Group now collecting signatures to recall SLO County Supervisor Gibson

January 3, 2024

SLO County Supervisor Bruce Gibson


The race is on in the effort to recall San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson.

County official approved a recall petition on Jan. 2. The Committee to Support the Recall of Supervisor Bruce Gibson now has 120 days to collect about 7,500 signatures.

If successful, the recall for District 2 supervisor could be on a special ballot later this year.

Gibson has faced backlash over his alleged failures to follow open government laws, abuse of power, and his support of raising taxes and increasing fees.

On Jan. 14, the citizens group is hosting a non-partisan signing party at the Atascadero Lake Park from noon to 4 p.m. with speakers, hot dogs, hot chocolate and more. Those who signed the initial request, will still need to sign the petition. Supporters of the recall can volunteer to work with the group.

While the voters will then decide whether or not Gibson stays in office, they will not select his replacement.

In 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that changed the way elected officials in California can be recalled. Before 2023, the recall election permitted voters to select a replacement. Based on Assembly Bill 2584, Gov. Newsom is now charged with appointing a District 2 supervisor if Gibson is recalled.

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This is abuse of the recall system. Continued stunts like this should result in having the laws changed to prevent this assault on democracy. It’s a horrendous waste of time and money in support of spite and misdirected antipathy.

Gibson comes across as an intellectual but you peel just one layer away and you see a person ethically unfit to govern anything, anywhere. I hope the recall is successful. We deserve better, much better.

This couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

Sore losers it seems to me. Sour grapes, didn’t get what they wanted and so hold another election! and lets be honest, if Gibson wins again they’ll try to remove himagain. Waste of time and money. Derangement Syndrome

Let’s say they do recall Gibson. Newsom then appoints a middle of the road Democrat who will then get name recognition for two years and is easily reelected in 26 because the Republicans will nominate an extremist. Dumb ass Republicans, as usual.

I’ve known Bruce Gibson a long time. He’s an honest and upstanding citizen. He’s done a lot for our county. What specifically are y’all getting all upset about? Recall for what? Y’all need to get out and vote in the next local elections and stop whining for God’s sake.

Remember the last time he was on the ballot? After seeing what the other “side” wishes to replace him with, this proposed option becomes a bit of a hard sell.

gibson won by only a few votes. are you the gibson supporter who lives in harmony?

The 2022 Bill is a direct slap in the face to Democracy. Let the people decide the replacement not one politician with an agenda.

So when and if he’s recalled and Gov Newsom will just appoint another….. How did we ever get in such a horrible position? Unreal.

Seriously? It is called voting. Given what the other “side” ran in the attempt to replace him, I would say that should answer your question. We would be better served if everyone stepped up their game, but this situation was quite clear. This county needs to do a lot better. There is much at stake.

You forget that Gibson bested his opponent by just 13 votes. That’s hardly a mandate or a valid reason to denigrate his opponent.

Another Democrat will definitely be appointed, but it doesn’t matter. Remove Gibson, you remove the arrogance and his control over the other two Dems.

If they can get the signatures, the recall will succeed.

you don’t think Deb and John; John works for Meridian Pacific a lobbying firm affiliated with Cunningham who defend Mexican Cartel cocaine, isn’t an issue?

Kind of like Adam Hill, the angry Bruce Gibson, Heidi Harmon, Helios Daysprings, certain county staff along with Rita Neal looking the other way while corruption and pay to play with the pot industry. If you’re calling out corrupt lobbying, call it all out.

meet at the lake park and voice your thoughts. There is no law in expressing thoughts loudly.

Ha! After all, that’s what the Left does best!