Adam Hill running for reelection, not the assembly

February 27, 2015
Supervisor Adam Hill

Supervisor Adam Hill


San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill filed an intention to run for supervisor in 2016 with the clerk recorder on Feb. 9.

Hill had been considering a run for the 35th District Assembly seat, according to several union representatives who said Hill approached them for support last year. The seat is currently held by Katcho Achadjian, who will be termed out in 2016.

Nevertheless, Hill is likely to face multiple opponents in his battle to hold on to the District 3 supervisor seat. Several people have considered running against Hill including Pismo Beach Mayor Shelly Higginbotham, Grover Beach’s former Mayor Debbie Peterson and Grover Beach’s current Mayor John Shoals.

Former state Senator Sam Blakeslee said earlier this month that he was considering running for the District 3 Supervisor’s seat. Blakeslee said his primary reason for a possible campaign against the two-term incumbent was because of Hill’s support for a proposed 1,500 home development in Wild Cherry Canyon.

On Thursday, Blakeslee said he is no longer planning to enter the race because he has learned a credible candidate will challenge Hill in the 2016 election. He did not disclose the name of the candidate.

Three supervisor seats are up for grabs in 2016. District 5 Supervisor Debbie Arnold said she plans to run for reelection. Former District 5 Supervisor Jim Patterson said that rumors about him running again are untrue.

When District 1 Supervisor Frank Mecham first ran for office in 2008, he said he would only run for two terms making this his last.  However, Mecham said Friday he will announce whether or not he will run for a third term in June.

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Why do we pay the salary of Hannah Miller, Mr. Hill’s legislative assistant, to do the job Dee Torres has just taken on?

I’m confused and so is my wallet!

Hi AJ McLaughlin, I just discovered why you’ve been banned. You’ve used at least 3 different monikers to attack (anonymously) public officials on line. THIS IS NOT PRODUCTIVE, THIS DOES NOT CREATE SOLUTIONS, RIGHT? How about you contact one of us using your real name and tell us what’s bothering you? If you want an advisory council for AG let us know how many others want this as well. Solutions not garbage name calling etc….

Only on this blog does a response trying to get to solutions get 6 thumbs down. Goodness:)

Dirty trick, Dee Torres. You pretend to want to clear the air, solve problems, and you gain enough trust with someone that they give you more information about themselves. Then you turn around and “out” them. This is a dirty trick and you only illustrate how Team Adam Hill works by finding “enemies of Adam Hill” and punishing them. Shame on you.

Moderator, please remove the post by Dee Torres “outing” someone who wanted to remain anonymous on this web site.

Wait. Did you say “tell “us” what’s bothering you? YOU are not an elected official, Mrs. Hill. YOU do not have the authority to form an AG advisory council.

Step back.

Like you, Mrs. Hill, I have a married name and a maiden name. Also like you, I have been “online” long before I was married (except this is my first and only marriage, unlike you), so my maiden name is on the internet. Post-marriage, I have incorporated my new name now and it is also on the internet.

I don’t write anonymously. Those are my ACTUAL names. I’m not hiding behind anything. Not a keyboard, a podium or a microphone. I’m out front.

I did absolutely let my supervisor’s office know I was interested in getting an advisory council in my area and I was flat-out told there IS NO WAY that will happen because of boundary requirements. To reiterate EXACTLY what I was told regarding advisory councils within district three:

“2) I *have* reached out to Mr. Hill’s office. I have had numerous conversations, via email and even in person, with his legislative aide Hannah (“not pronounced Hannah”) regarding how I could get an advisory council started in my area. It’s a no-go. Trust me, I’ve exausted the details of URLs and VRLs and you don’t want to hear the minutiae.

3) Hannah confirmed that the ONLY active advisory council in my district is closed to my attendance or involvement in any way. I was told I must be an Avila Beach resident to even attend.

4) The only other potential advisory council in my district is defunct – Edna Township. If it were to BE ACTIVE, I could *possibly* be a guest but not an actual member because I don’t live in that area.

5) I don’t live in the city of Arroyo Grande, but in the country with a 93420 zip code. I don’t live in district 4, as most folks think rural AG is covered under.

6) Supervisor Hill is my ONLY “truly local” representative and I cannot get past his Leg Aide. His political FB page is subject to the whims of the operator. I run a farmers’ market on Tuesday mornings and cannot get away to the BOS meetings . . . but why should I even try? It’s not like Supervisor Hill welcomes public comment!

I’m a native Arroyo Grande and 5 Cities citizen and a district three resident left hanging in the wind.”

If you’ve gotten this far, please keep in mind YOU are not my representative. YOU don’t even WORK for my representative. YOU have zero authority to act on my representative’s behalf.

I’ve done everything I can. My representative is non-existent in my part of his district. Period.

Now keep telling me I’m “hiding” and being anonymous!

AJ, that is what is known as a “bitch slap” to use the crude colloquialism. Not surprising, you shut her up. Kudos. They never really want “answers” and “facts” – they just like using those words to obfuscate and deflect.

April, i didn’t accuse you of hiding – read the post. Dave accused me of “outing you” which you went on to say didn’t happen. You are correct, I am absolutely not your representative and I’ve never pretended to be.

I said I’d look into your situation and I did. I posted what I discovered:

1) You objected to paying for a Chamber dinner and Adam paid it for you.

2) You want an Advisory Council and Hannah/Adam explained the issues surrounding that/

3) I did not end the conversation there, I asked if there were others in your area that wanted this and you never answered/

Good grief! Do you want one or not? How many others in your area want the same thing?

You have my e-mail and if your serious about wanting an advisory council, take positive steps to make that happen, I’ve offered to help. If you don’t want one continuee to attack and complain.

the only person who has been banned is you. banned from stealing from the public anymore.


You have no idea how hard Hannah works, again with the silly, juvenile comments. You have attacked me, my family, and good people that I care about and I will not stand by and be silent anymore Ms. McLaughlin. Glad that Adam was a gentleman and paid for you to attend the event, one small example of the “real Adam” not the one Karen, Kevin, Julie and Mr. Hometown have fabricated. Next time maybe Karen will pick up your tab:)

Offer still stands if you want to get off of this silly, hate drenched blog and have an adult conversation you can e-mail me at

Best to you!

You just demonstrated to everyone on this blog that you cannot be trusted. Why would anyone want to contact you?

Since when was anyone named Dee Torres elected to represent anyone?

Why would anyone contact her, period?

Then don’t contact me “justbeware”, I would have to confuse you with any facts.

hate not have

Fact….I wrote an opinion piece about caren Ray and was asked to retract it my Mr hill. Where is Adam when the ratepayers of the sslocsd are being deceived and ripped off

Darn good question!

Doesn’t want to get his hands dirty?

Who are you? You make these silly accusations under a fictitious name, how can I adequately look into that?

Dee, I can wholeheartedly assure you that I am not the one who is confused. That is a fact.

PLEASE Dee, get some help[ before you embarrass yourself anymore. : (

Adam a gentleman? Yikes you must be desperate for income! Dee….really, times have changed. This is not the 1950’s! You dont have to depend on your husband to take care of you.

You talk about an “adult” conversation? You sound like a silly woman that is in a DESPERATE mode to keep her man bringing in the $$$$. PLEASE quit embarrassing yourself, perhaps go and get a job (if anyone would hire you) or just kick back and let Adam do his own bidding. (That is if he has the gonads)

Playing off Rich in MB’s comment: When someone like Adam Hill (and Bruce Gibson) act like arrogant assholes, drunk with their position, why should any voter want to re-elect them?

Only reason I can think of is being similar in character. Not getting my vote. There is an abundance of asshole idiots running around. I want something else.

Can a legitimate Adam Hill supporter please make the case to us why he should be re-elected?

I’m serious, I want to know what about this guy makes you proud to support and vote for him.

I’m trying to understand, so enlighten me PLEASE.

Huh? Please elaborate as I have never, ever, said anything negative about Dave’s wife! I guess “justbeware is Dave” if so please post the entire e-mail. To clarify Dave and I had a heated e-mail exchange Saturday night where he stated that he didn’t believe that I’ve done all of the things I’ve been accused of by him and this blog. He went on to say that he believes that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of all of the allegations. I went on to list all of the LUDICRIOUS allegations that have been farmed out about him and his wife, and asked him if the truth was somewhere in the middle of all of that?

As usual he didn’t answer that question, he avoided it and went of on another tangent. This is why I say this must be Dave as that is the one and only time I even mentioned that nonsense and I was trying to prove a point, which as usual was lost.

I can post or send the e-mail exchange to anyone who’s interested, we didn’t agree that it was confidential.

Responding to a silly comment made by an anonymous silly name is just too much for me. Feel free to e-mail me and I’d be happy to discuss further.


I’m sure Dave does not appreciate you claiming with some sort of certainty that ‘justbeware’ is him. You are absolutely wrong.

Dave posts on this site at ‘Dave’.

I am NOT Dave.

Rather than the 200 posts she made below, this would be a healthy location for the response of dee torres.

Racket, I agree with you on this one. This was the first place I posted yesterday! I’ve re-posted here several times and it’s been deleted each and every time.

The only reason you post here is because you know it has the best readership in the County, Dee. And many people are moderated. Read the terms of use.

Yes why isn’t she writing letters to The Fibune? She has so much to say about CCN which is not good. Why would she even post here? Dear lady, you have lost it! Part of hanging out with Adam Hill? Will we see your next ramble in The Screw Times?

Doesn’t this stain know he has no hopes of carrying an election? I mean, does he have dirt on the ballot-counters or some type of fix? I’ve never seen someone piss off so many people in such short order before.

I don’t even know what political party he belongs to (though I assume democrat), as most D’s and R’s despise him equally.

I can’t explain it, roy, but the 2nd District re-elected Gibson and he is every bit as humiliating as Hill (without the hysterics). Voters are fickle.

Fickly voters, yes.

But many are uniformed and simply vote for the incumbent.

Add to that those that vote the party line no matter who the candidate is.

Sheeple who follow the Trib candidate endorsements could also explain a few more votes.

These could be some of the reasons Hill, and Gibson have enjoyed relatively smooth sailing.

Hey racket stick to the issues, your post is empty, is that the best you can do. Expand on how Adam has “humiliated you”, how about starting with explaining who the heck you are….

Again, open invitation to get out of the gutter and discuss issues, votes, etc…

bahahahahahahahahahahah Adam Hill? Really? PLEASE? Is he just your newest husband providing gift cards? You are truly pathetic Dee, coupled with your bozo husband Adam.

Dave are you rOy as well? Talk about someone with too much time on their hands!

DEE TORRES! You have officially lost it!

Give all that you have stolen back!

Are you 5 years old marcus, you don’t mind if I call you marcus do you? If you truly believe and of the silly stories this blog has made up then ask me a question and I will do my best to answer honestly and provide proof. Speak like an adult unless you aren’t one…

Talk about someone with too much time. By looking at your posts Dee you are on here around the clock. Bet ya cant guess who I am!

Should be a hot primary. Mickey F*****g Mouse should be able to beat Hill in the general. I will be pounding the pavement for the challenger, freely admitting I am not necessarily that person’s advocate but that there is a foul cancer to be removed.

Mr. Adam Hill is my district “representative” and yet he could not be less visible in my personal neighborhood.

I live in rural Arroyo Grande, have no advisory council near me, can’t create a district three advisory council in my ‘burg, and to pile insult onto injury, his “Team Adam Hill” Facebook page has blocked me (and others) from involvement.

The only active advisory council within Adam Hill’s district is in Avila Beach and from what I’ve read online it is closed to those who do not reside in Avila Beach proper.

This man rules with a very closed-door policy in today’s media-savvy society.

That is not how you get (re)elected in 2016, but I do not want to exercise my vote on “anyone but”. We need an open-door and inclusive representative – one who understands they also represent a small slice of rural Arroyo Grande in his Big District Picture.

He’s not the best of the central coast and certainly not our best choice. We deserve better.

ajdury, how about contact Adam personally about putting together and advisory council in AG.What a great sollution to this issue you bring up, I am concerned that you were blocked from the Team Adam Hill fb page as I know it’s open to anyone as long as they’re respectful. Do you mind sending me the posts that got you blocked and we can figure this out?


Sorry Dee – your post was MIA for quite some time! I’m glad it’s back and I’ve responded below.


Dee…………….why so desperate?

I heard rumor that one very vocal supporter of Adam Hill (his latest wife) responded to my post here.

I don’t know why that response no longer exists but here are a few answers to her questions:

1) I do not know what triggered my ban from “Team Adam Hill” on FB. I was never warned or notified that I could be, or was actually going to be, banned. In all honesty, I don’t know that I ever posted on the page. For all I know it was a preemptive strike based on “the company I keep”.

2) I *have* reached out to Mr. Hill’s office. I have had numerous conversations, via email and even in person, with his legislative aide Hannah (“not pronounced Hannah”) regarding how I could get an advisory council started in my area. It’s a no-go. Trust me, I’ve exausted the details of URLs and VRLs and you don’t want to hear the minutiae.

3) Hannah confirmed that the ONLY active advisory council in my district is closed to my attendance or involvement in any way. I was told I must be an Avila Beach resident to even attend.

4) The only other potential advisory council in my district is defunct – Edna Township. If it were to be active, I could *possibly* be a guest but not an actual member because I don’t live in that area.

5) I don’t live in the city of Arroyo Grande, but in the country with a 93420 zip code. I don’t live in district 4, as most folks think rural AG is covered under.

6) Supervisor Hill is my ONLY “truly local” representative and I cannot get past his Leg Aide. His political FB page is subject to the whims of the operator. I run a farmers’ market on Tuesday mornings and cannot get away to the BOS meetings . . . but why should I even try? It’s not like Supervisor Hill welcomes public comment!

I’m a native Arroyo Grande and 5 Cities citizen and a district three resident left hanging in the wind.

7) In the vein of honest and full disclosure, I once raised a stink that Supe’s Hill and Teixeira were having a joint AG chamber event to discuss area issues and I could not attend because there was a financial cost attached (to cover the meal I could not eat because I have Celiac disease). The chamber was adamant in not waiving the fee and Sup Hill stepped in and paid for it.

I’m still ADAMANTLY opposed to this whole “pay to learn the state of the people’s business” going on across our county. Mayor Shoals is the latest one in my ‘burg and again because of the AG/GB Chamber of Commerce. Not cool at all.

Anywho, this is in response to Mrs. Dee Torres-Hill’s comment on my post today. I know she has spent hours and hours and HOURS on the intronets recently, LOL.

Unless I’m mistaking, all county advisory bodies including that in Avila must abide by the Brown Act so are open to the general public and the media.


Amazingly these councils don’t have to abide by the Brown Act. Some of them have chosen to adopt the Brown ACt as their way of doing business, but not all. Here in Los Osos they like to say they operate “in the spirit of the Brown Act.”

The “spirit” is often moved to be very cloudy when it comes to transparency. The public loses big.

I don’t know how Avila works, but have seen the “residents only” caveat on some of their stuff.


Say it ain’t so…..

Please district 3 give us someone to oppose this idiot!

slo justice, what votes has he cast or not cast, issues that he supports or doesn’t that makes you take to cyber bullying rather than an issue oriented debate??

Contact us, we’d love to hear from you via e-mail – real person to real person!

Mrs. Hill

Please allow your husband to do his job. It is not your position or responsibility.

This is embarrassing.

Hi doglover, what an interesting name? Is this another fake Dave creation? If not please have the guts to use your real name as this is silly. You are embarrassing as you are posting under a fictitious name “doglover” goodness how many ways can that be misconstrued.

How about discuss issues doglover, are you capable of that? My husband is not responding because there’s nothing here to respond to!! E-mail him about issues, votes, etc and he’ll happy to respond “doglover’ you should really consider changing your moniker as it can be interpreted in several disgusting ways….

‘you should really consider changing your moniker as it can be interpreted in several disgusting ways….’

Only if your mind is in the gutter Mrs Hill.

Dee Torres’ response to racket, above:

‘Again, open invitation to get out of the gutter and discuss issues, votes, etc…’

It may be time to follow some of your own advice Mrs. Hill.

How about some issues agag1 (whomever you are) do you have anything intelligent, thought provoking to discuss surround many of the issues our county is facing? Any at all;/

Anybody…… Issues….???

I admire agag1, he or she was instrumental in getting rid of their corrupt mayor in AG whose name does not warrant mentioning. (one of your husbands ol buddies) . Question….Dee, why dont you get a life of your own? Perhaps try and dig your way out of the rubble of scandal you have created? …

Write-in Jim Hill!

What a refreshing breath of fresh air!

Honest, open and transparent.

Like you really cared about our county Dee? You are full of nothing but SOUR grapes. That stink of your “newest” husbands old socks.

Here’s something I have an issue with Dee,

dishonest, corrupt, slimy elected officials.

I have an issue with the way they all cover eachother’s butts,

all the while abusing their positions.

THEY are the one’s who benefit,

and have lost track of the fact that they work for US!

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I expect YOU to do

about this, because IMO, YOU are one of them.

In addition, you are not an elected official,

although it seems as though you perceive yourself to be

with all of your offers to help here recently.

So, just to be clear, one, if not THE biggest issue

facing our county today is the runaway,

out of control majority of elected officials

we currently have in office.

If/when we are able to remove the cancer,

perhaps then we can begin some serious, honest work

on solving other issues that face us.

But until we get rid of those such as your husband,

along with those who scheme and connive on his behalf,

we will not make any serious progress.

You do not raise a single specific issue agag1? You again make sweeping generalities with no substance. This is childish??? Get real, if you in fact are real??

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!paranoia! and the party has just began. Mr. Hill, clearly your benefits at the county coupled with the $ you make can get your newest wife some adequate psychiatric care.

Wow! just wow! Dee, you really have your mind in the gutter. Never in a million years would I have thought or interpreted dog lovers name to be that of anyone that loves their pooch. You are a sick, disgusting , vile woman!

correction to be that of only one that loves their pooch!

Am hoping when Mr. Hill runs again that his newest wife’s comments will be distributed amongst the voters. CLEARLY “like” attracts in this circumstance. Waaaaaaaay off balance.

Oh please let there be a credible candidate to run against this pervert. I am aghast at the ignorance of District 3 voters. You have the combined intelligence of a houseplant. Yes you pathetic souls deserve Hill and Gibson Marx and Assbaugh but I live in the county as well and I deserve better. Lets hope the Republicans don’t put up a foaming evangelical teabagger or a Matt Kokeneon to run against this guy. CCN folks are for the most part politically savy but the majority of voters are ignorant and will vote for a name they recognize and not for good measure. I think Hill will be re elected. I think we do need Sam Blakelee to run against Hill, This will be a tough fight.

SanSimeonSam, may I call you Sam for short? Who are you to call someone a “pervert”??

Moderator??? Hey moderator?? Assbaugh, really? What is the average age of posters on this site?? Goodness.

aaron ochs…..