Update: Parkinson unaware of tax liens?

May 14, 2010

Ian Parkinson

In response to allegations that San Luis Obispo County Sheriff candidate Ian Parkinson was untruthful when he said that he has never had any tax liens, attorney John Ronca said his candidate had paid off three liens and asserts Parkinson did not remember them because the amounts were so small.

“After reviewing the printout and checking the county records, Ian does not deny that liens were filed, he simply did not recall them on the show, nor does he recall them now,” Ronca said in an e-mail to Dave Congalton at KVEC radio. “The bottom line is that Ian was completely honest on your show when he said he always paid his taxes and that he was unaware of any tax liens.”

Ronca said he reviewed county records and found that all of the liens were more than five years old and the amounts were under $240.

He, however, failed to mention a 2006 lien on a property Parkinson owned in Monterey County that was also listed in the e-mail.

In 2006, after Parkinson failed to pay a property tax bill of $1,546 for a home he owned at 44250 Via Canada in King City, the Monterey County Tax Collector placed a lien on the property. More than a year later, on Aug. 31, 2007, Parkinson paid the bill, according to the Monterey County Tax Collector’s office.

In San Luis Obispo County, if a recreational vehicle owner fails to pay their boat taxes on time, the county sends out a notice of intent to place a lien on the property. If the property owner does not respond to the notice, a lien is place on the boat, said Art Bacon, San Luis Obispo County principal financial analyst.

In the 2007/2008 tax year, the tax collector sent Parkinson a notice of intent to file a lien if he did not catch up on his delinquent taxes. He paid the bill prior to a lien being recorded, Bacon said.

In the 2005/2006 tax year, Parkinson failed to respond to the notice and a lien of $164 was placed on his boat. Shortly afterwards Parkinson paid the tax and the late payment fines.

In the 2002/2003 tax year, Parkinson again failed to respond to the notice and a temporary lien of $201was placed on his boat.

In the 2001/2002 tax year, Parkinson owned two boats. The tax collector sent him notices of intent to file liens on both vehicles.

When he did not respond to the notices, the county tax collector’s office filed liens of $237 and $222 on the boats. Parkinson paid both liens off within a few months of the recording.

In the 1999/2000 tax year, the tax collector sent Parkinson a notice of intent to file a lien if he did not catch up on his delinquent taxes. He paid the bill prior to a lien being recorded.

The sheriff oversees a staff of 375 and a $57 million budget. The department patrols all unincorporated areas in the county and several cities including Nipomo, Shandon and Avila Beach.

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Too bad Ian has discredited himself. His failure to pay taxes when due question his money management skills. His failure to remember/or tell the truth about that on the air questions his competency/honesty. The wild confusion about his education questions his transparency. The questions about his rise to power at SLOPD question the whole process of advancement issues. I wouldn’t call him a front runner to those who in the know.

Contrast that with Joe Cortez, a man with a proven record cleaning up messes left behind by others. People in Pismo were aghast at the sorry state of their PD until Joe came along and ran it right.

Though all the candidates would be a breath of fresh air after the bum in there now the most qualified is Joe Cortez for Sheriff.

You are kidding !!!

Minor league, major league?

In this argument you come across as a baffoon. Parkinson is unethical and Lenthall isn’t far behind … Period !!!

This race really boils down to 2 candidates-Jerry Lenthall and Ian Parkinson. After all of the mudslinging both are qualified to do the job with the EXPERIENCE that both have with law enforcement in San Luis Obispo County. I know of many law enforcement people who have obtained diplomas by majoring in PE, art, history and other topics that have nothing to do with law enforcement so I place much emphasis on experience and not from reading the book.

As far as Joe Cortez is concerned I have problems with someone when they have a history of going from one department to another which, to me, shows some lack of stability. Although Mr. Cortez talks about all of his accopmlishments one has to remember that they are all with very small departments and small budgets. Mr. Cortez would be going from the minor league to the major league and with that in mind I would consider the two major league applicants for the job and that would be Ian Parkinson and Jerry Lenthall.

Good try at downplaying experience and education as if the Candiate’s have worthless degrees in surfing. Cortez has his degree in Criminal Justice Administration and has gone on to his Masters. This is exactly the sort of credentials that are required to perform with competence in this position. He’s been in law enforcement for 36 years and served as a Police Chief Chief for 15. Parkinson has never functioned as a Police Chief and hasn’t earned his Administrative credentials which ground the Candidate to oversee a $56 Million Administration. Take a look at Joe’s achievements. Parkinson can’t hold a candle to this guy “yet”, Ian has some years to go before he will be ready.

Joe is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, as well as the FBI’s Law Enforcement Executive Development seminar.

He led the Pismo Beach Police Department to the attainment of national law enforcement accreditation, a 3-year process which led to the agency becoming just the 5th municipal police department in the state, and the only department in the county, to earn such recognition. See http://www.calea.org

He has served as a presenter at Leadership San Luis Obispo, the California Role of the Police Chief course, as well as a college and police academy instructor.

Joe was selected by the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) to represent POST as an assessor for the Hancock College Police Academy’s reaccreditation inspection.

While serving in Colorado , Joe was appointed by both Republican and Democratic governors to serve on the Colorado Peace Officers Standards and Training Board, which is responsible for the certification and training standards of officers throughout the state.

I didn’t do Joe Cortez justice with this post. People should take a look at his web site and see what he is about for themselves. There are many other achievements.

Parkinson said he is working on his Bachelors

Cortez said he is working on his Masters

Only two people already has their graduate Masters Degree and they are Lenthal and Hall!

Willie sorry but Lenthal and Hall are both tainted with G.O.B. paint. Seems Cortez has the most and best experiences, throw in a degree for surfing and that would make him top cop in my book.

35 yrs in the business in which he went to the top level twice and in no way were there ever minor league decisions to be made,

did you forget that lenthal was only a sergeant and he failed at his last appointed elected position so you want to give him another, you are not thinking on all eight buddy, Parkinson has taken extrordinary measures to not keep up with any other captain in the county, and has not lead unsupervised and brought in a budget himself.

Cortez rose through the ranks bettering himself and the few departments he lead, he didnt loaf around at one department where he garnered enough friends to say ” hey since you cant be a chief without a degree we’ll elect you sheriff and then your black belts in martial arts can be displayed in abigger office and the next tax lien can be hand delivered since you’ll be working for the same county you forget to pay all the time, be an adult dude

ladymama, Your right on the money mam.

thats called carreer advancement and he did everything right and accomplished huge things, its time to take it to the next level, all the while Parkinson collected Degrees in his black belts and taught the boys to inflict pain compliance in oh so many ways, that’s why the guys that produce in the minor leagues get brought up because they produce at all levels PArkinson is still trying to get to even the smallest level of police chief, oh wait he can’t no degree, but he can sure choke th ehell outta someone

I have a problem with a candidate who felt so comfortable as a beat cop, with all of the related perks, that he never pursued a true leadership position in his department. That is, until now, after demonstrating his creds as a supervisor to the county power brokers by helping to push through bad projects, and bending the law to do so. That’s his backing, that’s his power base.

as I sat proudly for the graduationof my 30yr daughter from Sac State at ARCO arena Friday afternoon, I marveled at how my daughter found the energy to raise two children and work full time while taking a full course of study and excelling at it all, her diploma in Business Marketing, all hers now I found myself thinking of what Ian Parkinson has done to get his diploma.


What he did do instead, and this is really important for all of you believers, while the other candidates worked and raised families and got their degrees in higher education, Ian Parkinson got degrees in Black Belt, and went on to teach his cops how to fight and get compliance through pain he is an admitted expert in it. He traveled and exchanged blows with Our own Chuck Lidell who exchanged blows with… well we can only imagine after reading of his partying exploits in vegas. So you defend him for the tax mishaps, fine he “forgot: and sent his wife diving for cover under the proverbial bus for her “forgetfulness”

He states in his own words he has been readying himself for this job since day one. This cannot be true, any Police Chief job in the state requires the degre, he didn’t get. He instead spent hundreds of hours training na MMA fighter and aquiring numeric degrees in black belt in the martial arts. Loss of memory can surely be attributed to too many blows to the head, look it up.

Mr Lenthal will run again for the next political opening he is the “best candidate for ” because he was once voted into office only to be “fired” with avengence by the same people that voted him in, he couldn’t keep his own job, REMEMBER?

As for the rest they should now know they aren’t in the race,they are dilluting it, each one should pick a candidate and urge their followers to vote for the best most ready candidate, and that is Joe Cortez.

Don’t vote in a guy who will start his career with baggage and controversy, don’t vote a guy in who will always be the Best Candidate at whatever he runs for, just ask him.

Joe Cortez offers no excuses, only an impressive record of leadership education and training, he openly invites the naysayers to talk with him and he offers no excuses and asks no one to excuse him.

The others have plans, and thories, stuff they haven’t tried because they have never held a position where they were TOP GUY.

Joe made it, Joe. did it correctly on budget, on time and on a life built from military service and service to his community, his boys followed his example and continue to bring excellent police service to their communities, and his wife never forgot to pay the taxes on time.

Be adults about this look at the way a man conducts his life and you can see how he got to the top or didn’t quite make it yet, there are some things you can excuse but there is no excuse for taking short cuts to your goals.

saveslocounty — Cortez did have a fundraiser back in April and he did advertise he would be having a 50/50 drawing. But when he learned this activity was illegal, no 50/50 drawing was held. However, the advertisement had already been printed. So what’s important here is that Cortez did the right thing once he learned 50/50 drawing were illegal, and did not allow it to occur at his fundraiser

That’s the thing I like about Cortez — he may not be perfect (what human is?) but when he messes up he takes responsibility and does his best to fix it. He doesn’t blame others, he doesn’t verbally “take responsibility” and them never act on it, he acknowledges the problem and does what it takes to make it right. IMO, that is EXACTLY what we need (and haven’t had) to run the Sheriff’s department.

I guess Lenthal needs to come up with a new plan. He won’t be balancing his budget by tweaking 3% out of the jail, that’s for sure. If that fact wasn’t a given before, it sure is now.

Have you all seen the Tribune this morning? Looks like our County jail will be required to hold felons slated for prison, up to 3 years rather than the average 1 year stay.

This is starting to get very serious, Sacramento has lost it’s mind.

Comparing lack of knowledge about laws regarding a 50/50 drawing and failing to pay your taxes? Saveslocounty should check out the many organizations (profit and non-profit) that fail to understand the law. Forgetting to pay your property taxes is unacceptable. I guess when you get paid so much and own so many things it’s hard to remember. Second houses, boats, cars. Maybe someone should start questioning how this man can afford some many luxuries while the city that employes him struggles to deal with everyday maintenance. The SLOPD is most overpaid and underworked police department in the county and more invisible than the local fairy shrimp. A police officer should be committed to doing whats best for their community not what’s best for their pockets. Joe Cortez is one of those rare officers.

moonwoman……just curious….how much do you think a SLO cop should be paid?

Maybe his wife’s family was loaded. Maybe his parents are loaded. Maybe he is drowning in debt. You should not just assume he affords these things with his salary.

Judging by all the property owned by Parkinson’s wife’s family up in King City, I’d say he married some money. I can’t imagine that for all that has been “handed” to him that the brat still can’t stop lying or even get himself a college education. It’s been very easy for Parkinson, he thinks that the Sheriff’s position will be easy to, he will just get all his associates to figure it out for him. I think not.

Mooonwoman, you are totally correct in stating that many organizations fail to understand the laws regarding raffles and drawing. But we are talking about the potential top law enforcement officer in the county and that person should either know, or research the topic before engaging in unlawful activity. I think we are actually comparing all six candidates to identify the one that will best serve the community. Parkinson has clearly revealed a difficulty in being honest and complying with the tax laws, eliminating him for the list to consider. If Cortez is the better candidate, let’s take a look at his behaviors and make an informed decision there as well. I have made my decision for the primary and assume, at this point, that the runoff will be between Lenthall and Cortez. Unlike the Tribune, I can change my support based on any additional facts that are presented. That appears to be a mature and responsible approach to selecting a candidate to support. The remainder of your comments about a committment to community was well stated and appeciated, followed by a thumbs up.

he saw the mistake someone else made and took it out, are you people insane? He stepped up and stopped it he didnt have an attorney speak for him in fact he did nothing at all wrong cheese and crackers!!!!!!!!!

There are attorney’s that don’t know about this 50/50 raffle law. I was at a fund raiser last month for a Candidate running for the 33rd District State Assembly. A well known local SLO Attorney ran a 50/50 raffle there among at least 100 professionals. Not one of us ever mentioned this law. If a well known attorney doesn’t know about it, or 100 professionals why should Cortez?

I’m glad someone informed all us “children” that big daddy gov passed a foolish law protecting us all from dangerous 50/50 raffles and someone in the County actually knows the law exists. Fact is that’s why we have round the clock city and county council. Somebody once told me that if they rode their horse to the MaDonna Inn, the caretakers were legally required to water and shelter the horse for the evening! I wonder if the MaDonna Inn and Motel 6 knows that?

I thought the issue was on the qualifications of our next Sheriff. If there is a law about watering ones horse, it has no relevance to this campaign. Actually, gambling has been outlawed since the 1940’s. A few exceptions have since been made allowing churches and non-profits to hold a raffle. However, they have strict guidelines. I guess what isn’t known is weither your attorney friend knew of the law and ignored it or is he simply didn’t know. If Cortez did cancel the 50/50 drawing then he is to be commended. But, it would have held more meaning if he had stopped the illegal gambling before the flyers went to press. Just me, but I think the run off election should be between Lenthall and Cortez.

SERIOUSLY TRIBUNE, I MEAN SERIOUSLY!!!!!! NICE leave out the reason the issue became an issue HE LIED spin that one Duer

Every realtor in the county should stop advertising in the Tib like I just decided to do they are spineless and lack the conviction to print the issues

shame on you

All who are way disappointed should send them letters now, maybe they will have the guts to print a couple. What losers over at the Trib.

Ladymama you are exactly on point. The Tribune’s weasel worded “rationalization” that 10% of all property tax payments are late and only indicate a “pattern of disorganization” is a weak and pathetic defense for their candidate. What about the 90% of responsible folks out there who pay their taxes on time without ever incurring a late notice much less a lien?

Now following Parkinson’s attorney issuing a “creative” press release after Ian openly lied on Congalton’s show about never having a tax lien, Ian now throws his wife under the bus on KPRL claiming she pays the bills and simply failed to inform him each of the seven times…..Oh please Ian. Were you lying then or you lying now? This is the guy that we will trust a 57 million dollar budget too and 400 employees? I think not!!!

Joe Cortez for Sheriff! The man with honor, integrity, education and experience who will lead the Sheriff’s Department out of the ditch.

Here, Here, JOE CORTEZ for Sheriff.

I left a couple of nasty posts over at the Trib blog about their constant spin on stories. I’ll also write a letter to the Ed. I doubt that they will print it.

If Cortez has so much integrity, why did he do a 50/50 raffle drawing at a recent campaign fundriser? Such drawings are illegal in California. Charities can register for raffles but the prize can not be larger than 10% of the income. Campaigns are definately not non-rprofit charties.

Why does he wear a uniform in his ads implying that he is a peace officer. He is retired and no longer a peace officer. Besides, he is wearing a Pismo Beach Uniform and the insignia can be read, only in mirror image. That is a violation of the Government Code as no government entity can be directly or implied as being supportive of any political issue.

One is either ethical or not. True leaders follow all of the rules, not just the ones they deem important.

Hahaaaaaaaaaa aren’t you clever, there are attorneys that don’t even know about this law. I was at a fund raiser last month and an attorney ran a 50/50 raffle for a 33rd District State Assembly Candidate. Glad that you can sit there with your law book and keep us all informed. I’m sure Lenthall appreciates you and all the money that has been poured into his campaign.

In the mean time, why don’t you contact DA Shea and tell him how Cortez is breaking the law, I’m sure he will enjoy the publicity. It’ll probably get him more votes.

because moron he saw the flyer one of his people who isnt a cop made and he said wait that cant work here its against the law, soounds like great judgement to me or are you the guy that thinks no degree and not paying your taxes on time over and over is a good thing jeesh wake up

Glad Cindy is back to her grumpy self. I am relying on my experience and google, not any law books. If you would, for once, try to look as some facts before speaking you would see that a compaint of this nature is made directly to the California Attorney General. They even have a web site that allows on-line reporting. Oh, you forgot to bash me for bringing up the Cortez photos in uniform. Everybody want the rules applied to everyone else but themselves. Thankfully, we have a forum to voice our opinion and share our experience as it relates to the topic. By the way, that topic is who would be the best Sheriff of the six that are presented.

willie, There is no record of Ms Hugs having any contact with police what so ever. I have no idea who the other man is that your talking about or what bi-polar illness that you might be referring to? There is nothing in the record about any of that. There was no other man identified with her other than a suspect that was developed 5 years after the case was closed and then reopened by a Sgt Donovan who was convinced of a cover under the guise of an accidental death due to falling from a cliff verse a clear cut murder, which he managed to prove. The suspect has been identified but never brought to justice. Now, what are you carrying on about that you think you remember?