Stamps may go up to 46 cents

The U.S. Postal Service on Tuesday proposed a 2-cent increase in the price of a first-class postage stamp to 46 cents. If approved, the change would go into effect  Jan.2, 2011. [CNN] The proposed rate hike underscores the deep financial... (Continue reading)

United Way gets ready for Kidspree

BY DAVID CONGALTON It is one of the more meaningful nonprofit events held on the Central Coast–the chance to help young boys and girls in need get the basic clothes and supplies to start off the upcoming school year literally... (Continue reading)

Fighting over water in Paso Robles

By WALTER HEER I helped circulate the petition to allow people to vote in November on the Paso Robles City  water rate plan. People did get the chance to vote, and Measure A-09 was defeated. It is only right for... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo Fire Chief John Callahan announces retirement

John Callahan, San Luis Obispo Fire Chief for the last five years, has announced plans to retire in November. The announcement came in an email from City Manager Katie Lichtig to employees. Callahan also sent out a separate email announcement... (Continue reading)

Marijuana legalization battle now waged on Facebook

The fight to legalize marijuana in California this November has now landed on Facebook. [Sacramento Bee] Proposition 19 supporters announced that their Facebook page already boasts more than 106,000 fans, compared to the mere two dozen who have signed up... (Continue reading)

A Cayucos Fourth of July

By STACEY WARDE I’m raw and unbalanced, hung over from a bout with beer and whisky. I skipped going to work today. It’s gray, overcast and generally gloomy. Besides, it’s a Saturday, and a Fourth of July weekend. I hate... (Continue reading)

Researchers claim reusable grocery bags contain bacteria

Researchers at Loma Linda University and the University of Arizona have found that reusable shopping bags, long championed by environmentalists, contain large amounts of bacteria, posing a risk that food could become cross-contaminated. [San Gabriel Tribune] The new findings come... (Continue reading)

State lottery increases your chance to win

Californians who buy lottery Scratcher tickets are winning more–and now playing more. [Ventura County Star] Scratcher sales leaped by $55 million in June, thanks to a change in state law allowing lottery officials to increase the percentage of revenues returned... (Continue reading)

Eyes on the Earth 3D

By STEVE KLIEWER What a fantastic ride! Thursday night, Kevin Hussey, Manager of JPL’s Visualization Technology Group, introduced innovative technology to a fascinated group of science educators and enthusiasts. Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA have produced a way to “fly... (Continue reading)

Deputies destroy 31,000 marijuana plants

Californians may be getting ready to debate Proposition 19, the proposed legalization of marijuana this fall, but closer to home, law enforcement isn’t debating what to do about pot growers. San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Deputies seized and destroyed approximately... (Continue reading)