AG council weekend meeting targets Adams’ job

September 19, 2014

AG signSeeking to head off a growing firestorm of community anger, the Arroyo Grande City Council has announced a special meeting Saturday at 1 p.m. to discuss the job performance of City Manager Steve Adams.

It will be the third such analysis of the embattled manager’s “job performance” since he was discovered by police in a darkened City Hall office July 3 in what was later described as an “uncomfortable situation” with a subordinate, Teresa McClish, the city’s community development director.

The late-night incident, first reported by CalCoastNews, was later minimized by Adams, McClish and Mayor Tony Ferrara, who took public issue with police officers’ version of events, suggesting reports were tainted by ongoing labor negotiations. That resulted Thursday in a vote of no-confidence in Adams and Ferrara by the police officers’ association, and the filing of a formal complaint with the city council against the pair.

By slating the weekend special meeting, council members may be hoping to offset planned public displays at Tuesday’s regularly scheduled meeting.


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This will not end without Ferrara leaving also!

DO NOT allow King Tony to slither thru this one!

Neither termination or resignation of Adams resolves what has happened in Arroyo Grande.

The Mayor, the Council and legal counsel are culpable in a cover up. Their actions have cost the city considerable time and an untold loss of morale among all city workers.

AG citizens need to stay the course, show up for Saturday’s Special Meeting (if you can) and come back Tuesday for the demonstration the police officers have organized.

Funny, the Council can come together in the middle of a Saturday (when most citizens can’t), but couldn’t possibly find time to honor their promise to their constituents made Aug. 26 when they promised a Special Meeting to discuss an independent investigation in open session.

thanks for your continued pressure on this issue Julie…..where is Aaron Jokes?

Perfect name Aaron Jokes! lol….thanks Robert Torrance. I think a FB page needs to be dedicated to that fool. PERFECT name Aaron Jokes

Don’t stop with Adams. Ms. McClish needs to be held accountability for her role as well and then you have the snake in the chamber, Tony Farrara. He needs to be recalled following the election he will no doubt win since he is running unopposed. Surely, there must be some honesty, concerning, willing person who will step forward and fill this sit!

If Big Tony terminates Adams it just puts more credence that he was totally involved in the initial coverup. I think he did himself in on this one. It’s not complicated to figure out what has gone on. It’s time for the three of them to pack their bags and move on. This case is closed and the guilty verdict is in.

Is this Tony’s way of saving his A$$?

Scheduled “coincidentally” during Saturday’s Farmers Market…! Parking will be tight, limited, folks will have to get there early, or walk further, but attend we must.

Our city deserves better, as do the Police Officers of this town. Consider wearing black in solidarity of them. These shenanigans can NOT continue.

Swan Song

I am sure most of you have heard the metaphorical phrase “It’s his swan song” but have you ever really wondered what the phrase means ?

Per Wikipedia …. “The Swan song (in ancient Greek: κύκνειον ᾆσμα) is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans (Cygnus spp.) sing a beautiful song in the moment just before death, having been silent (or alternatively, not so musical) during most of their lifetime.

I just heard that the council is going to hold a special meeting tomorrow (Saturday) to decide the city managers fate.

Don’t kid yourself for one moment … This is Ferrara’s attempt to avoid the masses and their criticism on the regularly scheduled Tuesday council meeting. It is also an attempt to stifle citizen participation and criticism by scheduling a hurried meeting on a weekend.

My guess is that the council, in a desperate effort to save face, will accept Adams resignation of perhaps terminate his contract but in either case the genie has already been released from the bottle.

To the citizens of AG… Don’t let them structure a generous payout of your tax dollars in form of a severance pay. Do not back down and continue to hold the council’s feet to the fire. You don’t deserve such disingenuous leadership !!!

The only outcome from this 3rd evaluation of the City Manager should be TERMINATION. If it is anything else, I am sure the scheduled Tuesday Counsel Meeting will see ongoing outrage and dissatisfaction with the slimy way things have been handled, and won’t let

it just all go away.

the only outcome should be the resignation of this entirely incompetent board of civil servants, they are a complete joke

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