Congalton sells movie script to Hollywood

August 30, 2012

Dave Congalton

San Luis Obispo radio talk show host and writer Dave Congalton spent most of August in Los Angeles for the filming of the motion picture comedy Scribble, based on his original screenplay [Deadline: Hollywood]. The movie, which stars Chris Klein, Kaley Cuoco, Dennis Farina, and Teri Polo, was shot over a three-week period in West Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley. Cuoco, star of the popular television series “Big Bang Theory,” also serves as an executive producer on the project.

Congalton wrote the first draft of the script back in 2005 and has spent seven years nudging it up the Hollywood food chain, trying to get his story produced as a low-budget independent film. After multiple false starts, Scribble was finally optioned by director Ellie Kanner-Zuckerman in 2010. She and producing partner Hal Schwartz raised the money to shoot the movie, which is now being edited in post-production. Congalton’s wife Charlotte Alexander and Dr. Scott Robertson of Arroyo Grande serve as associate producers on the project.

According to Congalton, Scribble is a story, told mockumentary style, about six unpublished novelists who meet weekly in a “read-and-critique group” to offer mutual support and encouragement as they each pursue their individual dream of publication. Things go awry when the youngest member, played by Cuoco, quickly scores an agent, a book deal, and a movie deal.

“I’m very proud of the script and thrilled by how well it was received by the actors and crew,” Congalton said. “It was an amazing opportunity that I’m still processing. But I can’t think of a more exciting experience for a writer than to be on a movie set, watching actors take your words and make them their own.”

Audiences will have a chance to see for themselves in 2013.

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Congratulations, Dave!

Nice to see you living the dream!

Even Liberals deserve a congrats for their success at “beginning with an end in mind”.

Congratulations Dave! Looking forward to seeking Scribble.

Use locals to act in the movie.

Hey, I’m a superstar. Great idea soap opera. I mean, As The World Turns.

Finally a good idea for a change. We would of course be the major actors not these stupid walk through parts. Wait all day to walk through is an insult to the people of Atascadero. Maybe we could get the city council members to be in the film. They are natural actors that think they are special so obviously the film would be a success. People that like to listen to themselves talk are perfect candidates for Hollywood stardom then we could move on and elect new people.

It’s not going to happen but I can dream still. In vivid color.


From 60 Minutes transcript:

Morely Safer: “It is said that what makes a great writer, are all the average ones… And no one lives the second banana role more to the hilt than Dave Congalton. Obscured by the fog of idealisim, and lots of real fog, Dave has spent decades addressing others who weren’t going anywhere either. It was the beginning of a beautiful love affair…”

Dave, I don’t listen to you much anymore as I used to in the past, however, congratulations. I hope it is a blockbuster. I will certainly go see it.

StarringAnnie the DOG

Congrats, be sure to not let the kudos take you over and cause your head to be too big for your shirt. Please give a huge amount of money to a good charity. Kids need food and school items.

God Bless

WHAT?!! Dave….let his ego swell?!! NEVER! *sarcasm*

Coming soon to a Veteran’s Hall near you.