Homeless director accused of pocketing donations

March 18, 2013

Dee Torres-Hill



(Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series about San Luis Obispo County Homeless Services and the nonprofits managing the program.)

Homeless Services Coordinator Dee Torres routinely took gift cards intended for the needy and homeless for her own use, a number of former homeless service employees and ex-boyfriends say.

Torres kept the gift cards in her purse to use for family outings, gas, restaurants and Christmas presents for her friends, Ralph Almirol, the father of Torres’ middle child, said. Almirol said they especially enjoyed gift cards from Tom’s Toys on Higuera Street.

“We would give them to the kids,” Almirol said. “She used them like they were hers.”

Torres’ Homeless Services program comes under the umbrella of Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO). Employees of both the Prado Day Center and the Maxine Lewis Shelter say that every Christmas, the homeless are remembered by the public with thousands of dollars in gift cards being donated for gas, groceries, restaurants and retail stores. All such donations are to be given to the homeless.

Almirol asked Torres about the cards and the homeless who were supposed to receive them, he said.

“People would give a lot of gift cards,” Almirol said. “I asked her once if she could get in trouble, she said there was no accounting for what is given, and most of them don’t deserve it.”

Other former boyfriends confirmed the allegations, though they wanted to remain unnamed because they are afraid that Torres or government officials will retaliate. Torres is engaged to San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill. At least one of Torres’ former husbands relied on his marriage to her to obtain legal resident status, CAPSLO staffers and Almirol said.

Friends of Prado President Roy Rawlings and Torres did not respond to comment requests.

Workers at the homeless shelters said that apart from the rare occasion when a client would do chores such as painting an office, the cards were not provided to the homeless.

“We never saw the gift cards given out,” said Kathy Marti, a former three-year employee of CAPSLO. “Once the gift cards came in she would take them.”

Marti said she quit in 2010 after battling for better treatment of the homeless.

“I was so disillusioned because I never saw any progress,” Marti said. “When I first started working there I loved it, I felt I could move heaven and earth.”

More than a dozen former and current employees of CAPSLO said that Torres refused to give donated goods to the homeless unless they would do chores for her.

“There was so much stuff coming in,” said Carina Salazar, a former CAPSLO employee. “There was all kinds of stuff donated. A lot of stuff got tossed. We went over to the (CAPSLO) main office to complain, but no one would listen.”

Almirol said Torres would divvy up the best donations for family and friends.

“We would go through the donations and pick out the best toys for our kids,” Almirol said. “She would give other stuff to her friends.”

Employees and clients also question CAPSLO’s rule that homeless individuals must provide 50 to 70 percent of their income to CAPSLO in order to guarantee a bed at the shelter.

Richard Walker and his family turned to CAPSLO after they became homeless. CAPSLO required the Walkers, who were on welfare, to pay about $500 a month in cash to the family’s case manager, Walker said.

Despite paying CAPSLO approximately $500 a month, the Walkers still struggled to get necessities, such as baby diapers, from Torres, he said.

“We had to fight with them to buy things for our baby like diapers or rash cream,” Walker said. “We told Dee (Torres) we needed diapers. She told us to get diapers through them, but she would only give us three at a time and then she would get angry when we asked for more.”

After spending about a year and a half in the shelter on case management, the family decided to cancel so they would have enough money to purchase diapers and other necessities, Walker said. But Walker said his family did not receive all of the money they had signed over to case management.

“She gave us most of our money back in a check. She kept the $25 a month they charged us for holding on to it,” he said.

By opting out of case management, the family chose to take their chances on getting beds each night at the Maxine Lewis Homeless Shelter.

CAPSLO requires clients at the Maxine Lewis Homeless Shelter to be waiting outside by 5 p.m. though they may not enter the shelter until 6 p.m. Homeless clients not on case management draw a ticket out of a bucket for a chance to stay the night.

One night, the Walkers drew the right number, but CAPSLO staff told them they still could not stay at the shelter because their eight-month-old had pink eye, Walker said. They asked Torres to provide them a motel voucher. But Torres told the family they could not stay in a motel because they had a car in which to sleep.

“She said ‘no hotel, you have a car,’” Walker said. “Then she gave a hotel room to a man who had just had Lasik surgery.”

Joette Sunshine, a four-year employee of CAPSLO who has left her job, said she was working that night and witnessed the events. Sunshine said she was distressed that a family of four with a sick child was not provided a hotel room, while a man who could afford an expensive eye procedure was.

“Part of the deal not to be able to get a hotel room was if you had a vehicle and a certain income,” Sunshine said. “This man had more than $1,200 a month in income and a van. The motel money was there for people who needed it, yet the Walkers were denied a hotel room.”

Several years ago, the Walkers got into housing on their own, though they said that CAPSLO lists them as one of their housing “success” stories.


Keeping Them Homeless, the series.

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There are just to many unanswered questions about the way CAPSLO manages other peoples money.

How about a full disclosure about how CAPSLO manages their own funding and grant money, soon!

But not too many to have our elected officials suspend giving more money until there are answers, you have to wonder why…….

I saw CAPSLO Homeless Services has a Face Book Page with nothing on the wall. I wonder why that is?? There are several photos but you would think with all that’s happening something would be posted.

I think you know why! Suspending additional funding would be an admission of past mistakes and failure!

CAPSLO’s budgets and spending are available for review to the public. Anyone wanting to look at these should be able to go to the office on Southwood and request to look at each programs budgets.

We should be able to have access to their other records, as well. We, the taxpayers, are funding these nonprofits. We have a right to see what they are doing with the funds we provide.

There is a monthly CAPSLO board meeting being held this Thursday evening, March 21, at 5 PM. The meeting is held at the agency office at 1030 Southwood Dr. in San Luis Obispo.

There is a public comment period during the meeting.

So I asked a yes/no question earlier in this thread. Got some thumbs ups but still no answer. Did anyone who is making the allegations in this story report the allegations to a law enforcement agency?

How sad. All those employees and ex boyfriends and homless people all can’t be lying about what

went on there!!!!!

Lying out right more than likely no, but what I can see going on is half-truths, misleading statents, and embellishments going on to fit the cause. Since when are journalists any better than politicians?

Are there NO good people on the CAPSLO or Friends of Prado boards????????

curiouser and curiouser

Ooooo….nobody could see THIS coming…..

Supervisor Adam Hill has asked his good buddy attorney Don Ernst to file a lawsuit on his girlfriend Dee Torres’ behalf in an attempt to make her look like a “victim.”

Yesterday, Hill and Ernst met with public relations flak Tom Fulks (the guy who will do anything for a buck) to launch a smear campaign against CCN. They even have a Tribune reporter on board to go after CCN and help repair any damage that has been done by these stories. This instead of helping the homeless who have suffered because of Family Ties and CAPSLO. Shameless.

Can’t wait for Karen to lay it ALL out there during discovery. What happens to the Trib and Biz and the rest when Adam and Dee are slapped down?????

P.S. I wonder what the judge will say when he learns this attorney had to hire a PR firm and collude with local media to try to win the case????

Nothing in these articles constitutes libel unless the sources are bogus. If the reporters are reporting honestly and without malice they are in the clear. Truth is the best defense.

Whyaduck. If what you say is true, then Mr. Hill is having a meltdown. While I will never underestimate his arrogance, does he truly believe the people in his district are that stupid or tied so fast to his progressive politics that they will continue to support him? While it’s true that this district gave us Peg Pinard I doubt even they will continue to put up with these shenanigans without a ruckus.

Once again, if true, Hill is in full best defense is a good offense mode. However, the Lombardi tack works best in football, not when politics gets mixed up with criminal behavior. Taking an agressive posture will typically just draw more scrutiny and attention, not less. He is already perceived as a bully and a nest featherer. This will cement the opinion.

As long as the dirt on what really happens in this county is only exposed on this website and on a couple of talk radio shows, the large majority of voters will never see it. This allows Hill and any other politician who is philosophically acceptable to his/her constituents to get away with ignoring or denying accusations — unless and until legal action is taken against them. The reporting by the Tribune and by TV stations may vary from non-existent to head-in-the-sand ostrich to status quo apologists, but they still are the main supply of local news for most people.

These are the actions of a coward.

Clearly, Adam and Dee are backed into a corner and cannot tell the truth to get themselves out of it.

A lawsuit you say? like a SLAPP? No way because Adam hill and his hotmail account would be included in the countersuite and that would tie it all in a bow. :)

I would be suprised if Tom Fulks got involved in a smear campaign because the schmutz he would get on himself would be a subject in every future political campain. It’s 2013, things dont rinse off like they used too.

Elected officals come and go, the internet is forever.

The same will happen to the Trib as happened after Bud Cuddy’s ridiculous “swamp gas” defense of Lisa Solomon was shown to be…well…nothing but “swamp gas”: NOTHING.

However, I see the Trib gets smaller and smaller as time passes. Their government and business benefactors having such sway over what is printed does not seem to be a profitable newspaper model.

Filing a lawsuit usually involves discovery at some point or another. I don’t think either Torres or Hill could afford to have opposing counsel gain access to all of their pertinent records, and opposing counsel’s idea of what is “peritnent” is as broad as they can make it fly by the judge.

destroy some records, redact the rest

My biggest fear as to why no action seems to be taking place (or moving at glacial speed) is that this is not a local issue, but rather a sign of something more wide-spread. Something more commonly practiced throughout the state and possibly nationally… at least in the more “profitable” areas.

Please let this not be a symptom, but a local problem…

what happens when we send food/foreign aid overseas?

I’ll bet much of the same goes on. We are dealing with humans- they are greedy, selfish and self serving by nature. A few are good hearted and want to do the right thing but most can’t be trusted. Thai is why we have rules, laws, regulations, enforcers etc. Those who say we should reduce regulation (on industries, manufacturers, managers of things like Capslo etc are dead wrong. If we didn’t have lots of regulations most of us would be dead from car wrecks, pollution and other maladies.

There are those that decry this attitude of mistrust; they are childishly wrong… Just look at the bankers, industrialists, politicians and others who make it their business to clean out our accounts or lives in their lust for money and power.

Even today I read a headline out of Sacramento: “Some State Senators Took Gifts They Voted to Prohibit”. I worked in a heavy regulated industry but as soon as there was an opportunity to make fast money…you know the rest.

And if you get caught you go away to a prison with tennis courts

Do not confuse “less regulation” with “no regulation” – there is a huge difference.

It’s like wanting smaller government does not necessarily mean someone wants anarchy.

The problem is that government (i.e. the regulators) can display the same sort of greedy, corrupt nature as those they are supposed to regulate. Even trying to balance one greedy group against another doesn’t always work if they can find a way to work with each other to cheat those not as well organized or ambitious. This is what I believe is occurring in our governments today and why I am no more a fan of powerful regulation than I am of no regulation at all.

tomsquawk – There are NGOs that submit to a third party auditing/rating agency. Most are Christian based and follow ethical standards and complete transparency. That’s not to say there are not many other secular agencies that do the same. If you give money, make sure that the agency can prove transparency.

Also – there are many so called transparent NGOs that are quite open about how they spend their money on staff. They will say that a $1.5m salary for their CEO is well below market. In some cases that would be correct. Take the American Cancer Society. Their CEO is handsomely paid, but no where near what a CEO of an organization that large with that budget would be paid in the private industry.

Then there are NGOs where the staff and executives are paid little or nothing. Samaratan’s Purse is such an example. So just do your research before sending money.

I know what I won’t be doing. Unless very clear answers are given, no money from my purse will go to any agency providing money to CAPSLO, including United Way. And if tax money is going to them, as it is, then my legislators will have to answer.

Agreed. Guidestar is a good place to start researching. And 990 tax returns are available there. If I recall correctly you get a quick and dirty pie chart as well. The trend is that donors are starting to look away from the “monoliths” such as United Way and are looking “more local” where they can drive by and see what gives with their donations and also focus in on an individual NPO.

@SOUTH: ” Most are Christian based and follow ethical standards and complete transparency. ”

What makes you think that? Now that the Bush Jr administration initiated his faith-based scam access to our federal dollars, and now that Obama has not only continued the scam but INCREASED it, there must me a whole lot of “Christian” organizations that are far worse than CAPSLO.

Didn’t you read my comment from the other day from:

CAPSLO exonerates Dee Torres?

This business reminds me of a shocking story that I read about in a really great book by Jim Rogers: Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip (2003). I highly recommend this book because it shows how the world really works, and that includes charities operating overseas.

In his travels, Rogers discovered what was really happening to donations of food and clothing bound for the poor of Africa.

To his dismay, he found out that a lot (or most?) of this stuff DOES NOT make it to the poor of that unfortunate continent. Very often, as soon as these donations are loaded on the ships bound for Africa, they are doomed.

What happens is that they are collected by well meaning charities here in the states and donated to various shippers with the understanding that they will be distributed to the poor in Africa.

But the reality is that the givers and the charities are being defrauded. The cargo is shipped to ports in Africa and unloaded on the docks and sold by the ship owner to local buyers waiting there for them. Then they are transported to markets inland where they are sold again.

In any case, the poor DO NOT get them.

It gets worse.

African manufacturers of clothing, from the most humble roadside man with a sewing machine to more sophisticated producers, are being PUT OUT OF BUSINESS by the shippers who get their merchandise FOR FREE. Thereby, unemployment rises and poverty is increased in a continent already plagued by both.

In the cases where food DOES make it through to the poor, the local people have stopped growing or producing food and simply go to market to pick up their food for free instead.

As a result, many of them have literally forgotten how to farm, and their farm land lies fallow and unworked! They are completely dependent on the charity food imported from overseas! Ethiopia is a good example of this destructive process.

So you see, the folks of SLO town are far from alone in their (unwilling) participation in charity business corruption and social destruction.

But there IS something that the average person in SLO and elsewhere can do:

STOP donating to corrupt managers, shippers, and handlers until REAL criminal investigations are done, the crooks are fired and prosecuted, and verification of delivery to the poor is established.

Remember that the “charity business” is very lucrative for many unsavory characters around this world! Trafficking in charitable goods is big business! SLO town’s Homeless Services is no exception.

Consider this a public service announcement.

Don’t hold your breath, I’ve made several inquiries and asked why KSBY sits idle to the obvious injustices waged against our homeless…..No response, period, it’s sad. I agree with the caller yesterday who said that KSBY only reports what is put out over the AP or official news releases from our county officials because they don’t want to be liable for any statements made. This is wrong……..

Maybe now the Tribune or KSBY will mention it? Maybe?

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