Adopt a pet from LA in San Luis Obispo

January 18, 2025


In response to the tragic fires that swept through Los Angeles, Woods Humane Society in San Luis Obispo is hosting pets from LA for adoption.

As of this Tuesday, Woods has completed two transports of adoptable pets from LA to San Luis Obispo to make room in those shelters for animals displaced by the fires. In total, Woods brought in 32 dogs and cats, many of which are now available for adoption at the Woods SLO location.

The LA shelters moved the adoptable pets to make room in their shelters for their emergency response for owned pets.

One of the best things locals can do is to help LA’s adoptable animals find loving homes, according to Woods.

Currently, the following animals from LA shelters are available for adoption in SLO: dogs Bear, Bento, Chase, Fenway, Gus Gus, Hansel, Layla, Lola (pictured), Scotty, Troy, and Xavier, and cats Arthur (pictured), Eric, Jill, Karl, Larry, Lucy, Octave, Sanderson, and Tootie.


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