SLO County declares homeless crisis

February 3, 2016

HomelessSweep-campThe San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to declare a homeless shelter crisis. The declaration allows officials to open up county buildings at night so the homeless can stay warm.

The board also authorized spending a total of $10,000 on addressing the problem. Local homeless services providers can apply for the funds.

Additionally, the board urged city councils in SLO County to follow its lead by also declaring a shelter crisis and allocating $10,000 toward warming centers.

Despite there being a crisis declaration, local warming centers are not currently at capacity. There are 112 beds at warming centers in the county, and no more than 68 have been full on any night this year.

The warming centers are not full due in part to staffing shortages. Also, some homeless individuals choose not to go them because they cannot bring their pets and all of their belongings, county officials said.

During Tuesday’s hearing, Supervisor Adam Hill asked if county funds could be used to place the homeless at campgrounds. Hill noted that some homeless people need places to put their pets and possessions.

Dee Torres-Hill speaking on behalf of CAPSLO.

Dee Torres-Hill speaking on behalf of CAPSLO.

County administrator Dan Buckshi said the shelter crisis designation refers only to county buildings and not campgrounds.

Some critics of Hill allege the supervisor created a conflict of interest by raising the issue of campgrounds. Hill’s wife, Dee Torres-Hill, runs a nonprofit that is currently trying to place homeless individuals in campgrounds.

The county’s shelter crisis will sunset on April 15.

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The cops kill people daily. OH, you won’t report THAT ! Too inconvenient.

Fire Adam Hill 2016!!!!

Hang on folks, another level of burocratic bungling is on the horizon, more tax dollars down the rabbit hole.

The concentration camp is looking better and better all the time.

“The concentration camp is looking better and better all the time.”

Shame on your ignorance.

Before SLO County can solve its homelessness crisis it needs to solve its heartlessness crisis.

While camping at Pismo North campground in December, several homeless people combed the campground for things to steal while most campers were sleeping. Two children’s bicycles were stolen from the campground next to us. The camp host said that stealing it is a nightly occurrence.

I would like to declare a GOVERNMENT CRISIS in San Luis Obispo. We need outside help and intervention STAT! It used to be a manageable problem, but has only gotten progressively worse over time, with no end in sight! Emphasis on “progressive.”


“SLO County declares homeless crisis”

Better late than never…

too late, from what I understand Morro Bay has pushed them to the back of the state park property, no longer safe for the local kids and hikers. Shame on Morro Bay, they don’t want to deal with the issue so just pass it on.

Where when and why…I did not know this…

Quit enabling these people!!! They need jobs, not handouts. Improving the quality of their homeless lives is doing nothing to improve their long term standing in society. I work, you work, why aren’t THEY working? Guess all those late nights drinking, drugging, and stealing are too exhausting. I miss you, Old SLO.

Adam, how many homeless people have you and Dee opened your home to? Just curious.

How many have you?

The homeless wouldn’t stay with the Hill’s, they would be kept awake all the time with developers constantly stopping by to drop checks off and tell Mr. Hill how to vote on projects.