Is Cal Poly San Luis Obispo promoting racial discrimination?

September 17, 2021

Opinion by Ben Di Guglielmo

At Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s so-called “number 1-rated orientation in the nation,” on Aug. 6 the students were separated from their parents so they could attend a presentation titled “Mustangs for Inclusive Excellence.” While I was expecting a boring lecture on racial and gender equality, I was shocked when the presentation I heard was the farthest thing from it. They weren’t advocating for racial equality at all, in fact they explicitly condemned the concept.

Presenters and Cal Poly staff members Olivia Tran and Vania Ramirez arrived on the stage and projected the summary of what they would be discussing, the slide included topics such as “microaggressions” and “Intent vs. Impact.” The presenters stated that they would be discussing inclusivity, and how to contribute to an “inclusive” environment at Cal Poly.

The next slide, labelled “Key Terms,” contrasted the meaning of the words equity and equality, as the presenters emphasized the importance of the former at the expense of the latter. They stated that equal treatment for people of all races was not good, and that our institution ought to allocate more or less resources to students (treat people unequally) according to their race, in order to promote “equal outcomes.”

The next slide, titled “Unconscious Bias” claimed that all students were secretly guilty of being racist “deep in their subconscious,” and that the racism was so innate to their being that it is “activated involuntarily.”

The presenters then went on to state that this unconscious bias led people to perform “microaggressions” against minority populations. The example they presented of one of these so called microaggressions was the expression “I don’t see color, I’m colorblind,” claiming that “white people say the phrase when they are attempting to eliminate race from the conversation.

Denying obvious racial differences shows how people in advantaged groups have the privilege of choosing when and if they want to deal with topics such as race.” Apparently, Cal Poly now believes that it is racist to not consider the race of an individual as a defining characteristic.

Before concluding, they went on to state that another microaggression is the phrase “that’s so crazy,” because it is allegedly “ableist” to refer to things or people as crazy.

Finally, to wrap up their presentation, Olivia and Vania listed “five tips” to help students absolve themselves of their racist ways. The first step being to “understand your privilege.”

Now after experiencing that seminar, it seems to me that a public institution funded with tax dollars has proclaimed its support for offering increased resources for minority students, while denying those resources to white students. Behind all of the nice words and shallow justifications, the school has openly endorsed taxpayer funded racial discrimination.

Accompany that with the fringe ideas being presented as fact such as white privilege, unconscious bias, and microaggressions, and I suppose it is no surprise that many officials within the CSU system supported the 2020 proposition 16, which sought to eliminate the anti-discrimination clause of the California constitution, in order to provide opportunities for minority students that would be withheld from whites and Asians.

Furthermore, if the school really believes in the moral goodness of these ideas, why were the parents not attending the same seminar? After all, if concepts such as racial discrimination, white privilege, and unconscious bias are important enough to be promoted to the students of Cal Poly, why were they not important enough to even mention to the parents?

Is it because the school knows that the students are more impressionable than their parents? Is it because they know deep down that these ideas are wrong, and most people know it? Is it because they don’t want the parents to know of the racist values they are trying to instill among their children?

Media Relations Director Matt Lazier declined to answer any of these questions, and instead stated that “Cal Poly is committed to diversity, ‘equity’ and inclusion and creating a campus community that is welcoming and supportive for all students… . This effort includes infusing discussions of diversity, ‘equity’ and inclusion throughout the university’s academic, extracurricular, and professional programming.”

Note the use of the word equity (unequal treatment based on race) in the response, it seems that not only does Cal Poly endorse the ideas presented to me in that seminar, but they “infuse” it throughout all university programs.

Essentially, your tax dollars are used to indoctrinate your children into believing they are all secretly racist, privileged, and that certain minority races should be given more benefits under law than presumably less “disadvantaged” races such as whites and Asians.

Your tax dollars are being used to fund a widespread indoctrination effort of racist and un-American ideas in the youth, all while they politely shuffle you into the other room so you remain blissfully unaware.

Ben Di Guglielmo, 18, is an incoming freshman at Cal Poly. Di Guglielmo grew up in Riverside and graduated from Riverside Polytechnic High School earlier this year.

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our institution ought to allocate more or less resources to students (treat people unequally) according to their race, in order to promote “equal outcomes.”

Does that mean that white guys will get more coaching and resources in basketball and dance class?

LOL, hey, I’m a mighty fine dancer which I hope to express this weekend at Whale Rock!

Scary thought indeed…

Using racist stereotypes to make a point why inclusivity training is not necessary?

You are one class act, but certainly not a racist bone in you, right?

You must have missed the part that said: “They stated that equal treatment for people of all races was not good, and that our institution ought to allocate more or less resources to students (treat people unequally) according to their race, in order to promote “equal outcomes.”

That, is Racism 101. No matter how you are going to spin it, this “lecture” is nothing more than CRT hate training.

Racist stereotypes aside, I do think it brings up an interesting point. If white students are achieving lesser outcomes in certain areas, would they get greater resources to promote equal outcomes, or does that accommodation only apply to races that are traditionally regarded as in the minority? Follow-up question, in areas where white students are a minority, does this change anything, or are white students permanently locked out from any accommodations for minorities because of their historical majority status?

I’m asking these as legitimate questions and not with any sarcasm or racist intent. People should be able to have a dialog about these issues without fear of being labeled as racists for bringing it up.

Can we trust Ben Di Guglielmo’s ability to interpret logical information coherently? I have serious doubts.

For example, Riverside Ben actually believes a woman who is blackout drunk, can’t be raped.

Here’s an exact quote from his Quora profile (in case he decides to scrub his history):

Even in the case that the woman has no recollection of the exchange happening and she regrets it. Doesn’t mean it was rape, if she has no memory of the ordeal she can in no way charge the man for raping her without other witnesses to testify for her.

“EDIT 2021 because this opinion I wrote in eighth grade is receiving attention again for some reason: To clarify, someone who is intoxicated obviously can be raped. However, the state of their intoxication is not the sole factor that determines whether or not it was rape, nor is a later feeling of regret.

There are many cases of people being intoxicated and giving consent for sex, anyone with a brain can realize that not every single one of this cases is rape. Such as two people who are similarly intoxicated (who raped who?), or people in a relationship who give prior consent. As I stated in a comment below at the time of publication “I agree, and I was speaking of a situation in which both parties are intoxicated.”

Those who choose to slander me may continue to do so if they wish, but know that it is baseless.”

HAHAHhahAHahahAHahahaaaaa! And the leftists that post here, still insist that CRT isn’t being taught…. anywhere!

Well, there it is, my racist Marxist friends of BLM. CRT at its finest, right here in River Cit….err…SLO!

According to your buddy Gordo Mullin, the primary theories of CRT is that only whites are a racist, our society is corrupt and your unearned privilege, e.g. wealth, should be redistributed to people of color as reparations.

Please show us where in the Cal Poly presentation it says society is corrupt and wealth should be redistributed as reparations, or even mentions the term CRT? Also, on the subject of racism, the Cal Poly presentation said everyone is subtly racist, which is completely contrary to “only whites are racist”.

The majority of the “CRT scare theories” that get people all riled up on this site were not given in the Cal Poly presentation. You can hate the Cal Poly presentation all you want, but you are a fool if you are wishfully thinking it was “CRT at its finest”

There is a photo, right there in the article, that states if white people deny racism by “not seeing color/colorblind”, proves them to be racist.

Doesn’t say Asian, or Black, or Latino, or Indian. It says only white people can be racist.

There is no reason for the presentation to explicitly state that CRT and the “violently Marxist” BLM is solely behind all this, none of these lies would be presented if not for the “violently Marxist” BLM and CRT! Since the death of George Floyd, this is all that we have heard from the “violently Marxist” BLM and company. You’re proving our point. Don’t let me stop you!

I feel your oppression. Forced introspection is rough.

As with all information in College the information is there for you to synthesize your own opinion.

You can ignore what was presented….or was there a quiz at the end?

This guy has put a target on his back. Cal Poly and it’s approved student groups are going to come after him. Probably soon to be expelled for hate crimes. There is no free speech at Poly.

It’s a police state.

I encourage you to not put up with this by immediately withdrawing from school. You shouldn’t be partaking in this tax payer funded education that could corrupt your impressionable mind. At only 18 you couldn’t possibly have the capacity to disseminate this information. Please find an institution that only reinforces your beliefs and doesn’t challenge you so you can continue to be the free thinker you appear to think you are.

On the contrary Ben. Stand your ground. Continue to call out their hypocrisy. Don’t fear challenging these shallow thinkers or those who support them or defend them. You will reveal the ignorance and bigotry in all of them. Actually, they do that themselves by actually being what they claim they’re against. They can’t handle being questioned, accountable, or responsible for their words and actions. They want attack you, silence you, and threaten you while again, denying you the same rights they claim to stand for. Those that profess to be wise, are proven to be fools. Again, stand your ground, and continue to prove them fools.

“At only 18 you couldn’t possibly have the capacity ….” You’ve stereotyped him by age. So, you certainly could go one step further and use him as an example why the voting age shouldn’t be lowered from 18 to 16.

Very nice story young man. Thanks for the continued exposure of the fascist and Marxist overrunning our universities. The administration at Cal(Fascist)Poly had to approve this bigoted orientation by these to radical individuals. The cowardly Armstrong must be held accountable for this hateful attempt at a new level of indoctrination. The destruction of our education system is at warp speed at all levels. Time to take the fight to them.

Well written. I too believe you will be met with many more years of this discrimination against Caucasians. I’m glad there are maybe a few more like minded kids such as your self out there. I know my children will not grow up to be ashamed of their white skin, they didn’t choose it and they won’t abuse it either. Children need to learn to be respectful of every human being. We all bleed the same color and we all breathe the same air.

A well written article Ben, good luck dealing with this crap for the next several years. Common sense is no longer tolerated by the intolerant left on college campuses.

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