Arroyo Grande police stand with Mayor Jim Hill

August 9, 2016
Mayor Jim Hill

Mayor Jim Hill


In announcing my campaign for re-election as mayor of Arroyo Grande, I’m very proud to have again earned the endorsement of our Police Officers Association.

I was compelled to run as your write-in candidate two years ago when former Mayor Tony Ferrara and some city officials questioned the veracity of our officers who were called to investigate a situation Mr. Ferrara had tried to cover up. Our police department is second to none.

Many believe Arroyo Grande to be a real-life Mayberry, but that tranquility comes because of the constant efforts of our police officers. It is a special honor for me to have their endorsement.

I’m also proud of being acknowledged as respectful of all voices in the community.  Together we defeated a charter city initiative which would have eliminated the requirement for a balanced city budget.

Since then, I’ve successfully worked to maintain the SLOCOG funding commitment for Brisco Road interchange improvements, pushed for full accounting of unfunded liabilities and accounting of staff time by project for full and accurate costing. I voted against budget adjustments for engaging a number of consultants and against use of city facilities for a beer festival in the Village.

As Arroyo Grande’s representative on the South County Sanitation District Board, I instigated the audit that found malfeasance in past management practices and championed ending litigation against the Regional Water Quality Control Board that was initiated at Mr. Ferrara’s direction. We now have a negotiated settlement of the fine resulting from the large 2010 sewage spill and have finally stopped the ongoing litigation costs.

I’m committed to reducing obstacles for our existing businesses and actively recruiting new businesses. Business development along Grand Avenue and other commercial districts outside the Village is essential to maintaining the high service levels the city provides.

I look forward to ensuring an adequate water supply for current residents including working toward wastewater recycling and limiting development unless there is demonstrated current savings or new water resources –not merely cash in lieu payments- to offset the development. I’m working to revise city parking requirements going forward to prevent the under-parked conditions experienced with previous projects in the city.

With these objectives, I’m proud to announce my campaign for re-election.

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Congratulations on your endorsement, Mr. Hill! Could you please provide the official endorsement letter?

I’m becoming less of a fan of Mayor Hill though, just got notice my water and sewer bills are increasing and yet he refuses to talk about a building moratorium, Current residents are being fined and having to pay more because of claims of reduced water usage and less money coming in and yet more development will use more water and continue the cycle. What’s the story Mayor Hill, why do you refuse to issue a moratorium? Continue to not do it and you risk losing my vote.

Why don’t you contact Mayor Hill directly and ask his stand on future building. Remember he is just 1 of 5 votes, and usually ends up I n the losing side. In fact, maybe you should ask some of the new candidates how they feel about building moratoriums. It might help you who to vote for.

But can not Mayor Hill along with one other council member put something on the agenda, and Mayor Hill could probably get Mr. Brown to help him on that, and since of those two only Mayor Hill is running for re-election, he needs to step up and at least bring up and get it talked about. That’s all I’m asking.

Watch the replay of your most recent council meeting. Hill requested that both a building moritorium and future annexation be placed on an upcoming agenda for discussion. Tim Brown, who’s been asking for the discussion for months, joined Hill.

Should have been done months ago, first building moritorium, then if water is still a problem look into penalizing residents for not saving enough, not the other way around, like they did.

Mayor Hill has talked about a building moratorium in the past, however, there was no council majority to support putting it on the agenda. Until very recently it took three votes to put an item on the agenda, that rule has changed–now they need two votes. At the August 9th meeting, during council comments, Mayor Hill moved to put both a building moratorium on the agenda as well as a moratorium on annexation of property into the city. These were seconded by Councilmember Brown. When these items are agendized, it will take a council majority, three votes, to pass either item–Mayor Hill cannot just issue a moratorium.

Regarding the water and sewer rates: As a city, we are in an unfortunate situation. We have exceeded the goals of water conservation, but this means there is less revenue being generated for the water fund. As Mayor Hill explained at the August 9th meeting, the city cannot charge more than it costs to provide the water. The rate increase is a result of the citizens using less water (as we were directed to do based on Governor Brown’s executive order to cut back by at least 28%). The city has exceed that 28% and has reached a level of 38%. The revenues, based on the 38% reduction of water use are not covering the costs of delivering the water to the citizens. That is why the rates need to increase.

I can’t imagine most elected officials want to vote for rate increases of any kind, but if there is not enough money to deliver the water, we have to find the money to do that because it becomes an issue of public health and safety. While the habits around the use of water has had to change, the costs of providing the water and services connected to it, have not changed, many of those costs are constant and fixed and therefore non-negotiable (as explained by Shane from Public Works and Geoff English, acting City Manager).

The drought is impacting our community in ways we may not have been able to predict. Given the length and the severity of it, conservation efforts must continue state-wide and regionally. Our region is being hit hard by it, and the rate increases are a direct reflection of that.

Mayor Hill encourages people to connect with him with questions or concerns. His contact information is below.


Ladies & Gentlemen,

AG must not elect people like Caren Ray and Kristen Barneich.

It’s that easy.

Just saying,


The angry and desperate Ferrara gang are now propping up Where’s Waldo Waller for mayor. Never Won Ray, and the anointed princess Barneich, expect nice guy NKT Tompkins to fork it over like he does for Adam Hill.


Finish what you started AG. You have inspired others, we are still watching.

To Josey Wales: there are options this year. I hope to meet with you and discuss some of your concerns. I am not running for this seat to claim a title. My only stake in the race is to make things better for the citizens in AG.

My phone number is 850-710-0406. Or you can email me at

It should read 805-710-0406. Sorry for the typo…..

Decency, efficiency, and complete lack of secrecy and political intrigue in government must be stopped. Vote no on Jim Hill and yes on Adam Hill. And kudos to known egalitarian Nick Tompkins, he has no personal or business interests and just wants what’s best for the people.

WOW!!! you have that completely backwards! What cave have you crawled out of?

Ah, sarcasm? Phew!

Hehe, I got the sarcasm through juxtaposition… guess others did not. Sheesh.

Caren Ray and Kristen Barneich are teaming up to support Waller over Hill for mayor shows they care more about Tompkins and Mangano’s developer money than they do their city’s police.

But does that come as a surprise given Ms Ray’s questionable character?

Oh Please caren Ray was is will always be a stupid woman there I said it , and Barneich has about is even more stupid ,AG Elects these people .. and Oh Browny button is not far behind..

Sorry the Dude Abides!

Actually Caren Ray and Kristen Barneich have NEVER been elected by the people, only appointed by the “Old Boy’s Club”, the recent election in which Caren Ray ran resulted in the “people” saying a big NO to her. Hopefully the same result this fall for both of them, a big “NO”.

Some candidates cannot be bought or paid for…..

If we only had a Jim Hill in each of the 5 Cities, just think about how much the local area Government would be improved and Cleaned up. Congratulation Mayor Hill in proving that common sense can and does still exist.

Every community/city, everywhere, needs a JIM Hill (not to be confused with adam).