Time to fire SLO High School officials who covered up misconduct
December 14, 2023

Jeff Brandow
As I reflect on the past 14 months, I have so many emotions. Anger, sadness, anxiousness, disbelief, and confusion. As my daughter’s story becomes public, and so many other stories related to San Luis Obispo High School have and continue to come forward, I am hopeful there will be change.
Recently, on the Dave Congalton show, I was asked, “What do I want to happen?” I thought an answer would just slide out of my mouth, but I actually hesitated for a second. When asked if I wanted Dr. Eric Prater to be fired, I didn’t answer yes right away. I have spent the last few days examining why I couldn’t blurt out, “Yes!”
Here is what I have come up with:
I am human and I know that my family, and my daughter are not the only victims. SLCUSDs administrators have families. Most, if not all, have children. Jeff Brandow, as much as his behavior sickens me, has children. They are victims, too. Perhaps that’s why I hesitated. For every person we want held accountable, there are innocent people attached.
For the record, I am now ready clarify what I want as a necessary outcome in this lawsuit and for our community.
First, a policy change to the parent/admin/teacher communication. No child should ever be in a room with administration for a nonacademic conversations without a parent being notified. Not after, not during, but prior. My daughter was not equipped to handle this communication and it has changed her to this day. We were never contacted. Ever.
I do not think any of the administrators at SLOHS would have been okay with this if it was their child in the situation.
Secondly, an enforcement of current policies. No teacher should personally text or be inappropriate on social media with students. This is a policy and it was in effect when my daughter was in high school, however, it was not enforced.
Even with the inappropriate texts between Jeff Brandow and my daughter, the school, specifically Dr. Prater, stated in the Tribune that “We provided no factual evidence” and “Very weak evidence” regarding our allegations. If a policy states a teacher should not be texting, and a teacher repeatedly does, and still has his job, what good is the policy?
Next, I do believe any administrator who knew, or ever took a verbal or written report from a parent, student, or colleague, regarding Jeff Brandow’s behavior, or other adults, should lose their job.
This was not a single complaint but a decade of concerns. Concerns expressed to Leslie O’Connor, Rollin Dickenson, and Human Resources were documented. The adults and children involved have shared their stories and verified they met with SLCUSD administration. Additionally, every school district employee is a mandated reporter.
Lastly, money changes policy. Unfortunately, this employee and any leaders who dismissed or covered for him will cost the district money. Taxpayer money. There is no amount of money that seems reasonable when I look at my daughter and think about the last 14 months of her life.
Her senior year, once filled with plans, dreams, and excitement, was lonely and isolated. Her friends either didn’t understand or chose to leave her standing alone. She is changed. Twenty years from now, this is what she will remember about high school. I’d like to think it hasn’t changed her trajectory in life, but honestly, I don’t know. And although I know we will move forward as a family, this experience has devastated so many parts of our lives that are invisible to the public.
I ask you as a community, please write to SLCUSD Board Members.
Email Dr. Prater: eprater@slcusd.org
Email the Board Members:
Ellen Sheffer esheffer@slcusd.org
Eve Hinton: edoblerdrew@slcusd.org
Brian Clausen: bclausen@slcusd.org
Mark Buchman: mbuchman@slcusd.org
Chris Ungar: cungar@slcusd.org
Robert Banfield: robertbanfield@slcusd.org
Marilyn Rodger: mrodger@slcusd.org
Email Dr. Brescia at San Luis Obispo County Office of Education. jbrescia@slocoe.org
Speak up. Be part of the solution, not the problem. It’s time for change in SLCUSD.
Amber Wilkerson is the mother of one of the students who is an alleged victim of Jeff Brandow.
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