SLO County residents do not want more marijuana shops

October 31, 2023

Helios Dayspring’s ribbon cutting at the NHC Morro Bay retail pot shop


The majority of San Luis Obispo Country residents don’t want to expand the sale of marijuana to include dispensaries in the unincorporated area. Marijuana (with the exception of limited medical use) is a dangerous substance and is illegal at the federal level.

It is a gateway to hard drugs. While all marijuana users don’t end up using hard drugs, almost all hard drug users say they started on marijuana. That is an undeniable fact and has been true for decades.

My experience dealing with marijuana users began 54 years ago as a Naval officer where I prepared many administrative discharges on sailors using marijuana.

My 27-years in Federal Law Enforcement as a Special Agent with the IRS Criminal Division involved cases on many drug dealers. I know what I am talking about.

Many businesses fail every year because they sell a product with insufficient demand to generate enough sales to cover the cost of doing business. Why should the liberal majority on the SLO County Board of Supervisors help marijuana dealers stay in business and make a profit selling a dangerous drug when they don’t help other retailers?

It makes no sense, unless there is a nefarious reason, or Is it because the liberal board members are friends of the marijuana dealers?

A few months ago, Supervisor Jimmy Paulding and the other liberal board members were looking to increase taxes on all county residence. The board is now proposing a 25% reduction in the tax on retail marijuana dealers, up to a million dollars in subsidies, easing regulations, and spreading marijuana sales to the unincorporated county area.

The board has just done a complete flip when it comes to taxes, but only for marijuana dealers.

Why is the majority on this board so concerned about excess regulations and cost on failing marijuana dealers that are selling a dangerous drug?  Why is there not concern for the excess regulations, unnecessary delays and costs for other businesses and for citizens just trying to build a home?

The answer is simple. The liberal majority on this board is more interested in helping drug dealers than they are in helping the average, hard-working citizens. The current board majority voted in favor of weakening Proposition 13 protections for taxpayers as opposed to maintaining Proposition 13 safeguards.

If you think marijuana is not harmful, provide it to your airline pilot on your next flight, or your surgeon before your next operation.

What the board majority is proposing is simply a stupid idea, a dangerous idea and an expensive waste of taxpayer’s money. Wake up board members and wake up citizens. Don’t let the board get away with this.


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I don’t understand why they allow any marijuana shops!

JThomas I don’t understand “

You don’t understand voting?

No hangovers with marijuana. Would rather have my airline pilots and surgeons high on cannabis rather than drunk. Who wouldn’t?

Not me.

I would rather the people I entrust my life to, would be in 100% in control of all their capacities.

A few things

The The majority of San Luis Obispo Country residents don’t want”

No, you get one vote and no one elected you to represent some imaginary majority.

“Why should the SLO County Board of Supervisors” support legal local businesses? It’s their job, just like all of the vineyards, bars and tap rooms they supported over the years.

Alcohol is the real gateway drug and 90% of those people in those vineyards, bars and tap rooms? Yep they drove home, perhaps Law Enforcement could solve those crimes that happen every day.

If you think Alcohol is not harmful, provide it to your airline pilot on your next flight, or your surgeon before your next operation. Just ask the past San Luis Obispo County contracted medical examiner, supported by our conservative sheriff “We recognize that people make mistakes that are out of character but that does not prevent us from having confidence in Dr. Walter

The conservative government you support wants to cut social security, welfare and more for all Americans. This will drive more drug use, far more than a few overpriced pot shops.

We voted, It’s legal, the election was not stolen, the world changes, get with it.

Thank you. I don’t know where this genius got the bright idea that “the majority” agree with him.

So, I calculate the letter writer to be in his 70’s. I wonder how many prescription meds he takes or glasses of wine he has each day. I’d say both prescription drugs and alcohol are just as detrimental, if not more, than marijuana use.

Use of prescription pain killers is more likely to lead to harder drugs such as meth or cocaine than marijuana. As far as alcohol, it is way more damaging to society than pot. There are plenty of studies to prove it.

I’ve known plenty of very high functioning individuals (bankers, lawyers, teachers, businessmen, managers, etc ) who smoke pot. It has been the drug of choice for the entire generation known as Baby Boomers. And it hasn’t seemed to hurt them. In fact, Fortune Magazine says the Boomers are sitting on about $72 trillion in assets. Pretty good for a bunch of pot smokers.

should be focusing on Panama papers, Epstein, and Billionaires hiding funds offshore and exploiting the drug and big pharma, vs, worrying about local pot shops. Rich people buy MdMa and cocaine like it’s legal. why not crack down on china and India for giving precursors drugs? lordy. Wine bars are ok, vineyards stealing water on private land from a majority, fire as tone brewery using our basin, Waste management poising our water.

and you complain about pot and it’s micro failing economy. it’s a failing economy. there are no journals here at all.

Thanks Joe for having the courage to put a light on the truth. Your detractors always pivot from the real issue.

Unwaivering, antiquated views, and clear bias are far from courageous imo.

Truth is always courageous!

Alcohol is equally as bad if not worse than marijuana and it has created a huge tourism destination to the wineries in this county. That seems to have conveniently been left out of this article.

what happened to compassion care. Oh I guess it’s better to take pills?

drink alcohol that’s the answer????

No problem with the bars, liquor stores, and gas stations peddling alcohol though huh? Hypocritical opinion piece at best…

That are not being subsidized by taxpayer money

With the amount of government intervention they ought to be. “Oh hey you filled out a liquor license application and paid a fee; here ya go!!” Gimme a break.

or the Sacklera and the opiate crisis and paying a settlement, IE, Bond?