May, 2011

EFI sues Bryan Cave attorneys $100 million for malpractice

A bankruptcy trustee filed suit Friday against Estate Financial Inc.’s (EFI) former attorney and her employing firm, Bryan Cave LLP, alleging a cover up which led to the swindling of more than $100 million from more than 1,500 San Luis... (Continue reading)

Oceano’s flooding debate continues

San Luis Obispo County Public Works officials discussed the history of Oceano’s flooding problems and possible solutions before a turnout of about 50 people, many state and local government employees, at a public meeting on Saturday. Members of the public... (Continue reading)

Princess Palms and beheadings: high times turn hairy

Actor turned developer John King and some of his early business investments in the 1960s, notably in Warehouse Sound Co. and California Cooperage, undoubtedly paid off big and afforded him with greater opportunities. But not everything King touched turned to gold. On... (Continue reading)

Racial graffiti at Orcutt school labeled a hate crime

Racial graffiti scrawled on walls at an elementary school in Orcutt makes for the second incident of a hate crime at the school and the fourth on the Central Coast during the past month and a half. [Noozhawk] A janitor... (Continue reading)

Weather forecast for Monday May 2

By JOHN LINDSEY from PG&E A 1,030 millibar Eastern Pacific High is centered about 700 miles northwest of San Luis Obispo while a thermal low remains over Southern California. Gentle to moderate northeasterly (offshore) winds are producing clear skies and... (Continue reading)

The life and times of John King

Love him or hate him, it is indisputable John King’s ventures have in many ways helped restore the aesthetic glory to downtown San Luis Obispo and molded the local hospitality industry thriving today. But in these economically challenging times even... (Continue reading)

Hospice du Rhone in Paso Robles, event photos

So you think you can Rhone? The truth is they knew they could Rhone at the 19 annual celebration of Rhone varietals in Paso Robles on Friday. Find local events as at CalCoastNews’ Event Calendar. If you would like to... (Continue reading)

Osama bin Laden is dead

Nearly a decade after the September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden is dead and the United States says it has his body. A U.S. military action conducted in Pakistan resulted in the death of bin Laden, President Barack Obama said... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande Boy Scout’s building destroyed by fire

Firefighters are investigating a fire that destroyed the Boy Scouts of America Buildings in Arroyo Grande earlier today. Multiple units from the Five Cities Fire Authority responded to the fire at 490 East Cherry Avenue at about 4:20 a.m. Firefighters... (Continue reading)