Ferrera defends couple’s City Hall caper

August 22, 2014
Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara

Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara


Two top Arroyo Grande officials discovered by emergency workers near midnight last month in a darkened City Hall were said Wednesday by Mayor Tony Ferrera to have been cleared of inappropriate behavior by an internal city investigation.

City Manager Steve Adams and Community Development Director Teresa McClish were located in the city building July 3 by police and firefighters after a 911 call from McClish’s husband, who said he was worried his wife might be in distress because of health issues. Officers then discovered a disheveled Adams walking from his office where McClish was scrambling to get dressed, police sources said.

On Wednesday, at an Arroyo Grande and Pismo Beach Chambers of Commerce luncheon, Ferrera took the microphone following the club’s featured speaker to volunteer that “the incident was looked at and followed up by the city council” which then determined no further investigation was warranted, according to several attendees of the event. Ferrera described the July 3 incident as “a personnel matter” about which he could provide no details, but added the two parties involved “have a high level of integrity.”

Telephone calls and emails to Ferrera asking for verification of his comments were not returned.

“The incident” to which Ferrera referred was the subject of a special closed session meeting by the council four days after Adams and McClish were found in what a police officer later described as “an uncomfortable situation.” Adams was described by officers as appearing “disheveled.”

After ducking two days of CalCoastNews requests for comment, Ferrara, Adams, McClish, and an assistant city attorney fed their version of events to the local daily newspaper. Attorney Michael McMahon told the newspaper he had conducted an internal probe costing $1,254, and concluded that “there was nothing that indicated a need for formal investigation” and that the officers found nothing improper.

Nevertheless, city officials told the Tribune that officers said the situation was “uncomfortable.”

Adams penned a statement published in the daily newspaper in which he acknowledged the incident “resulted in an appearance that could be easily misinterpreted.” He contends McClish and he were just biding time to allow their blood alcohol levels to diminish before they drove to their homes, because they had consumed several glasses of wine during the evening.

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Seems the “Small Minded Prudes” are meeting at their normal venue. This is nobody’s business except those involved. I don’t feel government workers are any more exempt from these situations than anyone else. If some horrible scenario unfolds, then you might have a case. Sorry for their families, but no harm, no foul.

What about the fact that the “incident” took place at City Hall, and the police department had to respond? What employer allows their employees to use their workplace for this type of activity after hours? This is a public office, their use of it for any business other than official business has to be in violation of city policy, in spite of what the mayor claims.

They have the key. They were off duty. They weren’t doing anything illegal. Think “Clinton”. Don’t you wish we had let that one slide?

Uh, yeah; Did a police department scramble resources and involve a fire department to look for Ms. Lewenski ? Not the same, in any way, shape or form.

Having a key signifies a level of responsibility. In NO way is what took place here responsible.

you are so right, I am trusted by my employer with a key to his building and

if police were called and found my there late at night with a co-worker of the opposite sex , who happened to be under my supervision, I would be fired………..without an investigation

Give it up. The activities of Adams and McClish have created a liability issue for Arroyo Grande residents and businesses, have brought shame and dishonor to our city, and made us the laughing stock of others.

In addition, their illicit liaison caused both police and fire rescue personnel to waste their time and taxpayer-funded resources to try to find Mrs. McClish, who had lied to her husband about her whereabouts and activities to cover up her illicit sexual liaison with Adams.

Adams and McClish brought shame onto themselves, their families, and the residents of AG.

Worse, their selfishness tied up rescue personnel. They, and the residents of AG, are very lucky that a REAL rescue was not needed when rescue services was wasting their time trying to find McClish.

So Don’t try to play apologista here, where the message board participants are better informed and not so naive as to believe lies foisted on them by that mess of Jack@sses prancing around in city hall and patting themselves on the back for participating in a conspiracy to cover up the irresponsible actions of AG’s general manager and community development coordinator.

I doubt there are many who care who is sleeping with whom. City hall should not be used in the middle of the night as a place to engage in sex or sober up or both. The corker for me is, if he was doing the same thing that caused him to fire a police officer, why should he be treated any differently?

They must be treated the same. Anything else will lead to lawsuits alleging discrimination, and justifiably so. The City can not just pick and choose, legally all employes should be held to the same standards, and dealt with similarly.

They show no shame. They all should resign

If it’s not “inappropriate behavior” to screw in city hall, cheat on your spouse, or ruin your family, then what exactly is the moral standard here? Liars and thieves. Modern day pirates that are cowards and take us for fools. Vote them all out.

Thank you for continuing to cover this story Cal Coast News. It’s very apparent

the Tribune is not being neutral in their reporting of this ” Uncomfortable situation” .

It’s also EXTREMELY apparent Ferrera and city council is not going to do

anything further than deny inappropriate behavior and keep up his

sweeping under the rug routine.

If the citizens of Arroyo Grande do not stand up and say enough is enough then they

are to blame for allowing the ongoing embarrassment and corruption in their

leadership. It’s simple enough to get online and voice an opinion and outrage, but it’s

another thing to actually stand up and make a change.

Attend the city meetings, make phone calls, write a letter, call the newspapers and

local TV stations. write an email and most of all run for office (It’s time to clean house

Ferrera and Adams) and demand a neutral investigation.

Come on AG residents and Central Coast citizens are you really going to let this

uncomfortable situation be sweep away?

And thanks to Dave Congalton for beating the drum again today that this will NOT go away, and urging AG residents to show up on Tuesday for the council meeting. Spread the word, they can’t drown all of us out.

changes says: ” It’s very apparent the Tribune is not being neutral in their reporting”

Editorial: Tony Ferrara worthy of another term


Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara Elected League of California Cities First Vice President

“Mayor Ferrara was elected second vice president in 2012 and has served in that position for the past year. Next September he will advance to League president.”


So next month Tony goes presidential for the League of California Cities.

Question do AG taxpayers pay for the out of town trips this will require?

Please discuss.

I hope the janitorial staff wears gloves when people like this “work late”.

Alcohol fumes?

I hope so, it’s probably an OSHA requirement.

If we are to believe this story, then that means that these two individuals were drinking on city premises. Doesn’t that violate several Labor and City laws? It also opens up liability issues to the city … what happens if a table or desk breaks while this pair is working off… I mean sleeping off… their buzz?

I believe they were drinking at a restaurant, then went to a bar, then to City Hall. (All within walking distance, to be fair) Imagine what a buzz kill it was when the police showed up. I’ll bet that sobered ’em!

Wow. I’m embarrassed at the lack of honor we have here AND that it seems that the more authority one has in the county, the more egregious the act can be and NOTHING is done. I’m almost to the point of believing you can simply run for office as long as you are horny, or have sticky fingers. I’m just Alleging this. With the supervisors having the hay rolling competition, the city of Slo can hire relatives and the excuse is “We’ve always done that” and Boom. and it’s over. Geez. Can we have some accountability here or at LEAST a list of the women we can count on for some extra curricular activity because Frankly, I’m feeling left out. (I never learned to dance so, I have no game)

Perhaps a party will make you feel better.


Garden Party Fundraiser at Heritage House Museum, Hosted by Mayor Tony Ferrara

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Date(s) – Sun, Sep 14, 2014

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Of course Tony is supporting Caren Ray. He saw no issues with her “private life” activities with the SLOh3 drinking/running naked club! It will be more of the same if she is elected Supervisor.


The City Manager has worked with all City staff to develop and share a commitment to the following core values::

◦ Pride (I wonder if Steve showed his pride the night in question?)

◦ Service (ask Teresa?)

◦ Professionalism (No)

◦ Teamwork (Probably interrupted by the safety officers)

◦ Commitment (TBD)

I’m waiting for the spousal aftermath to know the truth of the matter.

They probably have some “dirt” on the mayor. One hand washes the other.

No dirt needed, Tony and Steve are thick as thieves. Teresa is along for the ride.