Woman’s body found in Atascadero Motel 6

June 6, 2015

motel 6A customer at Motel 6 in Atascadero found a woman’s body in one of the rooms Friday evening. [KSBY]

Police responded to the Motel 6 at 9400 El Camino Real and discovered a woman in her forties who appeared to be deceased. Emergency personnel then pronounced the woman dead.

Officers found nothing suspicious at the scene, nor could they determine the cause of death.

The San Luis Obispo County Coroner’s office will perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

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More like Motel 6 Feet Under…..

KSBY reported a Maid found the deceased individual ….. Hmmmmmmmm

As a wealthy GOP Christian in the top one percent, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a Motel Six.

Well then Ted, tell us all what Hotel or Motel you would be and we can pass the collection plate around here on CCN and get that room for you.

I don’t understand what your religion has to do with it.

It read like Ted has a religion that shows great pride in money and the statis it brings.

This motel has more than it’s share of shady goings on.

A customer found the body? That sounds very strange

“A customer at Motel 6 in Atascadero found a woman’s body in one of the rooms…”

Like they rented out a room with a body in it? Geez, gives new meaning to Bates Motel.

LOL, My exact thoughts.

Condolences to the family. Glad there was no sign of crime. Hopefully this was an unfortunate natural very early demise.