Arroyo Grande manager clearly violated city policy

September 27, 2014
LeAnn Akins

LeAnn Akins


You may or may not have read my letter which was published on the CalCoastNews last week. You may or may not remember I spoke at the Arroyo Grande City Council meeting on Tuesday night. You may or may not care that I have opinions related to how you (as a group) are conducting the business of the city.

You may or may not read this letter. If you do read this letter, you may dismiss it entirely. That dismissiveness would only confirm your dismissiveness over the last few months.

On Tuesday night I introduced the word nonfeasance. As I stated in the public forum, nonfeasance is defined as “a failure to act that results in harm to another party.” This word adequately describes your leadership over the last several months. You have taken no action when action was necessary and you have caused harm to our city through this inaction.

I would also use the word mismanagement. You have mismanaged resources, people, situations, and your authority regarding not just this most recent incident surrounding the City Manager’s office, but with regards to several other situations as well. We could spend time re-hashing the recent release of 30,000 gallons of potable water down a gutter. We could also discuss the necessity of spending 70,000 dollars on a training program to teach our citizens to conserve water, when in reality you just need to enforce the sanctions currently in place. I can assure you, they are not being enforced as I live near a house which uses the sprinklers every day for the lawn. These are just two examples.

Careless is relatively self-explanatory, but I will explain this a little further. You have been careless in the application of the laws and policies which govern the city leaders as a whole. Given your affinity for carelessness, you have shown yourselves to be equally dismissive of facts as well as public opinion.

Because you are dismissive of facts and public opinion, you have a very limited scope or view of your role in our community and of the situation facing all of us. Your dismissiveness of facts has also led you to use phrases like “bad judgment,” when in reality, you should be using phrases such as “city and department rules and policies were broken and we are taking action to terminate Mr. Adams.”

You are also misguided. You insist that your independent investigation will be impartial because you have created a list of possible candidates to conduct this investigation who work outside of our city or have no ties to our city. No offense, but not one person at the meeting on Tuesday believes your list of investigators is impartial of your leadership, nor independent of your leadership. The only way to truly have an independent and impartial investigation is to let an outside agency make the determination of who will undertake this investigation. Don’t miss this, your independent investigation must be impartial, or it will be a waste of time, money, and resources. These items are not mutually exclusive; independent and impartial are the two requirements for this proposed investigation and something the citizens of Arroyo Grande demand be a goal and an achieved outcome of this investigation.

You are unaware. I use the word unaware because as public comment closed on Tuesday night at the council meeting, Mayor Ferrara shared he understood this was a very emotional situation. Public outrage is not couched in emotion as alluded to by the mayor. It is couched in the knowledge policies and rules were broken. The outrage is aligned with the fact people in authority looked away knowing rules and policies were broken. The outrage is connected to the fact tough questions were not asked nor were tough decisions made. Individuals who should be terminated based on policy and employment agreement violations remain in their positions. This leads the public to conclude authority is being misused. This is not merely an emotional topic.

This is a situation which was handled inappropriately as soon as it left the hands of the Arroyo Grande Police Department. You are also unaware that it is you who created this situation and because you are unaware that you created this situation, you are unaware of why the community is showing its outrage. You listen but you do not hear and you do not understand.

You are policy breakers; you do not follow your own rules. I have read several documents available to the public including, but not limited to the 1995 document with the Personnel Regulations and the Employment Agreement with Steve Adams. Within the binding language of each of these documents, it is clear that violations of these policies occurred. It is also clear that you did not treat the behaviors displayed as violations, but again, merely as bad judgment.” Rules were not created to be ignored, broken, or violated. They exist for a purpose and that purpose is to provide a broad spectrum of protections. You have not only violated policies, you have violated the spirit of the law and in so doing, are restraining the laws from doing their job, providing those protections. I have included a short list of violations from the current situation:

Munincipal Code 1.16.020 Violations—“Aiding, abetting, and concealing Every person who causes, aids, or conceals the fact of a violation of this code is guilty of violating this code.”

Sadly, from where I sit, you are all guilty of this. Mr. Adams is definitely guilty of this by initially lying to the police officers who responded to the call on the night of July 3. That lie should be grounds for dismissal.

Personnel Regulations

Section D: Behavior:

“1.Improper Employee Conduct. The term “improper employee conduct” means not only any improper action by an employee in the employee’s official capacity, but also conduct by an employee not connected with the employee’s official duties that brings a discredit to the City or that affects the ability to perform the employee’s duties officially or any improper use of the position as an employee for personal advantage.”

Where to begin with this one…the behaviors of the city manager on the night of July 3 has brought discredit to the city. That is a fact that you cannot ignore; you only needed to attend the meeting on Tuesday evening to realize this.Discredit is defined as: (verb) To cause to be no longer believed or valued, to prove or show to be false, to give no credence to, to damage in reputation. Mr. Adams’ actions have caused shame and dishonor to his position. The community does not believe him, or value his services. He has lied and continues to cling to those lies. There does not need to be any further proof gathered with regards to this violation; his actions meet the definition of discredit. We have no confidence in Steve Adams’ ability to run the city. We are asking for him to be terminated.

f. Improper or unauthorized use of city vehicles or equipment or misappropriation of supplies.

“Using city buildings as a sobering center (or an additional place to partake in some alcohol) is not only improper and unauthorized, but a misappropriation as well. Misappropriation is simply defined as improper or wrong. Again, Mr. Adams’ actions meet that definition.”

j. Willful violation of these rules and regulations, departmental rules and policies, or any written policies that may be prescribed by the city.

There was willful violation with regards to the policies and rules Mr. Adams is subject to and the council is standing by him (therefore standing by his actions). Willful violation is an “act done voluntarily with either an intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to,” the requirements of Acts, regulations, statutes or relevant workplace policies.” As city leaders, you have also ignored your due diligence with regards to the policies and rules you are bound to.

l. Any action, including negative attitude or behavior, that is a direct hinderance to the effective performance of city functions.

The focus should be placed on “any action.” That road is broad and should be interpreted as such. Couldn’t we all agree that the actions demonstrated by Mr. Adams and Mrs. McClish fit the part of this regulation which points to the ‘direct hinderance to the effective performance of city functions? How could they feel that their choices and actions would not impact their ability to effectively perform their duties?

n. Sexual or other illegal, improper, or inappropriate harassment of another employee.

Given the half-dressed subordinate to Mr. Adams, you could point to harassment just on that basis. Nothing about the events of the evening of July 3 were proper.

2. An official or employee of the City shall not engage in conduct that would tend to discredit or dishonor his/her position with the City. (discussed above)

Employment agreement:

“Whereas, it is the desire of City to (a) secure and retain Employee and to provide inducement for him to remain in such employment; (b) to make possible full work productivity by assuring Employee’s morale and peace of mind with respect to future security; (c) to act as a deterrent against malfeasance or dishonesty for personal gain on the part of Employee; (d) to provide a just means for terminating employee’s services at such time as he may be unable to fully discharge his duties or when City may desire to otherwise terminate his employment; …”

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:…

Section 6:B:

“It is understood and agreed that the employment relationship established hereby shall be “at-will”…In the event Employee is terminated for good cause, then City shall have not obligation to pay the sum designated in this paragraph. For the purpose of this Agreement, “good cause” shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, any of the following:

(1) A material breach of the terms of this Agreement;
(2) Misfeasance;
(3) Malfeasance;
(4) A failure to perform his duties in a professional and responsible manner consistent with generally accepted standards of the profession;
(5) Conduct unbecoming the position of City Manager or likely to bring discredit or embarrassment to City”

This agreement certainly did not deter against malfeasance or dishonesty. Nor has it given the city council a reason to terminate Mr. Adams, even though it is clear he has not met the terms of said agreement. This is a covenant; very strong language for a document being disregarded. A covenant is a binding agreement made by two or more individuals to do or keep from doing a specified thing.
So, this employment agreement is binding. Binding isn’t a word used lightly. Binding means that you hold to that agreement, promise, etc, both with regards to the policies and the results of not following those policies. The use of “at-will” ‘means, at least in theory, that the employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause. Given the circumstances, I think we can all agree that ‘cause’ has been met. The idea of ‘good cause’ focuses on the idea of legally adequate or substantial grounds or reason to take a certain action. Without stretching too far, I believe that ‘good cause’ has been met to terminate the agreement between the city and the city manager.

Malfeasance has been met and exceeded. Malfeasance is defined as a wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official. The list of misconduct is fairly lengthy. With regards to conduct unbecoming, Mr. Adams’ actions on the evening of July 3 fully fit with unbecoming conduct. Conduct on the part of a certified professional that is contrary to the interests of the public served by that professional, or which harms the standing of the profession in the eyes of the public is one definition of conduct unbecoming. It is fairly easy to see the parallels between the definition, Mr. Adams’ actions, and the results of those actions.

What I have learned over the last few days is that our city government has no intention of using the tools it has as its disposal to truly deal with the situation at hand. I have also learned that the people of Arroyo Grande are raising their voices to the deaf ears of the council, I witnessed that first hand. I have also learned that our community is hungry for strong leadership and leadership that will hold itself accountable to the rules, policies and statues it is bonded to follow.

I will continue to learn more and continue to bring this to the public’s attention as well as yours. Please understand that this is an issue which will not die, there are too many of us who are concerned about the outcome because we deeply care about our city. We want our city leadership we were promised when you were voted in and hired. You have not met the terms of our binding agreement with you and we vote to terminate that agreement.

LeAnn Akins is an Arroyo Grande residents and an educator for more than 20 years.

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Please help elect JIM HILL for Mayor! As a write in candidate, you have to be sure to check the box under Tony’s name and write in JIM HILL.

You can help with passing out flyers, posting (and creating?) signs, writing letters to the editor, etc.

CALL: (805)441-5133



FACEBOOK: coming soon!

Also if you would like to get the word out you should write your opinion letters to

The Tolosa Press.

Their publications reach the entire county. (3 Papers)

The Coast publication covers Arroyo Grande

Send letters to:

They are not at all biased like the Tribune.

Keep up the good work!

Im on that as of right now. Thank you for the advice. Have a wonderful day!

Silly Leann, Don’t you understand, we are the government, we do whatever we want, we have few repercussions for our actions, our only objective is to enrich ourselves and our friends, we really don’t care what you think. So you can write your silly opinion pieces and we might pay you a little lip service but in the end we just want you to go away, you are a nuisance and we just don’t care. Sincerely (not) your government.

Dear Isoslo,

I am not sure if you are putting me down, or agreeing with me. Either way, I don’t care. I ruly believe that if we continue to be complacent and accept the status quo, we get what we

deserve. I for one do not believe the citizens of Arroyo Grande deserve the local leaders

we currently have.

I am proud that I am a nuisance and that they want me to go away—that means I am doing

the right thing. Are you? Or are you sitting back and letting things happen you fundamentaly disagree with and know are wrong and not in the best interest of the community?

I choose to act so I don’t become jaded.

Have a wonderful day.

I have no idea who isoslo is, but I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that the isoslo post was 100% satire/sarcasm/irony/parody or however else you may wish to characterize it.

I truly doubt that isoslo meant that post to be critical of LeAnn.

Note to fellow posters: some times, with such messages, it may be helpful for us to tag our message with some sort of “satire/sarcasm warning” just to avoid the potential hazard of the message appearing to mean exactly the opposite of what we intended.

In the meantime, LeAnn, keep up the good work. It may take a while, but this effort should eventually be properly rewarded.

Thank you for the comment. And in reality, I don’t care what those individuals say about me or think about me. Complacency is not something I support, it is clear to me they do….at least at this point and time. In action is not something I understand. They are fee to choose how they feel and whether they will act or not. If the impact of this situation touched them in any way (and it does if they are an AG resident), I choose to hold out hope they will see the situation for what it truly is and choose to do something about it.

Please keep sharing all the posts and columns about this situation so people are aware of what is happening. We have to keep the pressure on the current council and mayor—they have to know this is not going to go away quietly “into the good night.”

for the two individuals who disliked by response above, I am so very glad I am not you.

LeAnn, Julie Tacker, Otis, agag1, Mary Malone

Keep up the great work! Wishing we had all of you in Morro Bay to help get rid of our corrupt mayor Jamie Irons. (one of Tony’s buddies).


LeAnn, I know you do not care about the writings above of isoslo, but I took that as someone that is in total agreement with you.

For those who chose to dislike my post above, please know it becomes apparent you have something to loose in this election if Tony is ousted, or if the city manager is ultimately terminated from his position. Self-serving initiatives will only result in temporary rewards……very temporary.

Know this, the group you are against on this site will not give up. We are tenacious. We know that the citizens of AG deserve better leadership and they will get it.

Sorry Leann, I was agreeing with you 100%. I was just being a little flippant because it seems like every day we read about someone in government ignoring a law and nothing ever happens. This joke in A G is just the latest example. I believe government employees should be held to a higher standard when I fact they are held to almost no standards. Keep up the good work, and I will take panflashes advice and note my sarcasm in my next post.

Great work, LeAnn. I appreciate the amount of work involved in your op-ed, and I would like to point out a couple of things about which you may not be aware.

One issue, the contracting out of a water conservation program, is not as cut and dried as, for instance, contracting out for trash pickup. Each community is unique and a successful water conservation program builds on that uniqueness to unite the community behind the program. Because of this, designing a successful water conservation program is not a one-size-fits-all deal.

Therefore, a successful water conservation program does not come cheap, but an unsuccessful program can cost so much more, because if a program is poorly planned and fails to obtain significant customer support, you can sour the agency’s customers on future water conservation measures, and they will in the future reject measures that actually will work.

For instance, to “just enforce” the current landscape irrigation regulations is quite an undertaking. For a city the size of AG, I estimate it would require at least one experienced water conservation specialist and one part-time assistant, 1 vehicle, camera equipment for documentation, a dedicated laptops with specialized software, workspace , access to printers, copiers, etc etc., and the list goes on.

To put together the policies for enforcement is quite another undertaking. And, underlying it all is the reality that no matter how good the staff are, this type of program will generate many, many complaints. This is why many water agencies avoid enforcing these regulations.

So I don’t think $70,000 is a lot for contracting for a successful water conservation program.

What I a concerned about, however, is whether the mayor, city council and staff are competent to contract for a successful water conservation program.

I believe the $70K was ONLY for Verdin Marketing(friend of Nick Tompkins) to create a Facebook page, link it to other pages, or from the city website, etc. in short—marketing only.

It does not include any of the items you list as necessary for a successful water conservation program.

Verdin is a marketing agency…period. The connection to Tompkins makes this suspect. I think a FB page could be created for much less. I realize there may be a MIT more to it than that, but surely the city should shop around before committing to this.

I was about to parrot something similar to agag1’s reply. It is not that they want to spend $70,000, it is that they’re spending $70,000 on a $2,000 project (at best).

Better yet, how about letting a Cal Poly marketing major take this on as a senior project. Those kids are AMAZING!

Not to mention the fact that there wouldn’t even be a hint of nepotism, how refreshing!

that would is brilliant, which is one reason why the idea didn’t come from our current council, mayor, or city manager…….

when is the next meeting? there are tons of ideas out there about what we should be prepared with on Tuesday evening for the Planning Commission meeting, but have we decided on the actions we are going to take? I am prepared to do whatever it takes……..

great suggestion…..if our council would only listen to its citizens…..they wouldnt be in this position….A Cal Poly kid would love to have this on their resume. They are incredible students.

I can attest to that, as we have 3 CP grads and more on the way!

Go Mustangs!

and that the $70K is only for the first year of a 3 – 5 year contract which may or may-not have a termination right at will

Why have restrictions and sanctions if you are not going to enforce them? Seems like a farce and a waste of time and resources—thus supporting my points from earlier.

The public does need to be educated, but we also have to start cutting back on water usage now! Not wait for our local leaders to approve an education plan that will tell us more politely to stop using so much damn water.

Here’s the thing—this issue just isn’t about corruption, it’s about the model of leadership as a whole. If the city cannot fine people currently for using too much water because they are not following the current restrictions, they have no teeth behind them. A leader needs teeth. A leader needs to be tough when the times calls for it—-our leaders are not that.

My family has cut back on water usage significantly—more than just the “new green is brown idea.” Has yours? Did the city need to educate you on this? They didn’t need to educate me. Rather than setting up an overpriced Facebook page, maybe the council members should go door to door and discuss this with the residents—-but oh, I forgot, they are too busy planning tea parties.

LeAnn, you should be running for mayor!

Dear nurse1,

I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you for your support overall. I think I need more time in my new city to figure out who is who and who is really doing what, when I do that—-I may just throw my hat into the ring. And for the person who disliked the good nurse’s post, I may run just to spite you……….

Attta girl! And I mean no disrespect as far as gender. Only envious we do not have someone like you in Morro Bay that could put an end to Mayor Jamie Irons, and his 2 fellow clowns on the council sideshow. (Christine Johnson and Noah Schmuckler)

Harvest festival would have been a great place to distribute info to further reinforce reducing water usage…but no! We need Mary Verdin to come up with some cutesy caricatures before we can get the message out. What rubbish!

And they claim to be fiscally prudent—NOT!

Mary Malone,

your mixing apples and oranges here. I hope that no one is against water conservation. I dont think they are. What appears out of whack is spending $70K on Water Conservation Education Marketing with a firm that wants to spend that money on telephone marketing, when free or very cheap self managed social media solutions exist. Even more of an outrage is the strong ties that Verdin Marketing has to Tony Ferraro and Nick Thompkins. Think, dont drink the government propaganda and kool-aid. You also bring up enforcement which sounds good but we all know enforcement can be arbitrary and selective, and the money raised goes to pockets in the government, and does that really help the people?


FerrarA…T(no H)ompkins

I am on your side…just want the names correct.

Don’t want to give them anything more to be critical of!

I can assure everyone, the council is not competent enough to contract for a successful water conservation program.

We have enough water to last us about a year and a half. We clearly need rain, but since that is not something we control, we need to control what we do individually, and as a whole community. I don’t see the city council being strong enough to lead that charge.

I wonder how Ms. McClish’s husband (or is he a Wasband by now) is taking all of this? Jeeze, wouldn’t there be fireworks if HE showed up at a council meeting?

LeAnn, you sure know how to do your homework!

Since we’re allowed 3 minutes to speak we should split this up, and read each of your pieces that way at the planning commission and council meetings so they are part of the record.

HI agag1 I couldn’t agree more. We should also determine other things we want read into

the public record at all of these meetings.

VOTE JIM HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Council thinks the worst is over

They made it through the first Council meeting with the AGPOA and the Harvest Festival

NOW is the time to POUR it ON

Tell them how disappointed in them you are, read from some of the better posts, ask them if they are proud of themselves

Send letters to the DA, League of CA cities, and to the Editor

Keep it on the radio and TV news.

DO NOT let them off the hook, they think time is on their side.

Let’s PROVE them WRONG

The worst is hardly over for them. We need to keep this in the public eye. The

citizens of AG have to consistently hear the message that the leadership of our city is

unethical, but we have to explain why. People who don’t pay attention, choose not to

pay attention to the larger scope of what is going on around them because it requires

just that, their attention…….we need to get signs in our yards, flyers out in our

neighborhoods, and be very clear with people who haven’t been following this, that

the city government is not working on the citizen’s behalf, only their own behalf.

I truly think we need to focus on Mr. Adams and Mr. Ferrara; the glaring blemish they

have created, necessitates that we focus on removing them from their current

positions in our community.

Leeann, can you write an op ed piece for the Tribune? I am afraid most of those reading here are all on the same page (with the exception of those few of you who keep clicking “dislike”!).

Your words need to get outside of this website and Facebook. Write to the papers please!

The plan is to have this newest “investigation ” behind us by election time.

So, not only does the council have a short list of potential investigators, they apparently know just how long this needs to take in order for it to be sufficiently forgotten by Nov 4…AMAZING! Anyone surprised?

I don’t have your gift. I was praising today’s piece and your first, AS WELL. Writing like this isn’t my thing. I apologize for the confusion.

One of the most difficult events for a governing body is to be in the spotlight for a LONG time.

I am recommending this including attendance at the commission meetings also. Ms. McClish is responsible for the planning commission. They meet the first Tuesday of the month in chambers.We must make comments there

The Council must get worn down by repeated long public comment that must wear them down.

Time is on their side. Tony already has selected his preferred investigator.

We must have speakers each meeting be well prepared and each person attack different issues including reading Leanne’s piece. That way it gets in the PUBLIC. RECORD.

People can read the Council the Brown Act, the employee handbook, the candidate statements from the 2 that are running, how about reading Tonys words back to him? The quotes from Adams. We must use up hours of their meetings. Believe me wearing them down is the way and it KEEPS it in the news. Tony will talk or be arrogant and rude and that will provide more fuel.

Sad Insider we want to hear from you. How’s it going?

100% agree. All great points.

Sounds like you know how to play the game,we would be wise to follow your advice.

So now we have plans for the 1st & 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month.

See you there!

I’ll be there with my black on and my RESIGN NOW sticker!

Perfectly said.

I continue to be angry, and demand this City Council and Mayor abide by what they swore they would do for the Citizens of Arroyo Grande, not an individual employee who has clearly violated at minimum, policy and employment agreement.

I think we need to prepare for a recall of these officials as I am leery of an uninformed, and/or misinformed apathetic public that will even cast a vote, let alone write in a candidate. I believe that’s what this council is hoping happens, and political statistics will show they are right. They seem to think this is going to go away…It’s not.

We need to be at every meeting we can possible attend, in force, with true and correct

information as well as strong, but appropriate demands. The public, as always, is grossly

misinformed because it is easier to be that—–much easier. We need to give them a

reason to care about the outcome of this whole situation.

I think a recall to some extent is eminent……we should begin talking about this as a

plan B…….all of them have to go…….

Another great article by LeAnn

I couldn’t agree more. Well thought and executed. Intelligent, yet easy to follow. Well done, ma’am. And for your first as well. I’m almost pursuaded.

So much has been said about everybody who has had anything to say in this, that an independent investigation is the only way to whittle it down to fact,( as your crowd has so often said).

So why aren’t you all waiting for the investigation before whetting your hanging ropes? This makes level-headed, working, common, people question your motives as well.

For me and mine, at this point, all the great essays are just that unless they’re going to accompany a movie that has at least a tit in it. If you can’t show us at least that, please pipe down and wait for the results of this investigation you only just put so many other fine words into? Doesn’t that seem reasonable?

If the investigators are selected by those needing to be investigated, it make NO sense at all!

the government has a long track record of not investigating itself very well….you practically have to have a smoking gun with video evidence to prove anything. Then still they manage to lose the gun and video, or cover it up,etc.

Case in point, our beloved IRS…and the wonder why we don’t trust ’em.

Lois Lerner and one other gave this a thumb down!

You’d do yourselves a service to call for a fair investigation instead, then. Cause we’re just sick of it all, for the most part.

Regular people don’t want to see them hung before somebody can tell us what actually happened. Y’all gave up on the GJ then? Wasn’t that a thing like last week or something?

You’re not doing a very good job of following the events Ish.

The city council agreed to an independent investigation knowing it would result in the Grand Jury declining to take the case, it’s just part of the game.

The process will need to be repeated IF the scope of the next investigation does not address the violations and subsequent improper actions so clearly outlined by the POA.

I suggest you read the officer’s statements to the council last week, if at this point, you still need someone to tell you what actually happened.

I actually spoke to that already with the bit about “so much has been said about everyone involved’. The police motives have been questioned, too. For the regular person, every story in this situation suits the teller. Re ask the grand jury, including your supposing that the mayor is doing things just to avoid a gj investigation.

And I read as well as anyone, agag. There was no call to be so condescending. I could just as easily take your part in this once proof is given. Provided I don’t mind standing next to a concescending jackass while i did.

The police “motives” were called into question by Mr Adams, during his KSBY interview. His claim that someone is trying to damage his reputation is about as believable as that box of tea he pulled out of his desk drawer. Did that convince you, or anyone of the innocent nature of the “tea party”?

Your reference to “the regular person” is very telling. Most folks in AG have little to almost no knowledge of what actually goes on at City Hall. Even after all the attention this story has received, MOST people in AG know almost, if not NOTHING about it. They want to believe everything is above board, honest and our business is conducted with integrity…guess again!

In walking the Harvest Festival last night and again today I was shocked, utterly dumbfounded at some of the stories I heard from people who are hoping Mr Hill’s campaign can bring a change to AG. IF only 1/2 or 1/3 of it IS actually true, the regular folks may be a bit more concerned, but I wouldn’t count on it. Most are of the opinion that this is just no big deal.

If the words of 5 or 6 officers isn’t proof enough for you, what would be? If they lie, they lose their jobs. When Mr Adams lies, he keeps his. Who has more reason to lie?

The fact that you say you’re sick of it, for the most part is exactly what City officials are hoping for. Don’t believe me? Read the post of doglover at 5:05.

If you’re wondering what all the fuss is really about, let me reassure you, it is not about Steve and Teresa. It’s a whole lot more than that. Again, I refer you back to the officer’s statements. They describe why this really IS a big deal far better than I.

This site tends to attract the lynch mob mentality. And if you are so bold to disagree, be prepared for the put downs and bullying. Fortunately, it represents a tiny fraction of the populace. Unfortunately, if they try a recall it will be unsuccessful and spent thousands of dollars of the taxpayers money.

Dear MajorityFan,

We are not even close to being a lynch mob—your statements come the majority opinion, or think to be majority opinion, and so anyone who goes against your ideas or viewpoints are termed “a lynch mob”.

To define our group more completely, and correctly, we are a group of citizens who are not satisfied with our current leadership for a variety of reasons and are acting to do something about it. Be careful to use language that you clearly do not apply properly when it comes to describing a group, person, or action. A lynch mob is has connotations that do not apply to this current situation at all. You should read up on your history, or at least use a dictionary to verify your use of the lynch mob idea before you throw this out there…….

I think you are equally misguided. If you believe that the investigation is going to be

both independent and impartial with the council, the mayor, or any one who is

connected to the group we are lodging complaints against, then you are not seeing

the situation for what it truly is.

I think it is within all of the citizen’s rights in AG to not be patient as they fumble about

with this situation. Really, enough is enough.

And, you missed my first piece published on the 23rd… this would be my second.

my post was in response to Ishmael09…….

I don’t have your gift. I was praising today’s piece and your first, AS WELL. Writing like this isn’t my thing. I apologize for the confusion.

Sorry Ishmael09—–I hope you accept my apology. If you are tired of

the leadership join our fight.

We need to be at every meeting we can possible attend, in force, with true and correct

information as well as strong, but appropriate demands. The public, as always, is grossly

misinformed because it is easier to be that—–much easier. We need to give them a

reason to care about the outcome of this whole situation.

You are right LeAnn

The police and fire and their families need to attend also.

There are multiple Brown Act violations here that need to be dealt with.

Also, my god have they provided counselling to any of the current employees?

We are in for a whopper of claims, I fear.

Do we have a list of the Brown Act violations? I haven’t

read that yet, but will this weekend for sure. We could come to the meetings with poster boards with bullet pointed items of those violations, signs saying Vote Jim Hill, resign

now, etc…….we have to hit them hard……every meeting….