Teens throw rocks off bridge in San Luis Obispo, break windshield

December 27, 2024


A group of four teens threw large rocks from a railroad bridge at cars driving on Tank Farm Road in San Luis Obispo on Dec. 20, breaking one windshield and then laughing at their victim.

At 6:15 p.m., Thomas Dugger was driving his Tesla on Tank Farm Road when a boulder from above hit his windshield, spraying glass shards on his clothes and car interior. While the rock made a bowl type indention in his front window, the boulder did not hit Dugger.

Four teens were standing on the bridge laughing at Dugger while he called 9-1-1. As the teens ran away heading west on Morning Glory Way, Dugger asked if he could run them down. The operator said no.

Officers arrived and took a report, but when Dugger asked if they were going to canvas the neighborhood to see if the teens were captured on surveillance videos, the officer said Dugger could canvas, he said.

Dugger is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who gives information that leads to an arrest. He is asking people residing on Morning Glory Way to check their security footage from 6:15 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. on Dec. 20. Witnesses can contact Dugger through his email at thomasdugger1@gmail.com.

Earlier this year, two teenagers pleaded guilty to participating in a rock throwing spree in which a 20-year-old woman lost her life, three people were injured, and seven vehicles damaged in Colorado.

“A few inches and I would be dead,” Dugger said. “Police have done nothing, and the public must be informed of this.”


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Hmm. “Canvas the neighborhood.” Wonder how many of us [non LE personnel] know what that means or entails or whose duty it is and when it should take place in the investigation and where on the priority list such a canvassing or investigation should fall in with other canvassings or investigations or life-threatening emergencies at the moment. Mr. Dugger is alive. Retribution and justice doesn’t have to happen on Day 1 does it? Oh wait, I forgot what country we live in.

The official police report says “throwing rocks”!

I’ve spoken to other people who had to fight tooth and nail to get the police report changed so they could get help with the insurance.

Don’t get me started on the years of games they have played with me, a responsible property owner, needing help and always getting ignored.

Senior citizens these days…

Not surprised at all by SLO Police Department not wanting to do anything other that take a report.

No canvassing the area, no following up eith people in the are with a description of the kids, no investigating of the crime that was committed…absolutely unacceptable.

The police/law enforcement need to do their job, not tell a citizen to go look for the perpetrator, WE ARE PAYING THEM TO DO THEIR JOB AND THE POLICE NEED TO STOP CHOSING WHEN AND WHERE THE WANT TO!!!

How generous is the pension of SLO city cops? Seems I remember voters and council granted a very very generous Cal PERS pension in the hopes to “attract and retain” an excellent police force. Well, seems as though the tax payer isn’t getting their moneys worth and cops lied.

6:15 pm, poor visibility. How could he see that the perps were teens? Not much to work with.

….Other than commonsense.

I had the same thing happen. Driving south on the 101 a week ago, crossed under overpass at Stowell Rd., in Santa Maria. Rock thrown and hit passenger side of window. Shattered window, glass on dash and inside my car. I did not stop or call 911`, of which I should have. There was not another car in sight and when I looked in my rear-view mirror back at the bridge, did not see anyone. I am sure they ducked down. Happened on a Tuesday around 11:00am.