SLO Tribune dusts off its misinformation machine again

October 23, 2024


While we do not generally publish our own editorials and leave the commentary to our readers, the latest false hit piece in the Tribune prompted this response.

In an attempt to get a more than $2 million payout after he voluntary left his city manager position amid a $43 million deficit in the draft budget, the Tribune reports that Ty Lewis claims Councilman Chris Bausch and I hosted multiple meetings where we discussed fabricating information to harm Lewis. He then claims the three people planning to run for office against the incumbents were part of that alleged conspiracy.

First, Bausch and I held no meetings. A Tribune reporter asked City Council Candidate Linda George how many times she met with me at meetings. George reportedly told the Tribune none, and that we had met only once when she was a guest on the radio with me. The Tribune failed to include that information in its story.

The Tribune also failed to clarify what false information they alleged that I said or wrote about Lewis. My articles and recorded radio interviews are evidence these Tribune reported allegations are false.

As for the marijuana seller and former restaurant owner Ernest Hall now alleging I confirmed Lewis’s allegations, and saying I told him I was making up stories about Lewis, this too is false, ridiculous and unsubstantiated hearsay.

Hall asked to go on the radio to discuss issues he was having with the city regarding permitting a pot shop. He repeatedly disparaged Lewis, not only to me, but to multiple people in the community. Hall reported his business doubled at the time he was advertising with CalCoastNews and on the radio shows.

However, Hall later reported he had a serious health issue and told me he was closing the restaurant and planned to focus on getting a pot shop permit. Even though Hall had failed to pay his bill for months, I told him I would forgive the debt in light of his health issues. I am appalled at Hall’s false statements reported in the Tribune that promote Lewis’s attempt to get a settlement.

Audio recordings of radio shows and a taped discussion at a coffee shop dispute Lewis’s claim for money from the City of Paso Robles. I believe it is important to require Lewis, whose claim has been denied on recommendation of the city’s insurance company, to file a suit so that the truth is revealed.

How can councilmembers Steve Gregory and Sharon Roden be unbiased while they are allegedly raising tens of thousand of dollars to remain in office while Lewis repeatedly makes unfounded claims against their opponents?

The Tribune also reports CalCoastnews lost a $1.1 million dollar judgement regarding a lawsuit filed by an associate of former San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill. What the Tribune left out, was that I sued the plaintiff for fraud on the court based on perjury during trial. We settled, I do not owe a judgement and I dropped my fraud on the court case.


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It is obvious to me Ty Lewis wants more then his CalPERS retirement. This is a scam. and the city needs to fight him and his lawsuit to stop others who think Paso Robles is an easy take. Fight him, please!

Greed and deceit go hand in hand. He deserves nothing.

The sooner the yellow-rag known as the Fibune goes belly up and closes its doors, the better.

The only thing keeping it afloat is CCN mention of its satirical articles causing interest in the misinformation.

There’s a saying: There’s a lot of common ground between criminals and cops. Both savor power, thrills, control. The good cops know they’re only a step or two away from the crooks they’re arresting. — Nanci Rathbun

What makes no sense in this story is that a man who served for only three years as police chief, is elevated to the position of city manager. And that his claims should be taken as gospel, and go unchecked and unchallenged.

And that a career pot “entrepreneur” would be looking after the best interests of a police chief.

In what world?

There’s more to this story!


The only thing “professional’ about the SLO Tribune is its Professional Lying. The web of fraud and deceit woven by the SLO Tribune has been spun into a thick rope.

Lewis was probably distraught over the many comments we all made. But they are just comments. opinions. Who knows what the real truth is? but we do tend to believe CCN, as they have proven to actually investigate and seek truth. The Fibune, is know for well, we all know, being the “Fibune”.So, I don’t even bother.

Note to self. Take every opinion, recommendation and hit piece in the Tribune…. and use it while sitting in the smallest room in your home.

I would like a show of hands from people who believe anything the Tribune prints…. Thought so.

I read the article and found it believable. There are a lot of details on how coordination took place not just to try and remove Lewis, but to spread exaggerations, and lies about his character, the latter of which is very inappropriate.

And I’ll point out that just because your comment will inevitably have more up-votes than mine doesn’t mean much besides a sample from a very unrepresentative source.

I wish CCN allowed commenters to “call names” because it sure seems as though there are some “uninformed idiots” posting like this one. Oh, well. Rules are rules.

. Multiply this by thousands. Next silly question?

I always appreciate the facts and truth and Karen and CCN come through again. There is a reason The Tribune is floundering.

Even as it wilts into irrelevancy, the Tribune spews nonsense. I told the Paso paper this morning that contrary to the Tribune’s assertion, Karen does not “make up stuff.”

She does not talk to others about “making up stuff.” Karen is one of the most principled and professional reporters I’ve encountered in my six decades as an ink-stained wretch. Since CalCoastNews’ launch in 2008, the Tribune has maintained its line of BS in an effort to shade its inferior performance.

The Tribune is truly a giant embarrassment to journalism. Just sayin…

Principled reporters don’t associate with & hang around meth dealers like Glenn

Slander much? Reporters talk to a variety of shady characters during their careers… kinda like you. It’s an occupational occurance.

Wouldn’t the statement have to be false to qualify as slander? Not that you guys would know or care.

Sloslumber then why is it ok for the Tribune to associate with Glenn and not another news source like CCC?

I copy and pasted part of Glenn’s comment frpm earlier this monthfrom an article about Ty Lewis’s lawsuit in case you missed it.

“the end I won, but it was too late to get my son returned. I sued for the rights to cams and police reports. Judge Duffy sided with us after the city attorney was caught lying to the judge. He gave me the rape report on McGuire. I gave it to the Tribune and he was outed as the scumbag he was all the while McGuire’s misconduct report was being covered up.”