Dangerous mosquito found in California

October 21, 2013

yellow mosqA mosquito from Africa that can carry dengue and yellow fever has been found in California prompting increased eradication efforts. [LATimes]

Agencies monitoring traps have found yellow fever mosquitoes in the Central Valley and in the Bay Area. However, no one appears to have been bitten and infected with either dengue or yellow fever in California.

Symptoms of yellow fever include chills, nausea, headache and a prominent backache. Dengue fever comes with head and muscle aches and a rash similar to measles. Both viruses can be deadly.

The yellow fever mosquito is black with white spots. It prefers human blood over that of animals and is known to feed during the daytime.

The insect can lay eggs in less than a teaspoon of water. After the eggs dry out, they can still be rehydrated and hatch for more than a year.


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“Scientists at the University of California, Davis, and at Yale University are performing genetic testing on the yellow fever mosquitoes to determine their country of origin. Preliminary results show they could be from Central America”.

Read more here: http://www.fresnobee.com/2013/10/17/3558813/yellow-fever-mosquitoes-found.html#storylink=cpy

Notice that the LA Times reporter can’t bring herself to say that the mosquitoes are possibly from Latin America, and we’re talking about imported fruits and vegetables, not people, being contaminated. Instead, they imply that they may have come from Texas, Florida, or Arizona or historically on boats to the new world. What garbage.

The LA Times is so politically correct that you can’t trust their journalism.

Don’t know which I fear more. These bloodsuckers or the one’s in D.C.

these suckers want to share yellow fever, the DC variety want to share healthcare reform cost.

climate change consequences may get us yet, ymmv