Erik Long has the passion to serve San Luis Obispo

October 10, 2020

Erik Long


I have known Erik Long for many years. He is progressive, open minded, and realistic, and is able to get things done. He is very well educated and experienced in political science and political activism.

He is a talented leader who is dedicated and focused on the issues facing the city.

He plans to have three summits where all can offer their opinions and suggestions on the major issues facing the city of SLO — homelessness, housing, and downtown parking. This demonstrates he is willing to listen and serve all citizens in a thoughtful manner.

He is also proposing to add foot patrols to the downtown area in order to improve police relations and communications, and provide excellent service to downtown businesses and tourists. He is respected and endorsed by many professionals and business owners in SLO.

A longtime resident of SLO, Erik has the passion to serve the city and improve the lives of the people.

Please vote for Erik Long in the upcoming election.

Phil I. Panos is a retired firefighter who has lived in San Luis Obispo since 1978.

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Dave Congalton interviewed Mr. Long on 10/12/2020.

Hardly “progressive” in terms of left/liberal. Definitely “progressive” in terms of the SLO mayor/council needing a complete remake.

Heed this warning. Heidi Harmon your current hapless failing Mayor, was also said to be a progressive and opened minded. How’s that worked for you? You best head politically in the opposite direction of both.

We need to hear from Mr. Long himself. I seriously doubt he would label himself as a (political) “progressive.”

I’m not sure why the author used the word “progressive” to describe Erik. He’s about as middle of the road as it gets. Some of his main initiatives is to support law enforcement and to get the homeless off the street, and to increase foot patrols around the city. The term “progressive” is being here HAS to be referring to the fact that he’s looking to make real world, attainable, and common sense changes for the better.

But I fully understand the confusion. When I saw the author use that term I said “oh no….”

That all great and all, but why has Mr. Long kept such a low profile? He’s failed to take part in public events, he has no signs, no radio/tv ads, etc. What’s going on?

please define progressive

Political activism defines it good enough for me. This was the weakest article of support I’ve read in quite some time…a lot of platitudes with no substance!

Well, so “he is willing to listen and serve all citizens in a thoughtful manner”, huh? Gee, where have we heard all that before?

Excuse me, Phil, but the last thing we need in elected office is a “progressive” who “is very well educated and experienced in political science and political activism.” We’ve had plenty of those already.

How about, instead, people who live in the real world, have actually worked for a living, know what it’s like to run a business and meet a payroll, and are capable of using common sense?

“He is progressive, open minded, and realistic, and is able to get things done.”

I didn’t bother reading the opinion after that.

‘Progressive’ and ‘open minded’ is an oxymoron.

That’s simply ignorant…

I do not know the gentlemen, so I am not judging him or his politics. But why does my head hurt so bad when I see “progressive, open minded, and realistic, and is able to get things done”, in the description of one person. I see so many contradictions in that statement. But I guess that’s what being in politics means-all things to all people.