Why is Paso Robles Councilman Gregory’s car registered in Idaho?

October 23, 2024

Paso Robles City Councilman Steve Gregory’s car


Even though Paso Robles City Councilman Steve Gregory and his wife are long-time city residents, they have been driving newer Toyota SUVs with Idaho license plates since at least the first of the year. California law requires cars brought into the state to be re-registered within 20 days of arrival.

By purchasing and registering his vehicles in Idaho, Gregory paid only 6% sales tax instead of the 8.75% sales tax required in Paso Robles. The primary funding source for the City of Paso Robles is sales tax, accounting for 34% of general fund revenue.

When a California resident purchases a car out of state, they are required to pay sales or use tax when they re-register the vehicle in California.

In addition to lower sales tax rates, Idaho also has some of the lowest registration fees in the United States, according to the Idaho Department of Transportation. California also has special emissions requirements.

Gregory told CalCoastNews he bought the cars in February after selling his previous vehicle to his son who lives in Idaho. Gregory bought a duplex in Idaho, and while he rents out half of the property, the other half  provides him a permanent residence, he said.

“As long as I have a permanent residence, I can register my car in Idaho,” Gregory said.

However, a supervisor with the Idaho Department of Transportation said in order to register a vehicle in Idaho under the residency requirement, the owner must reside in Idaho more than 50% of the time.

Gregory, who is currently running for Paso Robles City Council District 3, said he resides primarily in California.


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The man is doing a workaround on CA vehicle code to save fees. The question is will he allow a Paso resident doing a workaround on a local code to also save money? Rules for thee, but not for me will bite him in the caboose.

God forbid he not be happy with a firm grip on each of his ankles like the rest of us.

His website says “Steve is one of us, and shares our hometown values”…

So, is he one of us, or is he 1/2 us and 1/2 Idaho?

Well…he obviously has some issues with his integrity and ethics. But, that’s fine, he’s a democrat, so it doesn’t really matter that he doesn’t follow the same rules as everyone else. He will spin this some way and his base won’t care and he will get elected and just keep on doing whatever he wants.

People often buy vehicles out of state and pay the sales tax there, and then when you register it in California you get credit for the sales tax you paid against the sales (use) tax you owe when you bring the vehicle here. 4.015 Credit for Tax Paid to Another State – California DMV. If he claims residency here, which he must since he is in public office, then he is required to register the vehicle here within 20 days. Just having a 2nd residence doesn’t allow him to keep it registered in Idaho.

He’s one of those; “do as I say not as I do” people.

Those who make the laws shouldn’t break the law.