SLO Tribune dusts off its misinformation machine again

October 23, 2024


While we do not generally publish our own editorials and leave the commentary to our readers, the latest false hit piece in the Tribune prompted this response.

In an attempt to get a more than $2 million payout after he voluntary left his city manager position amid a $43 million deficit in the draft budget, the Tribune reports that Ty Lewis claims Councilman Chris Bausch and I hosted multiple meetings where we discussed fabricating information to harm Lewis. He then claims the three people planning to run for office against the incumbents were part of that alleged conspiracy.

First, Bausch and I held no meetings. A Tribune reporter asked City Council Candidate Linda George how many times she met with me at meetings. George reportedly told the Tribune none, and that we had met only once when she was a guest on the radio with me. The Tribune failed to include that information in its story.

The Tribune also failed to clarify what false information they alleged that I said or wrote about Lewis. My articles and recorded radio interviews are evidence these Tribune reported allegations are false.

As for the marijuana seller and former restaurant owner Ernest Hall now alleging I confirmed Lewis’s allegations, and saying I told him I was making up stories about Lewis, this too is false, ridiculous and unsubstantiated hearsay.

Hall asked to go on the radio to discuss issues he was having with the city regarding permitting a pot shop. He repeatedly disparaged Lewis, not only to me, but to multiple people in the community. Hall reported his business doubled at the time he was advertising with CalCoastNews and on the radio shows.

However, Hall later reported he had a serious health issue and told me he was closing the restaurant and planned to focus on getting a pot shop permit. Even though Hall had failed to pay his bill for months, I told him I would forgive the debt in light of his health issues. I am appalled at Hall’s false statements reported in the Tribune that promote Lewis’s attempt to get a settlement.

Audio recordings of radio shows and a taped discussion at a coffee shop dispute Lewis’s claim for money from the City of Paso Robles. I believe it is important to require Lewis, whose claim has been denied on recommendation of the city’s insurance company, to file a suit so that the truth is revealed.

How can councilmembers Steve Gregory and Sharon Roden be unbiased while they are allegedly raising tens of thousand of dollars to remain in office while Lewis repeatedly makes unfounded claims against their opponents?

The Tribune also reports CalCoastnews lost a $1.1 million dollar judgement regarding a lawsuit filed by an associate of former San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill. What the Tribune left out, was that I sued the plaintiff for fraud on the court based on perjury during trial. We settled, I do not owe a judgement and I dropped my fraud on the court case.


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To be fair; it is unequivocally clear imo that there is an obvious negative bias against pot on this site… There’s an example in this article… “marijuana seller”. If it was beets would you have mentioned it? No.

Is it a negative bias or a result what’s happening in our cities and county since the legalization. Corruption, bribery, federal investigations, resignations and even a suspicious death.

The best explanation of negative bias I have is “the tendency to focus and let negative events leave a much larger impression than positive events”. That being said what are the positive events?

Now I’m not saying pot is to blame but the pot culture is. Many people who where seeking to enter into the legal sale of products came from the underworld of illegal markets and brought their way of doing business with them, old habits are hard to brake, and unfortunately many politicians are easy to bribe.

Yeah, screw the cancer(etc) patients and the elderly that benefit from pain management and appetite stimulation. Forget anyone with anxiety. Depression is for losers! I prefer to spend my tax dollars prosecuting stoners who’ve committed the crime of getting stoned. MORALS MORALS MORALS!!

GIVE ME A BREAK! So holier than thou… Put the prescription bottle down and get down from the soap box.

My my how anxious you are, take a deep breath. I knew you would bring up the appetite benefits in chemo patients, the only legitimate use that should be made available at a pharmacy. But I thought we were talking about the negative bias of pot and I explained why it exists and no I don’t have any prescriptions or soap boxes.