One reporter’s plea for good journalism

September 11, 2024

Daniel Blackburn


Writing of this commentary commenced with two expectations: First, Karen Velie won’t want to publish this, and second, she will allow it, because she’s receptive to all responsible viewpoints and opinions.

So if you are reading this now, I was right.

I’ll make my point up front, and then try to justify it: Velie’s CalCoastNews deserves to be a fully funded, fully functioning news reporting operation, with an experienced and appropriately paid staff of writers and editors.

Residents of San Luis Obispo County and surrounding areas need access to reporting on issues important to their local communities. CalCoastNews is now providing that with two reporters. No other local news outlet even tries to come close to the quality and quantity of vital enterprise reporting provided by CalCoastNews.

And to be clear, I have absolutely no financial interest in CalCoastNews, now or in the future. But as co-founder of the website, I do have a very specific interest in its survival based on my lifelong love of local news reporting and my conviction that our very democracy depends on it.

I have watched Karen struggle for more than 14 years to keep CalCoastNews afloat, eschewing a regular salary and benefits as she continues to keep her readers informed about happenings that impact their daily lives.

Most of this site’s readers are familiar with CalCoastNews’ incredible record of reporting the stories that The Tribune and smaller news outlets thought too sensitive, controversial, or contrary to their financial interests to acknowledge.

Here’s just a slice: Remember Kelly Gearhart? Paso Robles Police Chief Lisa Solomon? Arroyo Grande City Manager Steve Adams and Mayor Tony Ferrera? County Administrator David Edge and Gail Wilcox? CAPSLO and Dee Torres? John Belsher and Ryan Petetit-Wright? Helios Dayspring? And of course, Adam Hill?

And I can’t help but recall when a Tribune reporter was awarded the McClatchy “President’s Award” for plagiarizing one of Karen’s painstakingly reported articles… an award rescinded by the publisher when the truth came out.

Karen has had her life threatened on several occasions… threats that have not materialized, as can be verified by a quick glance at her site.

In the public’s interest, CalCoastNews needs to be backed by substantial resources, the kind that can only be provided by a foundation, an investment group, a person of substantial means, or some kind of miracle. My brain is wired for words, not numbers, so other than this commentary, I’m out of ideas.

Perhaps someone out there will understand what I’m saying.

Daniel Blackburn is co-founder of CalCoastNews and is (mostly) retired.

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