Tim Donnelly calls Velie CPS case payback

February 8, 2014


In an interview with CalCoastNews, gubernatorial candidate Tim Donnelly explains his reason for sending San Luis Obispo County Child Welfare Services a letter condemning their treatment of the family of CalCoastNews publisher Karen Velie.

“It was absolutely criminal what they did taking those kids away from their mother right after their aunt died,” Donnelly said. “What this really was was payback because she did an expose on corruption”

Watch the interview:

Tim Donnelly

Tim Donnelly

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See– Parentalrights.org

Might I recommend this to CCN. These come from the Orange County’s “VOC,” an investigative journalists’ site, and relate to the rules of etiquette for comments. I probably have violated one or more along the way, but some people just go beyond the pale.

Think about it, if what you want is a nicer community, instead of one that is in a constantly churning state of outrage.

Rules of Conduct

1 Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language.

2 Don’t Threaten or Abuse. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. AND PLEASE TURN OFF CAPS LOCK.

3 Be Truthful. Don’t knowingly lie about anyone or anything.

4 Be Nice. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading to another person.

5 Be Proactive. Use the ‘Report’ link on each comment to let us know of abusive posts.

6 Share with Us. We’d love to hear eyewitness accounts, the history behind an article.

We have our Comment Guidelines with a plain English section. That said there are new people that sometimes don’t read them or don’t care because someone wrote something about someone and it pushed a button. Some push the boundaries just because and others attack just because they can. Lets not forget the people who comment knowing it will be removed, then claim they were being censored.

Indystar went to facebook comments yet 3 years later still has the rude going on in the comments “IndyStar staffers read your mean comments” “We eliminated anonymous commenting about three years ago and implemented a Facebook interface. Now, instead of anonymously hiding behind their comments, many simply own their virtual vitriol.”

PopularScience.com removed all commenting Why We’re Shutting Off Our Comments

Guidelines and rules help somewhat but with varied subjects (water, los osos sewer, county supervisors, Morro Bay politics) someone is almost always grumpy about something.

This is a internet wide problem. After 7 years and almost 100k comments we have read more than a few comment rules, flameouts etc, we have our tools and try to maintain a balance in the comments.

More to your point Kevin 99, instead of saying: “As is usually the case whenever “Cindy-sez!” weighs in, she is all wrong.” Try ” Cindy This information/comment is incorrect.” Then link to the correct information or a location where adults can read it themselves and make informed decisions and better informed comments. #4 on your list, Be nice.

Any word–Has CWS closed the case?

Our local Child Welfare Services is a nightmare. Our staff has complained for years about the issues with management and their abuses. CAPSLO works hand in hand with CWS worker Erin Holmes and DSS supervisor Tracey Schiro. Their lies and CAPSLO’s lies were crucial in keeping these children in custody.

CWS worker Heather Zickuhr, the one who kept the lies going, has been having a long term affair with one of her bosses, Ben King. Ben King’s sister and Heather’s boss Denise are doing Schiro’s bidding to protect their jobs in light of their affair recently becoming known to management. I hope your spouses read this site.

Meanwhile, Schiro has ordered staff not to look into the allegations of abuse at the foster home to protect herself. She does not seem to care that there is still a child in the home and that the law requires an investigation into allegations of abuse. She just says do look into the foster home.

Tim Donnelly? Really? If CCN is hitching its wagon to this guy, that speaks volumes. Donnelly is a fringe character even within his own party, and his party is a fringe party in California. I’m not sure anyone should root for a “leader” who listens to exactly one side of an issue and then makes a decision.

And he says that Governor Brewer “abolished CPS” in Arizona. Please. No system at all to protect children who are abused, raped, assaulted, burned, beaten? Sounds like a real utopia.

There is a lot of space between kidnapping and no protection of the children. If the children were really your concern you wouldn’t tolerate this behavior.

What wagon hitching? It’s a interview, not an endorsement, if you want those go to the NT or the Trib.

Adam Hill did a peice here, also Lois Capps, did you think that was wagon hitching?

What you are doing is called “casting doubt”.

They abolished the existing CPS so that they could rebuild it and easily terminate/replace/FIRE everybody in the process. CPS/CWS is no longer functioning as it was intended. I saw what happened to Velie’s grandchildren and it is happening all over the country. Those children have been damaged by this, make no mistake about it. They were otherwise happy, loved and never ever neglected until CWS kidnapped them and that is exactly what they did, they kidnapped them in my opinion.

These children will need therapy for a long time after the trauma inflicted by CWS and that trauma was inflicted by no other than the actions of CWS. I’d like to abolish them myself and see them rebuilt. Keep in mind what that sick woman Denise told the mother. “Your child has reverted to infantile behavior crying to see you because of the 1 hour a week visit he has with you. This is reason to keep him in foster care LONGER”. That sick, sick, woman, I’d like to strangle her myself.

As is usually the case whenever “Cindy-sez!” weighs in, she is all wrong. The problems in Arizona related to insufficient CWS staffing. Yes, these changes will actually INCREASE the size of the CWS function in Arizona, so that fewer referrals will fall through the cracks. Be careful what you wish for, Cindy.

Kevin 99–

It’s is difficult to imagine when someone voices there perspective being all

wrong. That as is usually (Cindy) “she is all wrong.”

My thought is depending on what type of personal relationship/experience with CPS/CWS you have had, I can attest would alter one’s viewpoint.

Unfortunately, way to many loving families have been devastated by the hands of the County. The stories are real and heart wrenching! It sickens me to my

stomach every time I hear of yet another count of overreach at the expense of children.

CPS/CWS have a record of leaving children in deplorable family conditions.

And then removing or how ever you would like to name it: kidnapping,

detaining, separating, petitioning, alleging allegations, and oh, yes can’t leave out, “The best interest of the child” from fine parents.

It can be absolutely horrifying/traumatizing for parents and children. Just


There are definably systematic issues in the structure of the current “System”

here in San Luis Obispo and worldwide. My goodness just google cps..

I sure would hope all would like to “wish for” protection for our families and children from the Government.

Independent oversight is a must.

The problem with the OC case cited is that the taxpayers are on the hook for the 9.5 million and the government employees who performed the wrong doings are on a beach in Mexico enjoying their lavish pensions. Government employees need to have personal assets at risk for their errors or they will continue to abuse the system.

And why would Mr. Hill or any of the other people who abused their positions do this? because they feel they will never be caught or be held responsible. Lets hope this is not the case and they will be help accountable.

…and they will be held accountable.

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

YouTube search “Adam Hill SLO” Like and share the FaceBook page “Team Adam Hill Watch” https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Adam-Hill-Watch/203486909849334