Addis’ battery storage legislation would halt Morro Bay project
January 24, 2025
In the aftermath of a raging fire at a battery storage facility in Moss Landing, Assemblywoman Dawn Addis introduced legislation that if passed will likely halt plans for a facility in Morro Bay.
Along with Monterey County Supervisor Glenn Church, Addis introduced the Battery Energy Safety and Accountability Act, dubbed AB 303. The bill focuses on requiring future battery storage facility to be located at least 3,200 feet from sensitive places like homes, schools and medical facilities.
If passed, Assembly Bill 303 will also return battery storage facility approvals back to local communities.
On Jan. 16, the fire broke out at the 300-megawatt battery storage facility in Moss Landing owned by Vistra. It took days to get the fire extinguished.
Vistra plans to construct and operate a 600-megawatt battery storage facility in Morro Bay, twice the megawatts of the Moss landing facility. Even before the Moss landing fire, mutiple residents had voiced concerns the facility would endanger the public while negatively impacting tourism and the fishing industry.
If AB 303 passes, it would likely stop the proposed Morro Bay project.
“Our true goal is to guarantee safety for the community and make sure that we are moving forward effectively and collaboratively with local residents, businesses and all who surround Moss Landing to know they will be safe,” Addis said.
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