SLO police cite 11 during bicycle and pedestrian safety operation

February 6, 2024


The San Luis Obispo Police Department issued 11 citations to drivers during a bicycle and pedestrian safety operation conducted last week.

Between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Feb. 1, officers stopped 15 people during the operation and issued citations for a variety of violations made by drivers.

“Safety is a shared responsibility, with drivers holding the greatest responsibility to keep other road users safe,” Sgt. Evan Stradley said in a statement. “We hope this operation serves as a reminder to everyone to practice due care and to look out for one another.”

Police will conduct another bicycle and pedestrian safety operation in March. The police department receives funding for the operations from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration via a grant issued by the California Office of Traffic Safety.


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When I read the headline, I said to myself “FINALLY! Police are cracking down on stupid riders and foolish pedestrians!”

Imagine my disappointment…

Imagine believing that there was any true purpose to this other than an overtime grab.

I agree,” drivers hold the greatest responsibility” but cyclist and pedestrians need to be cautious as they are the most vulnerable to injury or worse.

I smell a bicycle endorsement to be required on everyone’s drivers license to fund safety thru this new fee. Unless everyone knows the rules, enforcement is difficult. Children are still the responsibility of their custodians.

No citations for bicycle riders runniing red lights and stop signs?

Congratulations on your latest volley in your war against cars, San Luis Obispo. Those hundreds of dollars in fines are a great way to backfill the millions of dollars spent on bike lanes.

I like how you turned a overtime grab by the portion of government most supported by conservatives into a political conspiracy by liberals against cars.

Aside from spendy liberal policies themselves, this kind of mental gymnastics is why can we make no progress in curtailing out of control public spending.

In Idaho it is legal for bicycle riders to roll past Stop signs without stopping when it is safe to do so. This has reduced accidents and saved lives. Californians should consider this.