A.G. won’t pursue investigation of Adams

September 10, 2014


Two top Arroyo Grande officials escaped further sanctions late Tuesday after council members veered from promises to probe deeper into the pair’s late-night rendezvous in City Hall.

The July 3 incident involving City Manager Steve Adams and subordinate Teresa McClish, community development director, was kept submerged from public view following a brief inquiry into the matter by the city attorney’s office. Deputy City Attorney Michael McMahon elected to believe Adams and McClish’s accounts over police officer official reports.

The council went into closed session Tuesday at the end of their regular meeting to discuss Adam’s job performance. After an hour, they emerged to report they had taken no action, meaning the matter is now officially closed.

City Manager Steve Adams and Teresa McClish

City Manager Steve Adams and Teresa McClish/Photo by Daniel Blackburn

Police responding to an emergency call from McClish’s husband led them to a darkened City Hall, where they discovered the pair in a back office with clothing askew.

According to Adams, the pair had been “drinking tea” to sober up after attending a restaurant opening.

Grainy video provided by the city shows Adams running across the street toward City Hall to join McClish in the parking lot following the event. He then turns and runs after several people leave Roberts Restaurant and returns several minutes later after McClish flashes her car lights.

Tuesday’s meeting drew a slightly smaller crowd than two weeks ago, when three members of the council expressed their desire to schedule a discussion of the matter on the regular meeting agenda. Instead, the item was placed at the very end of the agenda and conducted in secret as required by law, according to City Attorney Timothy Carmel.

Resident Otis Page told the council, “You lied to us. You promised an agenda item to discuss this openly yet you did not agendize it. This issue has legs and it is not going away. Dishonesty has costs.” Vanessa Andrews said she is “one of those people who is upset. If you support Adams and McClish in this you are creating a hostile work environment. Do the right thing for once.”

Heather Jensen said she was “disappointed” by the lack of an agenda discussion.

“We citizens need to know what happened,” she said. “We need a Grand Jury probe.”

Connie Avila noted police department personnel were “gagged” by city officials, and Beatrice Spencer said city officials were accepting Adams’ version of events over the interpretation of four police officers.

Bob Hatch, who said he is a 40-year resident of the city, asked the council to stop the investigation.

“I’ve talked to a lot of people who don’t want this to go on,” he said.

Adams and McClish sat together for a brief period while McClish outlined a city program for the council.

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I’d like to know the payroll for that entire bench!

Nice salaries and benefits for a small town. Why does the Recreation Director make so much money?

Because he “schedules” all the recreation.

Steve Adams has absolutely no self respect.

Leave and take your girlfriend with you.

To he** with his self respect, I hope his guilty conscience makes the rest of his hair fall out and he doesn’t sleep a wink at night.

What about respect for his wife and children?

Wineguyjc: I fully agree with your viewpoint of shopping with merchants that support this type of attitude of “protect your own” especially when the citizens are the ones needing protection here from a apparent corrupt or impaired system. You as citizens have a right to choose where to spend your dollars and which merchants support the community as a whole and not just this mayor, council and administration. Heck, it appears they are sideswiping their own law enforcement. I say boycott any business that considers you nothing but

“another dollar walking in the door”. This is your right, choice and rightful decision .Let these merchants decide how much biz they can afford to lose over this. The common man supports a business everyday and any day.

More and more AG seems to be moving towards large corporate businesses and fewer locally owned ones.

One has to wonder if this may be part of the City’s bigger plan.

When was the last time a representative from a bit chain store complained to the council about anything? They come here, set up shop, hire a few employees, and profits head back to their headquarters—out of our community.

Fewer small, locally owned businesses means fewer folks to expose the city’s unjust business practices.

when the corporations own the government it was called corporatism ,there is also another name for this and it usually is equipted with overwhelming military and police to stifle democracy we have sponsored and seen the process many times Italy Japan Germany Guatemala Chili Honduras Nicaragua Grenada

it can,t happen here


Gotta protect their own. Most professionals heading up corporations have contracts that include a morals and ethics clause. In fact, professional sports figures have that now. Read the wall street journal about the head of a fortune five hundred company who lost his job and options for having an illicit affair in the work place. Arroyo Grande can change its name to City of sodom and Gomorrah. I will never shop in town ever again, as long as my tax dollars would support this garbage.

Does Mr McClish believe the Police Officers and video tapes or does he believe Mr Adams? Just asking…..

Most likely he believes the facts and not the speculations and innuendo that are running rampant.

And what the facts for you MajorityFan?

I do not understand your question. What the facts for me?

Four police memos are neither speculation nor innuendos..

they mean you’ve BEEN CAUGHT!

….because everyone knows that the police lie! NOT

You (Deputy City Attorney Michael McMahon) have no idea the amount of undermining you have just done to the integrity of your police department. One can only hope that you will NEVER have the need of their assistance, either in your professional capacity or your personal life.

I, for one, would NEVER serve on the Police Department where the city attorney chose to believe two half naked co-workers over two law enforcement officers.

Can you blame the city attorney, the police officers can not raise his salary but the city manager can.

And I forgot to add Did raise his salary recently, any surprise now with the outcome of the so called investigation…….

Isn’t it nice how they all keep raising their salaries when they compare themselves to other cities,

who keep raising THEIR salaries, when they compare themselves to other cites, who recently raised their city management salaries based on a study of other city employees who just got a pay raise?

Pretty sweet deal, too bad it doesn’t work that way in the private sector!

This song could be heard echoing through the hallways of city hall Tuesday night….

From their ‘Tango In The Night’ album, Fleetwood Mac’s “Little Lies”


Here’s something I don’t quite understand. If nothing happened and the police are lying, why was Mr. Adams reprimanded? The looser mayor and a council member both said that Adams was reprimanded. Also, if there was no reportable action taken in either closed session, how is it that he was reprimanded? To me being reprimanded “IS” a “formal” action even if it’s only verbal.

Time to clean house, I hope the fine residents of AG have the fortitude to press forward and take back the city leadership and restore some integrity to the county. Actions speak louder than words!

Since it’s apparently not against city policy to use the building for personal enjoyment,

ignore police and then become agitated when you’re discovered, among other things…

my guess is that he was reprimanded for the serious offense of violating the city dress code

with a half un-tucked shirt.

There simply is no other way to justify that he still has his job,

other than the fact that this would qualify as a minor infraction.

Kristen stated, most of the people she’s talked to think this should be dropped.

I have also talked with residents who think this is “really no big deal”.

But when asked what would happen to them if they were conducting personal business at their place of employment, the police responded, etc, they have a different response.

Not ONE person has said their employer wouldn’t terminate them—not ONE!

I’d be willing to bet Kristen isn’t asking the right questions, or any questions for that matter.

When people are given the facts, they have a different perspective.

This may be why the City doesn’t want the facts known.

It is the LYING we object to.

We are now the laughing stock of SLO county…. More than the OCSD, more than MB, more than pismo!

Arroyo Grande has become the joke of the county; that’s no kidding either.