Steve Ford to speak in Pismo Beach June 13

June 8, 2024

Steve Ford

By CalCoastNews Staff

Steve Ford, actor and youngest son of Gerald and Betty Ford, will deliver a public presentation Thursday, June 13, at 6 p.m. at the SeaCrest Hotel in Pismo Beach.

Ford, a Cal Poly graduate and San Luis Obispo resident, is the guest speaker at a meeting of the Diversity Coalition of San Luis Obispo County.

Thursday’s multi-media presentation touches on a wide variety of topics, including Watergate, the pardon of Richard Nixon, Betty Ford’s battle with breast cancer and alcohol, and daily life in the White House during the Ford administration.

Ford is also expected to address the current political scene and the challenge of finding common ground in a divided nation.

As an actor, Ford has appeared in a number of movies, including “Contact,” “When Harry Met Sally,” “Blackhawk Down,” “Heat,” and “Starship Troopers.” He currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation in Grand Rapids.

The event, which includes audience question and answers, is free and open to the public. Ford’s presentation is scheduled for the banquet room at the SeaCrest. People are invited to sign up at Diversity Coalition of San Luis Obispo County’s website.


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I voted for Carter, but looking back, I regret that decision today. Ford was a good and decent man, flawed, but good and decent. Wish we had more like him today.

Ask him why his father forbid Seal Team 1 to rescue the 3 young Marines left stranded on Koh Tang Island in May 1975. They were all captured and executed.

I would love to ask him why his Father changed the Warren Commission Report to state one of the bullets that struck JFK was altered to make it fit “the magic bullet” nonsense. Maybe his Father was sitting next to Allen Dulles, that could explain a lot.

Perhaps he can help Pismo Beach learn to not blame contractors for Pismo’s own screwups.

Pismo officials dont care since the roughly 2 million the city is going to have to pay wont come from their pockets or will there be any real consequences.