Who is buying Jimmy Paulding?

March 18, 2018

Jimmy Paulding


Beginning March 6th, and running up to the June primary, candidates are required to file FPPC reports notifying the public of large political donations of $1000 or more given to a candidate. Such donations must be reported within 24 hours of receiving that donation. Reports include the donor’s name, the amount of the donation, and the date received. The purpose is to identify any large contribution, and its source, as the election enters the final months to ensure transparency.

Interestingly, Jimmy Paulding has “sidestepped” this disclosure requirement, first with of a mysterious, unnamed donor, who pledged $40,000 to his campaign, in a contest featured on Jimmy’s Facebook page and campaign website, and then with another who anonymously pledged $10,000.

So, Jimmy claims to have received two anonymous donations totaling $50,000, and both were received only days before the start of the 24 hour reporting period. The precise timing of his contest’s end (right before March 6th), which triggered the $50,000 anonymous match is not coincidental.

Something stinks. Campaign finance laws are intended to ensure transparency and honesty. Nothing should be hidden for months, especially $50,000 in contributions!  Jimmy Paulding…you claim to have received $50,000 worth of anonymous donations…who is buying this race?  o much for transparency.

Who are these hidden donors and what do they expect to get for their donation? Who is trying to buy this race? The voters of the 4th District have the right to know who is hiding behind your curtain.

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Lynn Compton, Jimmy Paulding, and Ian Parkinson are members of a secret society called the Scottish Freemasons. What you are witnessing is an elaborate act, where Lynn Compton loses because none of us in the South County (oceano) want to live in her fake, lily white, Ken and Barbie World, Mr. Stricklin. Furthermore, you are not an election attorney expert, nor anyone of note for that matter. Therefore we’ll ignore a “simple hardworking man” such as yourself, in favor of using our own minds to think for ourselves.