Atascadero Broker, investment advisor charged with child porn

July 12, 2024

Timothy Holt


Atascadero police officers arrested a broker and financial adviser on child pornography charges late last month.

On June 28, officers arrested 60-year-old Timothy Harold Holt in Atascadero. Holt is the president of Preservation Capital Group on El Camino Real in Atascadero.

Investigators accuse Holt of possessing pornography of a child engaged in sexual activity from Jan. 1, 2023 through Feb. 7, 2024.

Holt, a resident of Pismo Beach, is facing up to three years in prison if found guilty. He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on Aug. 14.


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Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham has his inspiration for his next puppet.

Poof he’s gone. Someplace on this earth, that is what happens.

He brags that he’s a foster Parent too.

Oh man…. And here it was so handy having my money management and daycare needs all wrapped up in one service.

Oooohh! That’s just nasty! LOL!

Sad. He will need Preservation if he has to do time in the joint.

Holt better have preserved some capital because he is going to need it.

Why only 3 years? Seems like recently people have been sentenced to 20+ years for the same offence’

They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but…….

I can’t make any sense of the haircut either.