Days after spending 11 years in prison, Carpenteria man reoffends

September 10, 2024


Days after being released from 11-years in prison for sex crimes against children, Giovanni Gonzalez, 34, of Carpinteria was arrested for reoffending. He pleaded guilty in February to one count of receipt of child pornography.

A federal judge on Monday sentenced Gonzalez to 135 months in prison for receiving thousands of videos containing child porn. United States District Judge R. Gary Klausner also ordered Gonzalez to pay $24,000 in restitution.

On Dec. 1, 2022, Gonzalez was paroled from a California state prison following a sentence of more than 17 years for posing as a teenage girl online and coercing at least eight minor female victims into engaging in sex acts and sending him the images.

“Within days of his release from state prison for despicable acts he committed against children, this defendant returned to his deplorable ways, obtaining thousands of videos showcasing the sexual exploitation of kids,” said United States Attorney Martin Estrada. “Protecting our children is central to my office’s mission and we will continue to use all available tools to those who participate in this wicked marketplace that traffics in child abuse.”


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As soon as the pedophile is released from prison, he will re-offend again. Sentence of 135 months should be 135 years.

Just being in prison will do nothing to deter a pedophile. There is no way to cure them. This man must be sent to Coalinga State Hospital for the rest of his life. He is a child predator.That is the only thing that will keep children safe. However, because of California’s ridiculous laws and policies it will cost taxpayers upwards of $250,000.00 per YEAR to house him there.