there be townhall meetings to discuss the property in open and many, many, many times in closed session. I pushed my fellow board members very hard. To be honest, they were distracted and truely did not want to sell it some saying once the sewer was resolved it would be worth so much more…ha!

I vividly remember having the property appraised (cost the District a pretty penny, I was shocked at the cost) and that I knew more about its complexities than the appraiser.

You bet I wanted it sold, primarily to remove the sewer zoning overlay and in hopes of staving off bankruptcy. I would have sold it to anyone with a beating heart — for the right price. Actually, government cannot descriminate in the sale of property, only the government to government notice has to go out first, which we did (twice). The problem with that is the County would have to be ready to purchase at the same time as the sale was ordered. The moon and stars must align, political will can do that, but we have to hold the discussions to let the will be known.

One of the first things the M&M LOCSD Board did was order an appraisal, we’ve yet to hear really why (they go stale so fast in this market, how good it will be?) and/or any results. We won’t know the estimated value/results, that’s closed session. But, we could hear if it’s done and how much it cost and who did it. I’d be curious if the appraised value will become known by the County, they would have to pay fair market value. If I had any money, I wouldn’t pay more than $2 million for it as is. To dal with all the complexities would be a nightmare an very costly. Don’t forget, it has no sewer, water or mitigation…it ain’t worth much. The LOCSD paid too much in 2003, it didn’t have sewer, water or mitigation then either. Now it is a drainage nightmare and all eyes are on it.

I can’t keep track of all these imbedded comments so I’m going here to just say the reason I think the discussion about Tri-W should take place now verses later is, as I understand it, that the LOCSD is developing its Plan of Debt. Adjustment now for the Bakruptcy hearing in September.

The Board I was on never developed a plan because it was premature to do so, our attroney’s lead me to believe it needed to wait until there was a clear indication from the County on what project was going to finally be selected. Which we now know is gravity. As a matter of fact, STEP collection was thrown out of consideration 5 months AFTER Lisa and I left office. Additionally, but you all know this, had a STEP collection system been chosen the LOCSD would have more property to offer the creditors as surplus wastewater assets.

The District wide survey Buster mentions may as well be a special tax election, the price would need to be developed and the benefit assessed per home, that figure would need to be in any survey too. But that’s why the conversation needs to be had ahead of any survey or vote, to define what the question is. Of course a special tax would have to pass with a 2/3 majority. I spoke about this several times when the LOCSD was considering selling the property in summer 2006. Most people do not know the limitations of the site for any development, including a park, equating to its depreciated value.

Someone else mentioned, ESHA restoration. If it were returned to ESHA how would that work as an island of ESHA surrounded by the Morro Shores development?

Add it all up and this is exactly why I want to have the community conversation.

“…had a STEP collection system been chosen the LOCSD would have more property to offer the creditors as surplus wastewater assets.”

And the wait for a sewer would be FAR longer as the issues of eminent domain were sorted out AND the mitigation for all of our yards’ ESHA would be tallied up AND those mitigations chosen AND the lawsuits of taking of private property were sorted out — which might take years.

Who thinks –with this rotten economy, with job security still dicey, with payment for a sewer on the horizon– that this town (who didn’t want to pay $8 year for a pool or a skate park or whatever it was) — that right now, paying for something to be built on Tri-W is gonna pass with a 2/3’s majority? Someone clearly OUT OF TOUCH.

Do you think we care how Morro Shores (should it EVER get built) is something that WE care about? THAT would be Jeff’s problem, NOT ours, to pay for and make it nice for him.

Lynette, I don’t know what you’re talking about, apparently, neither do you. Jeff is a small time developer, he is not going to build out Morro Shores, Morro Shores is going to build out Morro Shores. They have a map that they intend to use for their future subdivision (you may have been following recent attempts to extend it?)

Alon Perlman is cncerned about Morro Shores, that’s why I mentioned it in connection with Tri-W. I guess I haven’t heard what it is you want done with Tri-W. All you can do is spew your no STEP stuff, when that’s not really the topic here.

I am very aware of the long-shot odds for a park or preserve at Tri-W, but as has been done in the past, if this community wants something they go and get it. The Elfin Forest is the best example where donations of demoniations less than $600 a person, many $20, $10, bake sales and BBQ’s, along with many grants the fabulous property was purchased by the community. Without a tax, too, I might add. The question remains, what does the community want?

Good question Bustamove.

First question

You can ask Julie yourself.

But Yes She did, plenty of mistakes. List them? She has also interacted in positive ways, which people would know more about if they went to the untelevised meeting. Especially in the last 21/2 years. Committee meetings Minutes are usually sketchy.

Or you could Google the CSD site, the TAC, The LOWWP site, The BO-Supervisors, And Planning Commission, The CCC, The LOCAC Site.

Then plug in “Julie Tacker” You Can Also Plug in Separately “Alon Perlman”. Occasionally we say similar things. Occasionally opposed, occasionally complimentary things (Add them up), Frequently different things or different conclusions.

You Can Search for keywords; Drainage. Tri-W, Midtown. ESAC “Los Osos CSD Emergency services committee”SWQCB, RWQCB3

For other ideas as to what else I’ve done for Los Osos Google “Oakleaves”, Outside Los Osos Morro bay city council, MBNEP.

I guess for Julie “Oceano CSD” would be appropriate.

I don’t agree with a lot of what Julie Says, But she knows her stuff and showed the “Most growth on the Job” in the CSD she was on.

Second Question;

.You will find that I Have stated that “Los Osos Is getting a Gravity Sewer” several times recently. The CCC has decreed it, The County’s results on a survey (they could have improved on if hey listened to me, and they know it) was that the property owners do not want STEP. My preferred timeline is “Right now”. Very little that will happen at the CCC will actually improve the Current Sewer design. If you read my appeal to the CCC you will find out I also mention Drainage issues there and my EIR submission. I also note that it is the CCC who is now delaying the sewer at a time of Critical Seawater intrusion. The County DOES need to do much more work on Recharge specificity and CCC Finickieness. But the Action has to start soon if the Aquifer is to be saved from ruin. And yes misinterpretations by the CCC especially around “Midtown” could be very bad for Los Osos, damage drainage, require costly mitigations, ETC… I also planted many trees at “Sweet Springs Preserve” and did work on restoring the paths so I’ve had plenty of opportunities to study the drainage patterns off Tri-W.

AstheCrowflies; You got played. Do the research yourself. Also input Aaron Ochs (The Razer) into the searches and you will find very little- maybe two BOS appearances 2-3 at the CSD.

No direct knowledge. No Tri-W Originality

He set himself to be better than me without doing ANY of the work. So You see, He HAS to Lie.

He’s Lying about Lying. I never threatened anyone in Los Osos and cleaned up my own nastiness to anyone soon after becoming a LOCAC member. I also kept a wall of separation between what I involved on the SEWER and what I was doing on LOCAC. The medical record part is a Hoax. Seriously ATCF, Do you believe everything you read in cyberspace?

Hate the playah’s if you have to, but don’t mix them up. And nevah mistake a wanna-be for a Pleyah. Least YOU, come out the fool.

Thank you Alon_Perlman for a quick and full answer.

Unfortunately, Alon, you are on the wrong side of the sewer issue when you bed down with Gibson and Taxpayers Watch. You are a renter and not a homeowner and have no financial stake in the sewer, and yet you twist your foot on the neck of the average homeowner just to make a name for yourself. That just doesn’t sit well with some folks. Fortunately, your lengthy, boorish campaigning here will soon end when you are voted off LOCAC in just a few days. (Vote for Chuck Sneed or ANYONE other than Perlman!) You never learned that a chimp that attends every CSD and BOS meeting will still come out a chimp, but a smart person who watches the meetings on TV understands a lot more about what’s going on in LO than the monkey ever will. (Apologies to smart monkeys.) Nothing means anything unless you can apply it, and you have failed to prove you have made a real difference in any debate concerning LO, except in your own mind, which does not make you a “playah” (?) Link us to your winning debate with decision makers. The fact is, you are a do-nothing, negative candidate who shouts “LIar!” at anyone who sees you as you are, not as you imagine yourself to be. You should really consider the benefits of forced retirement: You can threaten anyone you want all the time without having to cover it up — just to con a vote — and that should be as big a relief to you as it will be to the community.

Please ” Help maintain a healthy, respectful discussion by focusing comments on the issues, topics, and facts at hand—not at other members of the site.” thanks.

So that’s who metatron is.

And by the way It’s “Snead”, Not “Sneed”. Dont worry the LOCAC site got it wrong on the First try, along with another Candidate’s first name. I got it corrected.

Gibson? So you don’t live in Osos anymore?

Whats wrong with laying six strips of perforated water pipe in the median strip opposite Von’s Along with Ochylski and Gibson and possibly even some members of Taxpayers watch ‘Gasp’. You will have to point them out to me. And yes I’m sure there may had been some members of Taxpayers watch there who were Planting Oak Trees and Building a fence at the Red Barn right next to Tri W when I was helping out with Celebrate LO. I’m pretty sure that there arn’t many in the Elfin Forest Crew and there are only 3 Los Ossans, Currently working at Sweet Springs, and I’m sure non are T-W Members. I don’t represent the renters, and I don’t represent my own financial interests. And on this Blog I represent no one but myself. Out there in the real world I represnt what is good for and about Los Osos.

No Metatron. You don’t represent the Avarage Home owner. Just the Haters.

please ” Help maintain a healthy, respectful discussion by focusing comments on the issues, topics, and facts at hand—not at other members of the site.” thanks.

Thank you.

I have the utmost respect for members of the community who are open-minded like Crow and can be respectful and hold their leaders accountable at the same time — and there will be a time when accountability is relevant. Right now, it isn’t.

I believe that Los Osos needs to put faith into these people to bring about change. I think that these people would know best regarding the handling of Tri W and a town hall-style meeting would be ideal for creating an open discussion, confront the stigma that location generated and turn a negative into a positive. Call my words “slashing” if you will, but that’s what we have to do.

My questions for you, TheRazor and Alon_Perlman are these:

Do you think Julie made any mistakes in her decision making for the community? If so, what were they?

Do you support getting a gravity sewer in Los Osos? What is your preferred timeline for getting a sewer?