Speakers critical of trans movement coming to Cal Poly, sparking controversy

December 5, 2023


A pair of speakers who are critical of the transgender movement will speak at Cal Poly Tuesday evening at an event that is sparking controversy on the university campus.

The conservative organization Turning Point USA is holding an event featuring speakers Chloe Cole and Chris Elston, who is commonly known as “Billboard Chris.” Elston is a father and activist who speaks out against children undergoing gender transitioning.

Cole, a 17-year-old girl, began transitioning from female to male at the age of 13. Then at 16, she de-transitioned and began to speak out against medical intervention for minors who suffer from gender dysphoria, Turning Point USA says.

Turning Point USA is titling the event as “A dad and a detransitioner’s take on the transgender movement.” Chloe Cole and Billboard Chris will explain truth and myths surrounding the transgender movement, according to a Turing Point USA social media post.

Promotion of the event has led to criticism, including from Cal Poly English Department Assistant Professor Maya Hislop, who sent an email to her African American literature students warning them about Tuesday’s forum.

“This event seems like it will be spreading lies about the trans community rather than engaging with their need for protection, justice and liberation,” Hislop wrote in the email. “This is especially dangerous when Black trans women are murdered and/or violated more often than any other group.”

Cal Poly’s Pride Center will hold counter-events for individuals feeling unsafe due to the Turning Point USA event, Hislop stated.

Elston responded to Hislop in an X post criticizing the assistant professor.

“Maya, I understand you won’t allow yourself to think rationally, but I’m trying to ‘liberate’ children from the ghoulish doctors and child abusers like yourself who teach them that they are born wrong,” Elston wrote on X. “See you December 5th! Come learn something.”

The event is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday in Building 8, Room 123.

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I believe that children 18 and younger should not physically alter their bodies in any way. Some may need some mental health support to get through a challenging period of life, which is quite common with teens. Once they are an adult they can do what they want with their bodies. Common sense needs to be restored in


I agree, and physical alterations include tattoos, piercings, and circumcision. If a person wants to do any of these alterations to themselves (or adults want them done to a child), it should wait until they are 18 and able to decide for themselves as an adult.

No one is criticizing transgender people its the out of control in your face and in our schools movement that deserves criticism…

Imagine a world where you could listen respectfully and either learn something or just simply disagree and move along.

Or ignore toilet paper usa and move along.

 “listen respectfully” the gop? lol

Can’t refute the argument so you attack the messenger? what’s with that?

what’s with that?” Free speech is what it’s called, go read the cheeto mussolini’s twitter and get back to us.

Did I hurt the gop’s feelings? tpusa are a bunch of ass#ols.

Once again, we are “racist”, anti-diversity, anti this, that and everything, when we share our views that don’t agree with others’. What a shame our tax dollars are going to pay for this kind of nonsense being taught in our colleges. This has to STOP! How about listening to a person who has gone through the terror of changing their body in the most harmful way? No, just put your ideology first and sell it to others, so they can continue to ravage their otherwise healthy bodies. Shame on you, professor of lies!!

What a shame our tax dollars are going to pay for this kind of nonsense “

I think that every time the racist, anti-diversity people show up and eat up our time and money attempting to indoctrinate the young students.

 This has to STOP! They just want to put their ideology first and sell it to others using our tax dollars.

How much does it cost Cal Poly to host this kind of nonsense?

Your comment suggests your completely disregarding the young lady Chloe Cole who actually experienced transitioning and then detransitioning back a few yrs later. Playing politics to completely disregard something somebody experienced is shameful.

Your interpretation of my comments is all on your imagination.

Playing politics” This is tpusa it is all shameful politics.

What is racist for not believing that someone could be born in the wrong body? It seems like a mind/emotional problem, not a genetic one. What is racist about objecting to biological males, for example, replacing women in every arena, highly egregiously in sports, but also in modeling and selling makeup? Why do you throw inflammatory words around that don’t communicate accurately about the subject at hand?

Answer your own questions, no one is here to spoon feed you.

13 year olds can’t legally drive a car or drink alcohol. They can’t buy cigarettes, enlist in the military or vote in elections.

It’s *absolutely absurd* to allow 13 year old kids to “transition”, especially without parental consent.

The so-called “transgender movement” is manipulative and abusive towards children. It’s shameful.

Hopefully Chloe and Chris’ presentation at Cal Poly will be well-attended. Kudos to them for speaking up.

you posted 3 links to the same accusations and then a reddit thread.. npc.exe fail

Some people like different sources, some won’t open there eyes.


Kettle why doesn’t Chloe Cole’s voice and experience matter to you? Is it because it doesn’t fit your preferred narrative?

why doesn’t Chloe Cole’s voice and experience matter to you?”

Her opinion matters just like everyone’s, no more no less.

So you want to make it personal? insults fit your preferred narrative?

Tpusa is a good fit for you, kirk would be proud.

Kettle Chloe Cole’s personal first hand experience and using her voice is not an opinion rather its her first hand experience she went through that is fact. Nothing I said was made a personal towards anybody. Your the only one with comments insulting others that may disagree with you. Maybe you should read about Chloe Coles story before completely disregarding her first hand account about sex change as an underage child.

You are confused “Maybe you should read about ….”

Chloe Cole’s does not need anyone to defend her. You somehow think I support what was done, but I don’t.

Personally I feel no one younger than 18 should have ANY elective or cosmetic surgery, no butt lifts, botox or extra anything.

This does not change the fact that tpusa is the literal swamp of bulls#it and propaganda manipulation.

Paragraph from this article on her story

““I had a huge part of my future womanhood taken from me. I will never be able to breastfeed,” she went on before pointing out that the surgery meant to prevent her from committing suicide nearly drove her to take her own life.”


esil53: Please address the Policies, events and arguments, not the person.

Hislop seems to think free speech only applies to people that agree with her.

CCN didn’t link her statement, but did she call for a cancellation of the talk? If she had I imagine it would have been quoted. If I’m incorrect, please let me know.

There is a video, probably on YouTube, where a 3-year-old is sitting at a table. An adult places a pile of money, (reported to be 10.000 dollars) and a stack of 3 cookies. The child is then asked, “Which one do you want Billy?” Billy chooses the cookies. The video provides a clue as to how a child’s mind works and makes it clear children aren’t mature enough to make life-altering decisions.

Extremist hysteria aside, are there any documented cases where 3 year olds have been allowed to make life-altering decisions for themselves?

…why are people down voting this? It’s just… True.

I’m all in favor of questioning the judgement of teenagers, but why are we talking about 3 year olds?

Votes on this site are meaningless because any random troll in their parent’s basement can run a script to add multiple downvotes to any comment that doesn’t fit into their closeted world view.

Fantastic. I hope those who insist on “diversity” will allow these people who think “diversely” the opportunity to speak. After all, First Amendment and all that.

So there.