Lockdown at Santa Rosa Academic Academy in Atascadero

October 8, 2024


Administrators at Santa Rosa Academic Academy in Atascadero locked the school down after a student reported they saw a man with a firearm on Tuesday afternoon.

Shortly after 1:35 p.m., during a school break, a student reported they saw a male retrieve what
appeared to be a weapon from a vehicle and take it into a nearby residence. Administrators locked down the campus and called law enforcement.

Despite a thorough search of the surrounding area, officers were unable to identify the specific location reported by the student. During the investigation, officers confirmed that the individual had never directly threatened or pointed the weapon at the student.

After determining that there was no immediate threat to public safety and that no crime had occurred, officers and district administrators lifted the lockdown, and the school resumed normal activities.


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A gun was seen in the middle of hunting season? What are the odds….

Everyone’s paranoia over guns just seems to just grow. Isn’t this just away of getting out of homework, a test or a class that someone doesn’t care to confront?

I guess you don’t understand the term “lockdown.” It means the students can’t leave their classrooms for as long as officials believe there is a threat. Nobody is getting out of anything. I applaud the child who spoke up and brought this to the attention of adults. I suppose we’re just so conditioned to basically ignore the threat of school shootings because they are seemingly endless. As long as it doesn’t happen to us, it doesn’t matter.

I can only try to imagine what it must feel like to be a student nowadays. To have to be on constant alert for someone stalking them with high-powered weapons. It is the #1 cause of death for children in this county. Hard to even imagine, but we are burdening these young people with some of the worst disfunctions of our society in the name of owning elite killing machines for “fun” or protection (seriously?) from the US military?

How do you think that makes them feel, actually?

Go ahead with the “down votes” if that makes you feel better, but that minority of you know who you are. Please help us end this.

Why do we lock a school down when California has the harshest gun laws in the country? Anyone knows military killing machines have been band, high capacity magazines are band, background checks are mandatory, 10 day waiting period is required, firearm safety certification required, safe handling demonstration required, firearm safety device required, 1 gun purchase per month limit, ammunition certificate required, safe storage required, fire arms not allowed in specific areas and sales by licensed dealers who possess a certificate of eligibility all issued by the state for a fee.

So why is everyone so jumpy, we are the safest state by far.

And please stop with the misinformation about the leading cause of death.

Guns are NOT the “leading cause of death”, when you take out the two ADULT ages of 18 and 19. This leaves vehicle accidents, still, the leading killer.

Recall, the Brady people used to include “children” up to 24 years old. 24 year old children? Really?

When emotion and lies are all you have, you long ago lost the argument.

Yes, I’m right again.

“Academic Academic” my ass. It’s the school nobody wants to send their kids to. Rebranding does not change reality.