Cal Poly declares support for ‘undocumented’ students

November 11, 2016


Amid uncertainty as to whether President-elect Donald Trump will dismantle an executive order that grants some illegal immigrants exemption from deportation, Cal Poly administrators declared their support for “undocumented” students who are attending the university.

In 2012, President Barack Obama signed an executive order creating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA allows illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States prior to their 16th birthday to obtain exemption from deportation, renewable work permits and, in California, access to state financial aid for higher education.

During the presidential campaign, Trump said he would rescind Obama’s executive orders on immigration. Now, numerous people who moved to the United States illegally, including some Cal Poly students, are fearful of what Trump will do.

President Jeffrey Armstrong

President Jeffrey Armstrong

On Thursday, as part of “National Educators Coming Out Day,” Cal Poly held an event in support of its undocumented students. Both Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong and Vice President for Student Affairs Keith Humphrey attended the event and declared their support for undocumented students.

Humphrey announced the university will transform one of its building into a “DREAM” Center, which will open early next year. California’s Dream Act is the law that allows students who came to the United States illegally to obtain state financial aid.

In a letter announcing the new program, Humphrey stated the DREAM Center “will create a safe and welcome space where undocumented students and their supporters can gather in the community to receive support from staff, access resources and draw on the strength of their peers.”

A total of 176 current Cal Poly students have been identified as undocumented, and there may be about 200 attending the university, according to the Tribune.

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Ladies & Gentlemen,

How pathetic a character Jeffrey Armstrong must be!

As we see with these comments, Americans are fed up with all this baloney, and perhaps President Armstrong has overstayed his welcome?

Taxpayers are tired of sanctuary city policies reducing their services and raising their taxes. If Mr. Trump has any political agenda, it is to end sanctuary city, end the Dream Act, and return this country to being a meritocracy. Allow the students to compete and be awarded for their academic merit ONLY-quit having government pick and choose winners.

Let’s let Armstrong know our intentions.

Just saying,


Hey I have a good idea. Why don’t all the way OVERPAID administrator’s pay the students way instead of thinking this should come out of all our taxes.

Cal Poly is just so full of love and the President has lots of room in his free house. He could even provide them all a car.

Cal Poly needs the money…its called ADA. It helps fatten the administrators already over-inflated salaries.

Isn’t the “DREAM Center” against the Constitution as in “Separate But Equal”? No other students, Vets, re-entering adults can use this “Center.” It is only for Illegal Aliens Students.

Also, is this what to expect from DREAMers?:

Ruben Navarrette: One Dreamer’s missed lesson in good character

Does this mean that San Luis Obispo is now to be classed as a “Sanctuary City”

I thought you people already considered it to be a “Santuary City”?

Since Cal Poly is not within the city limits, I guess the answer would be “no”.

Cal Poly is Cal Poly. I’m won’t say what they’re doing is right or wrong, but, they are hypocrites. Here’s the deal. Cal Poly forces faculty to take an online harassment training course every two years. The problem is that Cal Poly only enforces protections for people in “protected classes”. I was told directly that the same exact behavior is considered “harassment” if it happens to someone in a protected class, or “unprofessional behavior” if it happens to someone not in a protected class. It’s a double standard. I’m not sure why the same protections could not be applied to everyone. Is it any surprise that the largest group of people not having protected class status were also the biggest group of Trump supporters?

As with anything in academia, follow the buck. I don’t see Cal Poly as caring about undocumented students; they simply don’t want to lose the income stream from these students if they were tossed out. As for supporting a double standard regarding harassment, Cal Poly is not interested in protecting anyone, they’re only interested in not getting sued if they don’t protect people who already have federal protections.

I’m disgusted by this. I will no longer be making donations as I have been doing since graduating over 25 years ago.

Armstrong needs to be replaced!

It all started when we changed from giving away just a first place trophy to giving everyone a participation award.