March, 2012

California a leader in mortgage fraud

California continues to lead the nation in questionable home loans, with Santa Clara, Orange and San Bernardino counties among the areas with the highest number of suspected mortgage fraud cases, federal financial officials reported this week. [CaliforniaWatch] San Luis Obispo... (Continue reading)

Potential pet threat met by supervisors

San Luis Obispo County’s animal kingdom better watch its collective manners, because supervisors Tuesday took aim at creatures displaying  “menacing and threatening” behavior. Offenders soon may be taken into custody. Animals Services Director Eric Anderson told supervisors that current ordinance... (Continue reading)

Oceano medical marijuana dispensary rejected

After listening to arguments for and against a proposed medical marijuana dispensary in Oceano, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on Tuesday to reject the facility. Supervisors said the proposed South Fourth Street location violated the... (Continue reading)

SLO fire likely started by a cigarette

A weekend San Luis Obispo house fire that injured five people apparently began on a couch, possibly started by a cigarette, fire officials said. Nine people in their 20s escaped the blaze of the white two-story older home early on... (Continue reading)

Seeing to the safety of fire victims

A federal grant will help the San Luis Obispo Fire Department locate and rescue fire victims more quickly with new thermal imaging equipment. The $49,000 Department of Homeland Security grant was announced by Congresswoman Lois Capps (D-23rd District), who said... (Continue reading)

Racial intimidation escalates in Arroyo Grande

On Friday, the African American teen who awoke last March to find an 11-foot cross burning outside her bedroom window pulled into the Shell service station on Grand Avenue with her mother. They then discovered two racist flyers placed over... (Continue reading)

Crime stats don’t tell real story

It’s hard to accept as convincing the assertion that crime is down in Paso Robles when one can look out a window at a passing parade of daily lawbreaking. But the criminal activity that occurs regularly outside the picture windows of... (Continue reading)

Community colleges need more state oversight?

Several bills introduced during the past few years have tried – unsuccessfully – to reform the California Community Colleges system known for having a large percentage of public attendance and lower than national graduation rates. [CaliforniaWatch] Of the six community... (Continue reading)

State Parks’ plan seeks to avoid closures

A variety of plans to manage the state park system to avoid widespread closures of California’s 278 facilities has been completed by the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) and distributed to lawmakers. Financial problems plaguing the system still may result in... (Continue reading)

Five injured in San Luis Obispo fire

Five college students in their 20s were injured in a fire that destroyed a house on the corner of Johnson Avenue and Buchon Street early Sunday morning. One of the nine students living in the home jumped out of a... (Continue reading)