Arroyo Grande alleged vandal bounces through courtrooms

December 3, 2018

Caren Ray with Patty Welsh standing behind her

A campaigner worker for Arroyo Grande Mayor-elect Caren Ray who is charged with felony Vandalism bounced around the San Luis Obispo courthouse Monday morning, twice switching courtrooms, once because of a judge recusing himself because of his political ties to the defendant. [Cal Coast Times]

Patty Welsh appeared Monday morning in the courtroom of Judge Ginger Garrett, who reminded the defendant that she is out on $20,000 bail. After Welsh pleaded not guilty, Welsh’s lawyer Ginger Ortiz asked that the case be moved to a different courtroom with a different judge.

The case was then transferred to the courtroom of Judge Matthew Guerrero, a former South County politician. Guerrero promptly recused himself from the case.

In 2017, Welsh spoke at an Arroyo Grand council meeting and accused Mayor Jim Hill of violating the California Brown Act. Guerrero followed Welsh at public comment and told the council to listen to Welsh and launch an investigation into Hill. A months-long controversy ensued, and an investigation found Hill did not violate the Brown Act.

Following Guerrero’s recusal, Welsh’s vandalism case moved to the courtroom of Judge Craig van Rooyen.

Welsh, who has a history of vandalism and stealing political signs, allegedly damaged more than $4,000 of city, business, campaign and personal property during the recent Arroyo Grande mayoral campaign. On Oct. 9, Welsh allegedly drove around Arroyo Grande tossing Christmas ornaments filled with brown paint at Jim Hill for mayor signs.

Welsh also allegedly damaged the property of businesses and people who promoted Hill, Ray’s opponent. Additionally, witnesses told officers Welsh had threatened to steal Hill’s signs, court records state.

On Nov. 14, the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office requested a warrant for Welsh’s arrest for felony vandalism. She is currently out of jail on $20,000 bail.

Earlier this year, Welsh was charged with misdemeanor vandalism over a separate incident in which a woman who parked her car in front of a side gate to Welsh’s backyard found her tire had been slashed and a message was written on her windshield.

“Thanks for blocking my entrance,” the message said.

Welsh admitted to officers that she was angry because she had to carry items she was taking to her backyard farther because of the parked car. Welsh took credit for the writing on the windshield, but she denied slashing the tire, a claim officers did not believe, according to a police report.

In court, a request was made to combine Welsh’s misdemeanor and felony vandalism cases. It is unclear if the two cases will be combined.

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Oh, so she’s a CONNECTED fruit loop?

This crime has been brought to you by the known prison gang, Team Adam Hill.

It’s nearly impossible to feel sorry for Ms Welsh. She made a calculated choice to associate with Mary Lucey. It seems nasty and crazy are contagious because it didn’t take long for her to catch the bug.

At one time Welsh was an advocate for cleaning up the Sanitation District and openly opposed both Guerrero and Lucey. Her complete and misguided turnaround was entirely her choice and now she gets to suffer the consequences.

The judges know the Eagle is watching, waiting, ready to swoop.

Politics sure brings out the best in people.

There was a time when people were “for” ideas and the person or people that they felt would deliver on those ideas. Now those involved in politics are “against” the opponent. It’s a profound shift and has lead to this nonsense.

Given Patty’s known unstable mental health, it just feels too “schadenfreude” to wade into her court hearing activity. I know I’m probably the one cheese that stands alone in this sentiment but we ALL know she just doesn’t have a support system of family or friends that tell her to knock her World of Crazy shit off when she starts to spin out of control. Even her neighbors are embarrassed by her antics. Let’s be honest. She’s got issues. Snickering at her behind our hands while this plays out in the courts feels awkward. I hope she gets out of her own way and wises up that she has been used and discarded by those she thinks have bestowed her with their ego-inflated and self-perceived importance. Caren Ray, Matt Guerrero, Linda Austin, Mary Lucey, etc never cared about Patty. Patty is just too unstable to know any better and that group is too unscrupulous to NOT use such an off-balance person for their own gain and/or amusement. It’s sad, all the way around.

I wonder what appointment Caren Ray had in mind for her? Just another political episode for SLO. The good part of this is that the DA can actually prosecute some of these political baffons.

Can’t feel sorry for her. She is a vindictive person who methodically premeditated this vandalism — damaging and destroying thousands of dollars worth of private and public property.

She has no grasp on the Brown Act and “reported” charges against the mayor that were baseless. She still takes “credit” for the investigation as if she’s a hero — costing the community $100,000 in a which hunt is nothing to be proud of.

I feel sorry for her dog.

Team hill at their finest

So…judge-to-be Guerrero bolstered Patti Welsh, the unstable Caren Ray campaign member, now charged with a felony and misdemeanor, advocating an investigation of Mayor Hill and Caren Ray then directs $100,000 of public funds to investigate false charges against Mayor Hill. Sounds like there’s only ONE innocent party here, and it ain’t the judge, it ain’t the felon-to-be and it ain’t the mayor wannabe!