Paso Robles City Councilwoman Sharon Roden has proven experience,

October 7, 2024

Councilwoman Sharon Roden


The Paso Robles community is world class. We need elected officials who match the excellence of our city. Sharon Roden meets that standard.

Every weekend we have visitors that enjoy our wonderful downtown and local wineries. As this region and our state struggle with the scarcity of a water supply and infrastructure, we need someone with Sharon’s four decades of experience in agriculture and business on the city council.

We need someone who understands the issues of running a business and making a payroll. Look no further than Sharon Roden. Her proven experience is something that makes analysis of local issues truly reflective of the needs of either a farmer or small business owners in the area.

Sharon Roden has my vote, she should have yours too.

Lorraine Cagliero was born and raised in San Luis Obispo County. She has called Paso Robles home for the past 10 years.


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She was appointed bye Tye Lewis and is not give a dam what the people want just what Tye wants . She dose not care about the small farmers not about keeping our water ours . Voting for her will cost the city millions . Starting with paying out her buddy Tye Lewis who has done nothing but lie to the community . He brought the rapest cop from Bakersfield to our town and was known to party like a rock star at official police functions with Solomon . Elect her and you will be promoting that kind of behavior for future city workers .

This comment is taken from the CCN facebook page posting.

It’s too good not to share!!!!

She gets my vote for being:

The fastest sellout on our City Council.

The least knowledgeable candidate.

The biggest kiss-up to the moneyed voters.

The most likely to vote for her own special interests.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

The only vote I would cast for her would be to vote her off the island.


This is hilarious. During the parking debacle Sharon pretty much showed she understood very little about small business, payrolls and business management. The FBO decision stabbed ACIJet in the back, deprived the city of local jobs and she voted clearly for the inferior bidder. She was Ty’s biggest enabler and the thanks she got for being his puppet was for him to sue the city and link the two of them in their horrible running down of the city. Her virtue signaling apology to the police was nauseating to say the least. She has no understanding of Measure I-24 which should have been a straight up or down vote on a tax and creating a bond. If you want the status quo where the majority makes bad financial decisions, writes stupid legislation, neglects the roads and makes decisions based on favoritism and not the best vendors to serve the city then by all means vote for Sharon Roden. But if you want reform, fiscal conservatism, avoiding debt and honesty vote for Linda George or Michael Rivera. But do not vote for Ty Lewis’s favorite council member. Remember, Ty Lewis had the support of Gregory, Hamon and City Attorney Eizabeth Hull and he is whining about one person, who is without a doubt the best public servant in the county. Remember Roden and Ty Lewis are in inextricably connected and both of them need to go.