Parkinson tied to phony mailer

June 4, 2010

Members of the Democratic Central Committee contend Ian Parkinson’s campaign is trying to influence the vote by sending out phony mailers in an attempt to give the false impression Parkinson has the Democratic Party endorsement. [NewTimes]

A campaign consulting firm hired by Parkinson sent out the slate mailers to registered Democrats in the 2nd and 3rd supervisorial districts that recommend “the best choices for San Luis Obispo Democrats.” Along with a group of democratic candidates the mailer urges Democrats to vote for Republican Ian Parkinson for sheriff.

There are six Republicans vying for the non-partisan sheriff’s office and members of the Democratic Central Committee (DCC) said they have not endorsed any of them.

“The mailer was sent out under the name “Democratic Voters of the Central Coast” in an apparent attempt to make Democratic voters believe that it was an official party mailer endorsing Ian Parkinson for sheriff,” said DDC member John Barta. “Members of the Democratic Central Committee are upset that a campaign consultant for a Republican candidate would attempt to influence the future makeup of the Democratic Central Committee by endorsing some Democratic committee candidates and not others on the phony mailer.”

The mailer was paid for by Public Policy Solutions, a firm run by Parkinson’s campaign consultant Cory Black. The mailer was sent out by Democratic Voters of the Central Coast, a group that lists the same phone number as Cory Black’s consulting firm.

In response to the mailer, DCC member Pepper Hughes sent a formal complaint to the enforcement division of the Fair Political Practice Commission in Sacramento.

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I just checked. According to the New Times, Chris Crotty was in charge of the Adam Hill, Bruce Gibson, Jim Patterson and Sun Power campaigns. I guess that pretty much spells it out for everyone.

Who is this Chris Crotty and where did you find this info?

That’s a good point. I notice that Adam Hill is doing radio commercials for Ian Parkinson. It’s all part of the same clique that have caused the problems in this county. What a tangled web we weave.

Enough is enough. We need change.

Hey Taxpayer,

If Cory worked for Crotty then maybe. It was Crotty consulting that worked Hill, Patterson,Gibson and now Guthrie and SunPower – Carrizo Plains developer. Take a look at when Cory’s new business was started- April fools day 2009.

What did he do before he worked for himself? Corporate is corporate whether it’s corporate environmentalists or corporate tea partiers. When voters let corporate take over the government for the people, the people lose.


Entity Number: C3194170

Date Filed: 04/01/2009

Status: ACTIVE

Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA

Entity Address: PO BOX 1254

Entity City, State, Zip: SAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93406

Agent for Service of Process: CORY BLACK

Agent Address: 4251 S HIGUERA ST STE 800

Agent City, State, Zip: SAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93401

Before your freak out

Cortez paid for the ad. But I know that won’t change your opinion. So FREAKOUT!

Taxpayers going postal over public employee pensions, perks

Read the above titled opinion piece that CCN was so kind to provide us with. I’m surprised that Karen would post the article. She is partners with Mike Brennler. In case you all forgot, Mike negotiates salaries for the unions. That’s his other business with Dale Strobridge.

Oh, by the way, Mike and Dale and Karen are all supporting Joe Cortez.

Wrong topic. And despite all your supposed inside info Karen posts news, not hit pieces on those she dislikes. If you have any muckraking to do and have info of worth get it to her and maybe it will find the light of day here.

You want crummy journalism? How about the Trib? Endorsing Parkinson way too early, never covering the adverse news about him ’till forced to and then lying to the public (like he did) in an editorial to cover up his lies. Really bad journalism that, along with these crummy slate ballots, detracts from the democratic process.

Whether these slate ballots were common or not is secondary to the fact they are confusing and detract from the ability to make informed decisions. I wonder if you approve of that concept, deceiving the voters.

Really… You idiots just now figured this out. These mailer things have been going on for years. All of the candidates pay to have their names and pictures put on them. It’s rare that any of the mailers are actually from the Repulican Party or Democratic Party, if any. Cortez’s camp is just upset because they didn’t get on the mailer first.

I’m guessing that the Chairman of the DCC and his wife are Cortez supporters. They’ve never raised a stink about the other candidates who put these fliers out. CCN didn’t report on Lenthal being on the Morro Bay mailer.

It’s a non-partisan race. I could be wrong but I think all of the candidates for Sheriff are registered Republicans (Thank God). So whom does the DCC endorse?

You all are gonna need some bigger axes to chop down this tree.

Hey Karen, tell Mike and Dale hello for me. Hope you all enjoyed your coffee together.

I beg your pardon but this sort of thing does not happen all the time. Putting yourself on a mailer and pretending to be a Democrat when you are a Republican and misleading the public to believe that you are endorsed by the party is completely unethical.

Cindy, stop begging. You’re embarrassing yourself, and it does happen every election period. It’s a non partisan position.

The New Times article, while good, left a few holes for you all to quibble about. Go to Barta’s web site where its all laid out very clearly – When I goggled it nothing could be found but going via internet Explorer I brought up the site. Everything is clearly laid out. The same cell phone number shows up as a contact number on everything. Cory Black has a round smiley friendly face, you don’t have clue he is a virus for the SLO Democratic Party.

I continue to believe that Mike Teixeira is the person who be elected Sheriff of San Luis Obispo County. He is the one person who has impressed me with their ability to look at the problems the Sheriff’s Department without any preconceived notions. He has 36 years of law enforcement experience and his family goes back for 5 generations in the county. He’s agreed to give part of his salary to stop gangs. He has said he will get rid of the Undersheriff’s position. He has also said that he will patrol with his officers on a regular basis. He has a college degree. He doesn’t have a campaign consultant and he’s very approachable. He also answers questions directly when asked.

I’m undecided, but I agree Teixeira does sound like an excellent candidate and it’s too bad he hasn’t gotten more public exposure. I like his pledge to contribute part of his salary to effective programs to combat growth of gangs, and I also like his statement that he will aggressively issue concealed carry permits. I am strong supporter of 2nd amendment rights and believe more armed citizens means less crime.

Now I am confused who to vote for. I keep seeing Parkinson getting the finger pointed at him on this forum, I see Cortez on TV in all his petty arrogance making snide childish remarks about Ians pretty boy appearance, and well the other SLOPD has been, rightly nicknamed; the “Master of Disaster” in his day, is just an idiot in my opinion. Hall has some problem with child crime victims in the past? Is it time for one of the quieter canidates? One from outside perhaps?

I am voting for Lenthall as he is experienced in a huge budget and can handle the large workforce at the Sheriff’s Department. He actually has his college degree while most of the rest say they are still working on them. You are encouraged to go to his site and look at the qualifications.

Savesloco, I dont need to go look. I am intimately familiar…

I am voting for Cortez who has his BS degree in Administration and Criminal Justice. He is also a graduate from the FBI Academy and has been in LE for over 30 years, 15 of which he served as a Chief of Police. He also is NOT connected with all the hand shakers.

Lenthal is also an intelligent man but his education is unrelated to his profession and I wasn’t pleased with his performance while serving on the BOS. He ignored the voice of the public and even his own advisors. I feel that Jerry is all about Jerry.

I believe that a Master’s in Business Administration held by Lenthall is directly related to the executive job of Sheriff managing a $57 million budget and such a large workforce.

By the way, Joe’s BA was from an alternative study program not accredited by the state. It was accredited by a regional private organization whose standards are less stringent then the state. They provide credits for work experience, military and are obtained on-line. Lenthall has a traditional degree from Cal Poly and the University of Redlands. It is concerning that Cortez didn’t get his on-line degree until 1999 when he had been a chief for 15 years. But then, small police agencies don’t always require a degree. Here is what the on line college says about obtaining credits: “Why Bellevue University? •We don’t make you repeat courses you have already taken with our generous credit transfer policy. •If you have fewer credits – we have many ways to earn credit, including credit completed for training on the job or in the military. •Programs are offered in class and online in the cohort–based format that emphasizes applied, active learning. ”

This does not instill confidence in the level of higher education purported by Cortez. I was wondering why Cortez said he had a BS degree and was also working on a BS degree and Masters currently. If we are comparing education, then we should he comparing how their degree was obtained. Cindy, thanks for pointing me in that direction. Lenthall’s education is far superior than Cortez and both are better than Parkinson or Tex. For fairness, Hall earned his degrees the hard way, the same as Lenthall. I know, I know, thumbs down for using reading Joe’s site and doing a google search.

SaveSlo, “I believe that a Master’s in Business Administration held by Lenthall is directly related to the executive job of Sheriff ”

Honestly, Where do you come up with these things? The below is straight from Lethals website:

He graduated from Cal Poly with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology, and went on to earn an MBA from the University of Redlands. One would think that he would indicate that he did not pursue his chosen field towards his masters? Show me the BizAd Masters.

You aren’t serious are you? A $57 million budget is in fact big business and an MBA is a very relevant choice for such a position. As Sheriff, it is no longer about chasing bad guys and you don’t need a degree to be good at that. To run an effective government business the MBA is perfect choice and common in law enforcement. Cortez is working on a masters in Leadership and Hall has an MBA. A masters in criminal justice is no longer desireable at the executive level.