Offshore wind energy is an economic and cultural wrecking ball

December 19, 2024


This is in response to those downplaying the impacts from the offshore wind industrial complex planned off our Morro Bay coast. Various folks have stated they won’t use our ports, the view shed won’t be impacted, and there are minimal impacts on the ocean.  They have also stated natural gas produces more emissions than offshore wind.

While it is true the beautiful tourist ports of Morro Bay and Avila Beach will not likely be used at first for large industrial offshore wind facilities, it is highly likely, that in the long term it will be necessary.

The current plan to tow, maintain, and repair 200 to 300 approximately 1000-foot-high wind turbines from a facility 250 miles away is not practical.I t is dangerous to not have a “safe harbor” for mooring the 300 plus foot service and operation vessels (SOV) and massive wind turbine platforms (the size of a baseball field) that is close.

Weather will become a factor! Guaranteed. There are already companies looking into putting in a “clean energy terminal” at Port San Luis. We have been told a 3000’ pier would be necessary in Port San Luis to accommodate the SOVs. Unfortunately, the only viable location for a pier that size is at Avilla’s “Dog Beach.”

I disagree with the wind farms not being “visually obtrusive.” The view-shed is very important to Californians and tourist. The Big Sur coastline is famous for its spectacular unobstructed ocean views. We have been told that you will be able to see the wind turbines from 40 miles away on a clear day. More visible, will be the giant substations that convert the AC to DC current. These will be close to shore and there will be three to eight of them lining our coast.

The other thing that will be highly visible is the large service and operation vessels (SOV). Because each wind turbine requires hundreds of gallons of gear oil that must be changed out regularly and other repairs and maintenance, the SOVs will be out there at all times. Also, the SOV positioning thrusters will cause noise pollution up to 190 dB, and will increase large ship traffic, increasing the chances of whale strikes.

Other considerations will be the multiple High Voltage Export Cables coming to shore. The planned landing for these cables is a popular public beach between Cayucos and Morro Bay also called “dog beach.” These cables will be unsafe for the public to be near, so will take away public access to this area.

Some have reported that natural gas produces 40 times more greenhouse gas emissions than offshore wind. I find  that hard to swallow. I presume life cycle analysis was done by computer-modeling. I find that junk in results in junk out on computers.

There are multiple reasons why offshore wind energy is not “green” and is a much worse alternative than natural gas. Offshore wind will require a large carbon footprint for construction and maintenance, produce tons of unrecylable waste, leak heavy gear oil, and leak electromagnetic fields from the cables that frequently fail. EMFs have been proven to cause deformities in invertebrates and alter behavior for sensitive species.

Offshore wind turbines and cables can leak sulfur hexafluoride which is 23,500 times greater global warming potential than CO2. It will block northwest winds reducing upwellings and warming surface waters. Offshore wind will require thousands of miles of Sea Space (4500 for 35 GW according to the CEC) devastating the commercial fishing industry and have devastating impacts on sea birds and marine life that natural gas can never claim.

Natural gas burns clean, is abundant, and provides high inertia reliable power. Most people I know, like using gas to cook, dry their cloths, and heat their homes. I don’t understand why it is being “demonized.”

The problem with wind energy is that it provides low inertia unreliable energy for many reasons. Offshore wind energy is estimated to be 40% or less efficient.

Much of the time they will not working for several reasons: The wind does not always blow; sometimes for long periods. They often break or need maintenance, especially floating technology that is very immature and never developed on a large scale. The “floating” offshore platforms pitch: if they tilt more than 7 degrees in large swells they must be turned off. If the wind blows greater than 30 knots, they must be turned off.

The Morro Bay wind farm is close to military flight patterns and missile defense systems, so the Department of Defense is requiring shutdowns for at least 600 hours a year for training maneuvers. Because of all this time the wind turbines are not producing power, we will rely on other forms of reliable power like nuclear and natural gas to keep the lights on. Offshore wind will provide a very small percentage of power to the grid. Net zero is an expensive fantasy.

If we look at the cost of energy in countries that are highly invested in offshore wind energy, their energy costs have gone up exponentially. Since the United Kingdom began investing billions into offshore wind, the cost of electricity has quintupled. The United Kingdom has the second highest cost of electricity in the world! This is causing many to enter “energy poverty.” It is too expensive for low- and middle-income people to afford electricity causing people to limit their use to a few hours per day. It has also discouraged many from doing business in their country and inflating costs across the board -wreaking havoc on their economy.

Offshore wind is a losing proposition on multiple levels. Why do we want to follow Europe over that cliff? Why waste money on offshore wind energy development when it could be spent on more environmentally friendly and economically practical clean energy options for Californians?


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Unfortunately, the real “economic and cultural wrecking ball” is climate change, which, according to a study from 2023 published by George Washington University, costs the U.S. $150 billion a year, and those costs are most certainly climbing with recent “one in every 100 year” hurricanes and wildfires that continue to ravage America. Not to mention a TORNADO touching down in Scotts Valley, CALIFORNIA. Not normal in the slightest.,and%20damages%20to%20ecosystem%20services.

Wind power is an excellent way to mitigate climate change and avoid spending trillions on weather related catastrophes. Offshore wind has been proven in many parts of Europe. See the link:,over%201.4%20million%20households%20annually.

But, of course, in the age of Trump we no longer believe in science and technology, even to the point of questioning the polio vaccine. I fear for my future Americans.

489 recorded tornadoes in California since 1951.

Wind farms do not operate during tornadoes…

Sheri, you and your Husband really disappoint Katie.

Wow. Because they have their own opinion?

Yeah, and I show disappointment in my elders total lack for what is now my ruined home. A son shouldn’t have to lecture his father or grandfather about ethics, science, or theology from a place of humble.


Facts are facts. We expect our children to be smarter than us. Here’s a cheers to that! Tacky, yeah the truth is sticky.

Have no idea who or what you are talking about?

Who’s named after the Boat Shafer? That person expects more of you both as stewards of our community. Not yours, Ours. Kathryn.

Refute her facts, not her position. My “opinion” is that the commercial fisherman have heavily researched this situation, since it impacts them the most.

Why should only the pro-ocean killing windmills side have any say?

Woosh, right over your head…

There are NO commercial fisherman in Morro Bay, Just Rich kids playing Fisherman. Are you Serious?

While we no longer have a fleet (thanks to environmentalists), there are still a few boats that make a living fishing. Boats from many harbors, up and down the coast, fish off our coast, along with dozens of chartered boats for the public.

Also, what do you have against rich kids having fun?

You have ABSOLUTELY no IDEA about the commercial fishermen of Morro Bay. We’re here and we are sure as hell NOT rich kids playing fishermen. Those of us who are hard core and have been in this business for generations are fighting like hell to save our ocean and our heritage for the future generations. Look to the East Coast. Look at the problems that are happening there. When you have spent as many hours, months and now years on offshore wind meetings as the Hafer’s, then you may speak. Might I mention that all their time is unpaid? Commercial Fishermen 99% of the time are the only unpaid group at the table. In our emails for next week there are already four meeting and crab season is slated to start Jan. 2. Kevin, I don’t know who you are, but I’m finding you to be very tiresome. Come to our meetings and show your face if you’re so concerned about the offshore wind.

I disclosed my name and you were able to Google it and see my affiliations. It is an opinion article. People don’t typically list their resume when writing opinions. Full disclosure – I have been married to a commercial fishermen for 48 years and have been very involved with the fishing community in Morro Bay. I am a director of the Central Coast Women for Fisheries and with REACT Alliance. I am also a Registered Physical Therapist. We have been dealing with the coming of offshore wind off Morro Bay since 2015. We have attended thousands of meetings on the subject, read hundreds of articles, spoken at many venues on our concerns for the last 9 years.

No one suggested “ list their resume” words used 0.

It is deceptive as you are not a random person, disclosure used to be a thing.

She’s a rich shrimp farmer and transplant; fact.

wrong. My husband had a permit to fish for spot prawns. I worked 35 years as a physical therapist. We are working class folks worried about OSW coming to California. Who are you Kevin Rise?? so high and mighty???

Damn it Sheri you rich Shrimp Farmer you, can you loan the rich crabbers some money? :)

Oh Dear GOD!!

No it’s not deceptive. I don’t list all my connects or boards that I’m on when I write articles or other pieces. An opinion piece is an opinion piece.

Unlike the very few who seem to want to destroy all that the Central Coast is, the rest of us support you, your husband, and your affiliates.

oops it is 38 years married.

With all respect truthinscience, your fire analogy is a little short as nobody probably forced others to pay for “ fire “ or endure its presence. It was voluntary not compulsive. And it provided warmth and proved it’s worth immediately. The wind farm game dosen’t do any of that.

Besides unmeasured local impact , these projects don’t look like they are a smart return on a massive investment. That’s why the fix is in with the lobbyists who have been hired and worked day and night to sell this plan to California politicians .

The investors and the State want us on the hook- like it or not – to pay for this and be the financial backstop. Just like the “green “ bullet train project to nowhere.

The State, through Caltrans is currently building a roundabout at 101 and Avila Drive to facilitate bringing in windmill components via longbed truck.

No mention of that on the Caltrans press release , but that is undeniably the purpose of spending 15 million on it while the rest of 101 is a shambles of unaddressed maintenance.

In the last 3 years utility rates have increased here about 50% and in the last 10, 110%.

Those rates will possibly start to double and triple as the windmill build begins.

I can afford that but many young families and seniors and low income earners cannot.

Again, it would be something if we got a return on investment, but it sadly doesn’t pencil out.

If we were serious about energy, we would invest in liquid natural gas with scrubbers. That would be a return on investment.

If we’re serious about “Climate Crisis” we would work to get the developing world off coal , coal oil and wood as an energy source.

Windmills are a vanity project designed to make some people “feel good” and others very wealthy.

The round-a-bout is being built to accommodate traffic. That intersection is notorious for being “odd”, with too many lanes coming together somewhat haphazardly.

The vanes would be shipped by barge from a facility with a much easier access route. Avila and San Luis Bay Dr is way too curvy, tree lined, and covered with power lines, to get a turbine blade through. Not to mention the bridge over the lagoon. Avila, San Luis Bay, and Port road would have to be widened considerably, to handle the heavy trucks and machinery required for the maintenance pier.

Remember the all day hustle to get the Yacht Club over that bridge!

Messkit – Thanks for bringing these other elements and obstacles into the light. I hadn’t considered them. Granted the vanes couldn’t be moved on he highway, but I remember seeing a lot of trucks with long structural windmill elements on the road when they were building the Lompoc and Tehachapi wind farms.

….I’m probably getting too suspicious in my old age!

Industrial offshore wind facilities are nothing more than a really bad idea made up by really stu… (not smart) people.

No question wind energy, especially offshore wind energy is the absolute worst way of producing electricity. It makes no sense from a physics standpoint and an economic standpoint.

The only reason companies are wanting to engage in this travesty is because of the government subsidies. People who think this is wise are either stupid or have something to gain. This applies to our elected “officials” as well.

Anyone that believes we have to eliminate the use of fossil fuel because of climate change regardless of the costs is also an idiot or have something to gain.

So what do you suggest, Oil? Lol

Hummm – Same kind of views were voiced thousands of years ago when someone said fire would be very dangerous for humans. Thinking has not changed!

“Various folks have stated”

 “it is highly likely,” “I disagree with the wind farms not being “visually obtrusive.””

“Natural gas burns clean” it “BURNS” We’re trying to get away from that.

“We have been told that you will be able to see the wind turbines from 40 miles away on a clear day” So? People probably scoffed at Hearst Castle and now it’s a Landmark. (We get used to things)

Much of the time they will not working for several reasons: (Some of the time they will)

We’re not following Europe off a cliff. We’re preparing for the future of civilization.

When Automobiles began being common, the horse industry started a propaganda system downplaying the practicality of Internal combustion engines.

Maybe we should all just move away and give the land back to the native Indians.

BTW, It is VERY RARE to not have wind on the central coast.

Here are some floating offshore wind projects:

  • Hywind Scotland: Commissioned in 2017, this project is located in the United Kingdom. 

  • WindFloat Atlantic: Commissioned in 2020, this project is located in Portugal. 

  • Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm: Commissioned in 2021, this project is located in the United Kingdom. 

  • Hywind Tampen: Commissioned between 2022 and 2023, this project is located in Norway. 

  • September Winds: This project is being developed by BlueFloat Energy in Taiwan. 

  • Hunter Coast and Wollongong: This project is being developed by BlueFloat Energy in Australia. 

  • Skipjack Wind: This project is being developed by Orsted in the United States. It will be located 20 miles off the coast of the Delmarva peninsula. 

  • Vineyard Wind: This project is under construction in Massachusetts and is projected to be completed in 2024. 

  • Revolution Wind: This project is under construction in Rhode Island and is projected to be completed in 2025. 

  • Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind: This project is under construction in Virginia and is projected to be completed in 2026. 

It is amazing to me how the same people that want to protect the environment are the ones justifying pollution of the ocean with giant machines and high voltage cables. I hear things like people didn’t want cars either, or saying the view shed of wind turbines, substations, and SOVs is no big deal and many other justifications that remind me of the story of the king with no cloths. People think it is such a great idea and it is worth the collateral damage, but it is not. Your information is incorrect regarding Floating offshore wind farms. The last 4 are Fixed foundation wind turbines, not floating. The current floating wind turbines are: Scotland has 5 6MW and 5 9.5MW , Portugal has 3 8.4 MW, China has 3 4 MW, Norway has 11 8.6MW and France has 3 8.4. Equinor pulled out of projects in Taiwan, Spain, and Portugal. Note none of them are over 9.5 MW and none of the projects have more than 11 turbines. Nothing compared to the proposed Morro Bay Wind Energy Area plans for 300 15 – 20 MW turbines. We will be guinea pigs for an expensive “fantasy project”.

Wow, truly an “opinion piece”. Emf causing mutation, BS. Absolute BS. Then throw away every piece of electronics, your cell towers, your electricity, your world. This is a crock of an opinion piece. As looney as people burning down cell towers spouting absolute BS

Natural gas is Bad, it IS carcinogenic, it does keep heat in earths atmosphere. And let’s not start about oil and oil products killing millions annually as well as natural gas.

Why aren’t people worried about REAL issues like SLO counties entire water table being ruined by Waste Management and it’s soon to be cancerous fallout?

Wind towers out of all the crap people complain about Wow.

Climate hysteria = endless grift

Here is the study showing lobster eggs near underwater high volt cables developed with deformities of their eyes and tails making them bad swimmers.