Photos link Lenny Jones to molestation of 3-year-old boy

April 20, 2015
Lenny Jones

Lenny Jones

The court revoked Lenny Jones’ bail Monday after investigators identified a fourth alleged child molestation victim, a 3-year-old boy.

While searching through files on Jones’ computer, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff investigators found explicit photos of the boy. In addition, deputies discovered photos that corroborate much of the information gathered from the three other alleged victims, according to a press release.

Jones, Arroyo Grande’s 2014 Citizen of the Year, was booked on three additional charges; explicit photos of a child, exploitation of a minor and molesting a child. He was already facing charges of kidnapping, penetrating with a foreign object, molesting two girls under 14 years of age and one girl under 10 years of age.

The alleged molestations took place while the three girls and the boy were attending a birthday party at Jones’ home in March.

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His Attorney will get him off…..

Lenny’s got the funk- – –

Retained Funke-Bilu, he’s a busy guy!

Funk is every Where!! How Can These guys Defend Guys Like this..

KSBY reports ages of the girls to be 12,9, and 6. Absolutely tragic.

Arroyo Grande Citizen of the Year. Leave it to Arroyo Grande.

We Have our Chamber of Commerce to thank for their unfortunate selection.

Most business owners see them as nothing more than extortionists who toot their own horn more than those they profess to ‘work for’.

Regarding Christians and their rant upon this story, put it in perspective, what is worse, finding out that Mr. Lenny Jones allegedly molested young children by the scenario given, or your church, under the name of Christianity, insidiously covering up pedophile acts within to save face so it wouldn’t be hypocritical to it’s doctrine? Which one? WWJD?

Christians, where is this equal disdain against Mr. Lenny Jones when your church covers up their pedophile abuse and it is finally exposed, and you’re a member of said church, and you continue to show up on Sabbath mornings; what does that say about you? Do you tell your friends that you’re now a member of a church that covered up pedophile child abuse, and are you proud of this fact by still being a member of said church?

One only needs to Google pedophile coverups in the major divisions of Christianity, like Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc., and you’ll be a lifetime to read them all. It’s disheartening to think that the members of the aforementioned churches helped pay off these coverup cases by giving to the collection plates on the weekly Sabbath.

It is such an irony to read some of these disparaging responses towards Mr. Jones, knowing all the while that some of them are from assumed Christians. These pseudo-christians of mention are allowed to hate the alleged sin that Mr. Jones enacted and condemn it , but at the same time, they’re to love Mr. Jones by showing him respect ( 1 Peter 2:17), and praying for him (1 Timothy 2:1) and most importantly, they are to forgive him! (Colossians 3:13, Matthew 18:21-22, Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 6:14, and Matthew 18:35).

The dichotomy that Christians have to accept is that their faith teaches respect and kindness towards Mr. Jones, even though they do not approve of his sinful choices. Again, WWJD?

Christians, start acting like a Christian and follow ALL OF THE BIBLE so as not to be hypocritical to your faith. Lest you forget what Jesus thought of hypocrites; “You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” (Matthew 15: 7-9)

The first 3 paragraphs are perfect.

The Second three: Not so much

They are all equally bad situations.

Ted, you really need help dude.


I know, I need more help to enlighten my fellow Christians in actually reading the bible and following all of it as intended, instead of using it as a door stop!

Thank you for your concern, I do my best.

302.2 (F65.4) Pedophilic Disorder: This is what pedophiles do: they sexually violate children. They also “groom” the community in order to gain access to victims and they “groom” the children using threats of harm to keep the event secretive and avoid detection.

This is the world we live in; it is a fact people are so stupid they repeatedly trust coaches, teachers and other adults alone with their children. Don’t elevate people to positions like this (Citizen of the Year-ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING ME?)—you NEVER know how sociopathic sick people are and what goes on in their ravaged minds. Don’t EVER leave your child alone with any adult who could have access to them–even if you are to be momentarily distracted. Accompany your child into all professional appointments (remember the pediatrician who was convicted and actually had to revive some of the children while in the exam room with them the physical/sexual abuse that accompanied it was so severe?) and never assume because the adult is a female things are different.

If you cannot find a way to do this—get psychological help. You are in denial about the reality of the world—and you do have the option of protecting your children instead. Stop living in fantasy land–and remember—this happens more often with family members than strangers. You must be vigilant, but without causing your children to become paranoid. The side effects of sexual trauma can last for decades even with treatment. I have seen it over and over again.

You state the obvious. Everybody knows this (apparently not the idiots in this community).

The Culture is sick, diseased. Everyday common sense has been replaced by this kind

“Psycho Babble”

You come here anonymously, although I know who you are, push peoples buttons, than wonder why they are so, as you put it: “reactive”.

Why do you post anonymously? With all your Psychotherapeutic props and cover.

Here you go. The substantial “Stake Holder” Classes.

The culture makes me sick to my stomach, I don’t want to be a part of it. This is not the

America I signed up for. It occurs to me now that I’m a Senior Citizen and have been

homeless for more years than I can count That I am the target for a process of Labeling,

marginalization, profiling, harassment etc.

Last October I spent 4 days in jail for illegal camping (was not on complainants “private”

property) I was in the Dorm section with another pillar of the community Al Moriatarty,

he will die in there, least I got out.

The community has no problem picking me out from the crowd. I do the same thing everyday, drink my senior discount coffee, study the Rig Veda (in Vedic) go about my business.

Some of you make my flesh crawl, you need authenticating, not me.

The Culture deserves a “champion” like Hillary Clinton.

Amazing sad. These children will have a lot of work to do to resolve this in their minds. It seem odd to be that all of this occurred in one day. Drugs? In any case, the cat is out of the bag. Let the cat rot.