Parents attend Atascadero teacher’s child porn hearing

Families of many of the alleged victims of an Atascadero school teacher who is accused of videotaping female students’ underwear showed up at San Luis Obispo Superior Court Monday for the first hearing in the child pornography case. [KSBY] Chris... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles police capture alleged serial burglar

Paso Robles police arrested a 20-year-old man on Saturday whom officers suspect is responsible for a string of residential burglaries. [Cal Coast Times] On Thursday, a homeowner returned to a home in the 1200 block of Katherine Court and discovered... (Continue reading)

SLO woman celebrates 100th birthday

Surrounded by her family and friends, Dolores Thomas celebrated her 100 birthday at Las Brisas Retirement Community on Saturday. The San Luis Obispo centenarian commemorated the day with a country western concert and a luncheon attended by more than 80... (Continue reading)

Lawyer accuses Paso Robles of racial bias in voting

Faced with the threat of a lawsuit over the alleged suppression of Latino voting rights, the city of Paso Robles is considering shifting from an at-large electoral system to one consisting of voting districts. The Paso Robles City Council may... (Continue reading)

Police arrest Santa maria teen for making threats

Santa Maria police officers arrested a juvenile Sunday for making a criminal threat against Pioneer Valley High School. [Cal Coast Times] Earlier in the day, officers learned of a threat posted on social media that was directed at the Santa... (Continue reading)

Did county staff ignore board direction at first cannabis hearing?

By KAREN VELIE Months after the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors passed a temporary resolution barring expansion of marijuana cultivation or additional grows, the county planning department is processing multiple  expanded cannabis cultivation permits. [Cal Coast Times] On... (Continue reading)

Homeowner interrupts burglar in their bedroom

Police are looking for a 20-year-old man suspected in a string of residential burglaries in Paso Robles. [Cal Coast Times] On Thursday, a homeowner returned to a home on the 1200 block of Katherine Center and discovered a burglar in... (Continue reading)

Atascadero teacher allegedly victimized at least 20 kids

A 48-year-old Atascadero Unified School District teacher who allegedly videotaped his female students’ underwear victimized at least 20 children, according to the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office. [Cal Coast Times] Chris Lynn Berdoll is now facing 44 felony... (Continue reading)

Deputies arrest suspect in Shandon crime spree

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff deputies arrested on Friday the suspect in a crime spree that included several vehicle thefts and a home burglary in Shandon. [Cal Coast Times] On Thursday afternoon, Larry Charles Harvey, 27, allegedly started his crime... (Continue reading)

Knife wielding man robs Atascadero gas station

A man with a knife robbed an Atascadero Chevron station of alcohol Thursday evening, then successfully evaded officers from multiple law enforcement agencies who were trying to catch him. [Cal Coast Times] At about 8:25 p.m., a man entered the... (Continue reading)